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 Topic: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents

 (Read 60799 times)
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  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #90 - August 05, 2011, 08:17 PM


    It's disgusting and twisted.

    Give me a break Jesus, you're hardly a disinterested party in this matter.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #91 - August 05, 2011, 08:18 PM


    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #92 - October 03, 2011, 12:44 AM

    I'm just really disturbed by what some Muslims converts are putting their parents through.  On 25th August 2011 Abdur Raheem Green tweeted this message...

    Please make dua'a for my father who is critically ill that Allah (SWT) opens his heart to the light of Islam and if he is to die, let him die in a state of eeman. Ameen

    After that Abdur Raheem Green didn't post anything else about the condition of his father, but today on 1st Oct 2011 he tweeted this message...

    Dear brothers and sisters, May Allah have mercy on you and reward you for all your du'aas which, All Praises due to Allah, have been answered.
    Around 10 Days ago, my father said the testimony of Faith and a few days ago despite him being barely able to talk we spent half an hour repeating over and over the shahaadah.

    Last night at 2220 I received a call from my Mother informing me that my Father Passed away.

    Insha'Allah he died as a person of eemaan.
    Please continue to make dua'a for him and of course that my mother is guided to Islam.

  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #93 - October 03, 2011, 01:07 AM

    Firstly, I offer my condolences.  May his father Rest In Peace.

    I really do not believe that his father said the testimony of faith "10 days ago".  I think Abdur Raheem Green would've announced that quite ecstatically at the time on his twitter and facebook if that were truly the case.

    Also, the thought of his severely ill father who was "barely able to talk" on his deathbed repeating the shahaadah over and over again (forced by his son Abdur no doubt) is just disturbing.  Why not let the poor man die in peace?

  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #94 - October 03, 2011, 01:21 AM

    I'm sure he can easily explain his warped way of thinking by saying...

    "First and foremost... blah blah blah... what you need to understand... blah blah blah... the Quran is the only book which is viewed in an inter and intra-textual sense... which basically means that the Quran is the only book which gives us the tools to interpret it... blah blah blah... so the general Islamic theological viewpoint is that... blah blah blah... *lump in throat*...

    ^ Does he just say all that crap at the beginning of his replies to give him time to gather his thoughts?  He is a master at pseudo intellectually waffling.

    you forgot that he formulated those using CONCEPTUAL ANALYSIS
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #95 - October 03, 2011, 01:36 AM
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #96 - October 03, 2011, 06:31 AM

    Both ideas are awful. The idea he would lie, and the idea he would hassle a dying man.

    I thought the Quran says that Allah doesn't accept death bed conversions?

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #97 - October 03, 2011, 12:17 PM

    Abdur Raheem Green's words are very insightful and deeply depraved. I don't use that word lightly - religion is most disturbing when it sunders the most basic bond and transcendent, pure relationship of unconditional love that exists between immediate family - but Islam does this in converts.

    And I find that to be very dark indeed, and degenerate.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #98 - October 03, 2011, 01:21 PM

    I just found out about all I need to know about Green and Tzortzis in this thread. Pieces of shit.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #99 - October 03, 2011, 01:33 PM

    Yup. Dishonest, duplicitous slimeballs.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #100 - October 03, 2011, 01:37 PM

    The dishonesty doesn't bother me so much-- I pretty much presume most preachers are dishonest on some level-- it's how they treat their own parents who they claim to love and use them as propaganda. Presuming that their parents are decent human beings, anyone who would do that is scum in my book; the religious aspect neither worsens nor mitigates it, merely highlights how insidious such religious ideology can be.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #101 - October 03, 2011, 01:42 PM

    They don't really have much of an option.  They are trying to earn a living by convincing Muslims that they can convert people to Islam.  How much credibility can you claim if you are unable to even convince your own parents who know you inside out?

    I wonder if Hamza went through a similar death bed scenario with his father in the near future (which I hope he doesn't) if soon after his death we'd hear how he converted just in time too?

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #102 - October 03, 2011, 01:56 PM

    I just found out about all I need to know about Green and Tzortzis in this thread. Pieces of shit.

