Not a film song ! translation :
O dear father, o beloved, friend,
Listen o my mother,
I am not a burden for anyone,
Nor am I a boat in midstream..
I'll be the oar, I'll fight the waves (against us),
How can money sell me,
O, how could money ever sell me..
Yesterday I was walking holding father's finger,
Tomorrow I'll be his walking cane too..
O mother I am a bird in your nest,
I'll surely come back home with grain ..
A person who refuses to learn and grow
and values money more than me,
Is the kind of partner I can do without..
Listen this is the right time to say no.
I'll walk alone, I'll keep my tryst with fate,
How can money sell me!
When there is no real meeting of hearts,
why waste money on meaningless rituals?
I desire love to be the bond between hearts..
Material greed has no place in such a relationship
Isn't there anything else other than marriage in life?-
A marriage that's a mere formality
Is something that I don't want..
Listen, this is the right time to say no..
I'll blossom like a morning, I'll be filled like a night,
How can money sell me..
How can money ever sell me!