Sorry for not replying to you earlier yasawi.
STOP that romanticism z10., be practical .. too much philosophy in life puts you in to troubles unless you are over 70.
What is being practical? Not reading poetry and appreciating beauty? What's so good about that? What's so good about anything if it doesn't have beauty?
You are right, there are too many of them out, I was not clear there., i was thinking about the guys that were born before 7th century
Well there are a lot of those too. One could mention all the greek philosophers and all the mystics that lived before the 7th century. Right from Pythagoras all the way through to Proclus in the 5th. I believe they all made valuable contributions to philosophy.
why do you say that? Science is in the business of finding the truth on a given subject. Yes you postulate and you work on it and if some one gets -ve results on the basis of experiments then you modify the postulation and redo the experiments.
I hold to an instrumentalist position on science. This is the definition of instrumentalism from wiki (which I agree with):
"In the philosophy of science, instrumentalism is the view that a scientific theory is a useful instrument in understanding the world. A concept or theory should be evaluated by how effectively it explains and predicts phenomena, as opposed to how accurately it describes objective reality.
Instrumentalism avoids the realism / anti-realism debate, and may be better characterised as non-realism. Instrumentalism shifts the basis of evaluation away from whether or not phenomena observed actually exist, and towards an analysis of whether the results and evalution fit with observed phenomena."
Thus, science is not in the business of finding the Truth, but only in finding useful theories that conform to the appearance of observable phenomena.
Thank you for the pdf, I'll take a look. There are a number of metaphysical phenomena that need to be accounted for. My personal interest is of the mind/ body problem or as it now known 'The Hard Problem of consciousness' and I believe this problem is a purely metaphysical issue that can only be solved through philosophical reasoning and creation of concepts rather than through empirical means.