    Colonel Q-Daffi   stop putting burka on your brain  you are worse than this fellow in burkha...   think.. think the way Abdur Raheem Green thinks.

    you will go to jannah and have sex with wide eyed houries other wise you will raping raccoons in hell

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #103 - October 03, 2011, 01:58 PM

    you will go to jannah and have sex with wide eyed houries other wise you will raping raccoons in hell

    What if I preferred Asian houris, my dear yeezee?
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #104 - October 03, 2011, 02:00 PM

    They don't really have much of an option. 

    Of course they do.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #105 - October 03, 2011, 02:05 PM

    Of course they do.

    Him: Give me money
    Me: What for?
    Him: To convince people Islam is true
    Me: Is your dad a Muslim?
    Him: No
    Me: Why not?
    Him: I wasn't able to convince him
    Me: You couldn't even convert the man who trusts you the most in the whole world?

    I think it looks bad.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #106 - October 03, 2011, 02:24 PM

    Okay but Hamza openly admits he hasn't yet converted his parents, but plays them for sympathy/propaganda purposes, and Green obviously managed to develop a high profile prior to his dad's supposed deathbed conversion.

    Point is they don't need to treat their parents like shit.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #107 - October 03, 2011, 02:26 PM

    What if I preferred Asian houris, my dear yeezee?

    you are bad abood.. why only Asian hoiries?? As long as Golden rule is used in life,  why  deny the favors of your Lord gave it to you and restrict yourself to Asian houris?

    YOU ARE A RACIST...  finmad finmad read  chpater-55

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #108 - October 03, 2011, 02:36 PM

    Point is they don't need to treat their parents like shit.

    I agree, and I don't think they really need to.  But I suspect they feel they have no choice other than to mention the elephant in the room.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #109 - October 03, 2011, 02:38 PM

    Yeah, point taken.

    fuck you
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #110 - October 07, 2011, 11:01 AM

    shit this reminds me of my own feelings...  Cry I remember going completely insane of the thought of my parents going to hell. I spent some months in complete paranoia about this, seriously. I remember being with a group of muslima's at home and we were discussing this and I just freaked out, started crying, felt like I was going insane. I didn't want to go to heaven if I couldn't take them with me! These muslima's only repeated but god loves you so much this is why he has guided you to islam, I thought well what kind of a shit bastard is he for not guiding everybody then and on top of that giving me all this paranoia.

    From that point on it became impossible for me to look at other people without thinking about some of them (or actually, it might be the majority in my kaafir country) going to hell. It was the roughest period I ever experienced in my life! Then I read the following story one day in a magazine and it was the turning point. I didn't want to give in to it at first because well we all know, the fear of hell and all that... but this story was so much more important to me than all that bullshit in the Koran. Maybe some of you have read it before, it is by Paulo Coelho.

    "A man, his horse and his dog were traveling down a road. When they were passing by a gigantic tree, a bolt of lightning struck and they all fell dead on the spot.

    But the man did not realize that he had already left this world, so he went on walking with his two animals; sometimes the dead take time to understand their new condition…

    The journey was very long, uphill, the sun was strong and they were covered in sweat and very thirsty. They were desperately in need of water. At a bend in the road they spotted a magnificent gateway, all in marble, which led to a square paved with blocks of gold and with a fountain in the center that spouted forth crystalline water.

    The traveler went up to the man guarding the gate.

    “Good morning.”

    “Good morning,” answered the man.

    “What is this beautiful place?”

    “This is heaven.”

    “How good to have reached heaven, we’re ever so thirsty.”

    “You can come in and drink all you want.”

    And the guard pointed to the fountain.

    “My horse and my dog are thirsty too.”

    “So sorry, but animals aren’t allowed in here.”

    The man was very disappointed because his thirst was great, but he could not drink alone; he thanked the man and went on his way. After traveling a lot, they arrived exhausted at a farm whose entrance was marked with an old doorway that opened onto a tree-lined dirt road.

    A man was lying down in the shadow of one of the trees, his head covered with a hat, perhaps asleep.

    “Good morning,” said the traveler.

    The man nodded his head.

    “We are very thirsty – me, my horse and my dog.”

    “There is a spring over in those stones,” said the man, pointing to the spot. “Drink as much as you like.”

    The man, the horse and the dog went to the spring and quenched their thirst. Then the traveler went back to thank the man.

