Islam breaks the Ten Commandments
These are strictly what's on my mind, you don't have to agree with them. But I think I have solved this.
First - "I am the LORD your God." — Ex. 20:2a
“Thou shalt have no other gods before me.” — Ex. 20:3
"You shall worship the LORD your God, and Him only you shall serve" (Luke 4:

Second - "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD YHWH thy YHWH am a jealous YHWH — Ex 20:-4-5
Here's my problem:
Muslims bow down towards the Kabaa, (the kiblah), the direction, but in that direction you have sitting a black stone. In my opinion that's committing idolatry and breaking the Second commandment and therefore breaking the First commandment.
What do you need the black stone for? And why do you need it? And why do you need it there? Move it somewher else! Is that too much to ask? Is that such a hard thing to do?
The black stone is an image, and the last time I checked an image was an idol! So it's idol worship! Move the black stone somewhere else and then I will worship God facing towards the Kabaa, simple.
Third - "Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD YHWH thy YHWH in vain; for the LORD YHWH will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain"
Heres' my problem:
Do you remember what Jesus said in Matthew 6:7? "But when ye pray, use not vain repetitions, as the heathen do: for they think that they shall be heard for their much speaking."
Millions of Muslims, around the world, pray to God using repetitions similar to as the heathen do! It's no mystery that the first and early converts to Islam were the Pagans! Because using repetitions in prayer and the name Al-l-h appeased the Pagans! So, isn't it possible that Muslims might use vain repetitions, as the heathen do?
Fourth - "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" — Ex. 20:8 [Sabbath] (Saturday)
Muslim's don't even know what day the Sabbath is, so let's not even bother with this one.
Fifth - Honor thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD YHWH thy YHWH giveth thee.
It depends. If the father and mother disobey All-h, then you can't obey or honor your father or mother. So it's kind of a selective thing.
Sixth - (murder)
George Carlin said it best. But I will like to add to this. Muslims are allowed to kill those who leave Islam or leave the faith and are allowed to kill people in war.
Seventh - Thou shalt not commit adultery
Here's my problem:
Jesus said - "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart." —Matthew 5:28 - so keep that in mind.
Muhammad lusted on the wife of his adopted son so therefore he committed adultery!!
You will see many, many so called Muslim women, ladies, girls, wearing a scarf, to prevent men gazing at them, but clearly show their butt and body by wearing tight tops and tight pants and revealing their figure and therefore attracting the eyes of men to gaze upon and lust and commit adultery!
Another thing about adultery.
In Islam, there's a thing called, MUTA, m-u-t-a, means temporary marriage. That's right. Do you know what I call it? Legalized prostitution!
What it is, the man pays a fix sum of money or offers to her, and the woman gives up her body to the man and they have sex for a hour, or two hours, depends on the agreement. But altogether, it's temporary. Got that?
The woman takes the money from the man, and the man gets to have sex with her. This marriage can last up to an hour.. an HOUR!!!!! or depends on the ageement, it could be a week etc.
But my problem is, this isn't marriage. Marriage isn't about sex. It's about relationship, love and trust! So now do you know why I call it Legalized prostitution? And this in my mind is legalized adultery!!!!
But you ever stop to think. What it happens after the agreement, the hour is over? The temporary marriage ends. It's called divorce! Let me tell you something.
God hates divorce!
It's really as simple as that. If you love someone, then you'll put up with them just as God puts up with us!
So why would you intentionally, marry a woman, for an hour or week, just to have sex with her, and divorce her, when you know that you angered God? What are you stupid?!
Also, this temporary marriage (MUTA), can take place many times as the man wants. The man can marry a woman, have sex, divorce her, and then... get married with another woman again, and do the same thing over and over.
Eighth - Thou shalt not steal.
Here's my problem:
Muslims are allowed to steal, they can steal food when they have nothing to eat or are starving. And steal the wives of the people they kill in war as booty or gifts from Allah and his messenger might I add.
Speaking of stealing and killing.
This can go with the Tenth commandment. Food are goods, booty are goods, the house is goods, gifts are goods. Would you say? I say, when a Muslim goes to war, or is starving, this Muslim can steal the goods, and covet all he wants about that persons goods and then when he kills that person, he gets to take all the goods as booty or gifts from Allah and his messenger, and steal the persons wife, I might add.
Nineth - Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor.
Muhammad was involved in the slaughter of the innocent Banu Qurayza tribe where up to 900 unarmed men were slaughtered and their women and children enslaved. All because a lie was told to them. These people were promised peace by Muhammad, but when Muhammad got an army, they just beheaded them and burned childrens eyes and buried them in a hole. It may not be the perfect fit for this commandment, but you get the general idea.
Tenth - Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife
Muhammad, gave us a perfect example of coveting someone elses wife. He desired the wife of his adopted son, Zainab. And his adopted son divorced her just so Muhammad can marry her and fulfil his desires.
Thank you for reading, it took me all night to write this up.
Also, you know what I think the new meaning of Islam/Muslim should be?
Submitting your will to God, temporariliy.
(Submitting to God, when I'm not in danger, but when I'm in danger, I'll break God's rules, just so I can save my own a$$)
And I'm an ex-Muslim, I don't think I gave you any false information, if I did, I am truly sorry and I am open to stand corrected. So I'm not shy about telling you Non-Muslims some little honest and truth in Islam.
You see it's not full obedience to God. It's kind of a selective or optional thing. They can break God's rules, if it serves their flesh, desires and purposes. That's all it is, that's all it ever was. Now you know. Thank you for reading.