    “By the way, what’s this place called?”


    “Heaven? But the guard at the marble gate back there said that was heaven!”

    “That’s not heaven, that’s hell.”

    The traveler was puzzled.

    “You’ve got to stop this! All this false information must cause enormous confusion!”

    The man smiled:

    “Not at all. As a matter of fact they do us a great favor. Because over there stay all those who are even capable of abandoning their best friends…” "

     It was the start of my apostasy in retrospect because once I went through this I fully realised the truth of islam. Slowly, when I was praying, I found it harder and harder to kneel... simply I couldn't do it anymore. I feel sorry for Hamza and all the others, even my ex-husband who has to live the rest of his life with the thought that he can't be with the woman he sincerely loved and that she will go to hell forever.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #111 - October 07, 2011, 11:15 AM

    Say "Allahu Akbar", slit the throat of the horse and eat it.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #112 - October 07, 2011, 12:54 PM

    How much credibility can you claim if you are unable to even convince your own parents who know you inside out?

    Very true.  It makes these dawagandists look like complete failures if they can't even convince their own parents to accept Islam.

    Everyone at IERA (and most Muslims in general) are usually very quick to shout "Takbeer!" and announce the conversion of any non-Muslim into Islam.  Just yesterday IERA tweeted this...

    Takbeer! A brother has just rung into the iERA UK Head Office and taken his shaadah with us over the phone. Please make dua'a for our new brother Ian that Allah SWT keeps him on the straight.path and as a guide to those around him. Ameen.

    It's obviously a blatant lie that Abdur's father converted "10 days ago".

  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #113 - October 07, 2011, 04:00 PM

    I agree that it stinks of fabrication, and if it is true then the idea of a dying man spending 30 minutes of the end of his life reciting the Shahadah saddens me.

    I don't come here any more due to unfair moderation.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #114 - October 07, 2011, 04:26 PM

    To be so narcissisticly concerned if a dying person is on your right " team" instead of attending to the emotional and physical needs of a dying person who is facing so much... there really isn't words for how disgusting it is.

    So once again I'm left with the classic Irish man's dilemma, do I eat the potato or do I let it ferment so I can drink it later?
    My political philosophy below
    Just kidding, here are some true heros
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #115 - October 07, 2011, 05:17 PM

    To be so narcissisticly concerned if a dying person is on your right " team" instead of attending to the emotional and physical needs of a dying person who is facing so much... there really isn't words for how disgusting it is.

    To be fair, it's likely he really believes that he is saving the person from eternal torment.

    What is sickening is how people like Hamza worship a being who they think will forever torture people so dear to them. It must be out of immense fear for their own well-being, and not respect for Allah. They are just petrified by the prospect of hell.

    Have you heard the good news? There is no God!
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #116 - October 07, 2011, 05:52 PM

    I have met many like this. They are very sincere in their beliefs.

    Little Fly, Thy summer's play
    My thoughtless hand has brushed away.

    I too dance and drink, and sing,
    Till some blind hand shall brush my wing.

    Therefore I am a happy fly,
    If I live or if I die.
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #117 - October 07, 2011, 05:57 PM

    sorry.. no emotionalism will EVER get me to turn my heart back.
    Its been tried on me, and has worked on me in the past.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #118 - October 07, 2011, 07:09 PM

    “Not at all. As a matter of fact they do us a great favor. Because over there stay all those who are even capable of abandoning their best friends…” "

    Thanks for passing on that beautiful parable. The concept of hell was something that bothered me throughout being a muslim, and it fucking terrified me.

    I remember at one point being so delusional that when I woke up one night feeling like shit I was convinced that Allah was taking my soul and I cried (literally) for his forgiveness....

    it turned out to be food poisoning Roll Eyes

  • Re: Hamza Tzortzis on his non-Muslim parents
     Reply #119 - October 07, 2011, 07:12 PM

    Abdur Raheem Green's words are very insightful and deeply depraved. I don't use that word lightly - religion is most disturbing when it sunders the most basic bond and transcendent, pure relationship of unconditional love that exists between immediate family - but Islam does this in converts.

    And I find that to be very dark indeed, and degenerate.

    Do you have a youtube channel where you share your criticisms of Islam Billy?
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