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 Topic: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)

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  • Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     OP - April 14, 2011, 03:11 AM

    Can anyone living in cities like Lahore or Karachi confirm how liberal people really are?
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #1 - April 19, 2011, 01:18 PM

    Karachi always had a very liberal class. That definitely need to be promoted. Veneeza looks a bit less energetic in this video. She could have been more.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
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  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #2 - April 19, 2011, 01:30 PM

    I can confirm Lahore is extremely liberal, it has a massive red light district called Hera Mandhi (Diamond Market) and Pakistan used to be liberal I have pictures of my mom and dad from Rawalpindi they have funky hair and dressed all in western clothes. I can say if you come from a pretty well off and powerful (tribal) family in Pakistan, you pretty much have nothing to fear, I've said this before I used to openly debate Islam in coffee shops in Islamabad and Lahore, I never once had any problem of threat of being beheaded, though most admit I did tend to be around more of the upmarket areas!

    I've been to conservative places like Mangla Dam and Mirpuir those places were slightly backward, and folks staring at my wife as if they've never seen a woman sit on a speed boat before. So apart from the shit places most of the upper echelons of Pakistani society are well educated and pretty liberal.   
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #3 - April 19, 2011, 01:34 PM

    I have more fear here in England, from British Pakistani Muslims then I do from Pakistani Muslims in Pakistan, which is abit ironic.
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #4 - April 19, 2011, 04:23 PM

    King Tut Stop this Propaganda man! Ive lived in Pakistan and I have seen its reality. Lahore and Karachi are just two places, how can you suggest its the most liberal society in the world.

    Pakistan is the probably the only place where a Moderate Sufi assinates a Politician just because he said Qala Qanoon(Black Law) and the killers supporters are fans of justin beiber and co on facebook.

    Pakistan is a epic centre of Islamist terrorists, the difference is, that Pakistanis liberal elite support Islamism upon others but not upon themselves. Plus most of the Islamists are given remote areas by ISI to train and arm, Punjab and Karachi are the only two Places where Pakistan defends,develops, the other parts are just used as waste grounds through the doctrine of Islam.

    Go to Dera Ghazi Khan and speak ill of Islam. I dare you too.

    Plus Hera Mandi? haha, Hera Mandi is where those Nasty Punjabi Mujras dance around to Mullahs.

    Hera Mandi=Pakistans identity crisis.

  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #5 - April 19, 2011, 04:24 PM

    Of course the photos show your family with fuzzy hair and western clothes, you was founded by a Whisky drinking Pork eating Ismaili lol!

  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #6 - April 19, 2011, 05:38 PM

    I can confirm Lahore is extremely liberal, it has a massive red light district called Hera Mandhi (Diamond Market) and Pakistan used to be liberal I have pictures of my mom and dad from Rawalpindi they have funky hair and dressed all in western clothes. I can say if you come from a pretty well off and powerful (tribal) family in Pakistan, you pretty much have nothing to fear, I've said this before I used to openly debate Islam in coffee shops in Islamabad and Lahore, I never once had any problem of threat of being beheaded, though most admit I did tend to be around more of the upmarket areas!

    I've been to conservative places like Mangla Dam and Mirpuir those places were slightly backward, and folks staring at my wife as if they've never seen a woman sit on a speed boat before. So apart from the shit places most of the upper echelons of Pakistani society are well educated and pretty liberal.   

    I stayed in Rawalpindi for a few days and Jhelum for about a week, compared to Mirpur they're more liberal. I got called a "jangalee kutee" in Mirpur city coz I had my blue dyed hair uncovered  parrot
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #7 - April 19, 2011, 05:45 PM

    I have studied at FAST in Karachi, and most of the people who attend that are from very liberal background.. Although, those are not majority but there is still that class there. No one usually touches them.

    And yes, I agree with Tut. When people migrate, they socialize with everyone from Pakistan, that leads to conservatives injecting their views to the liberal muslims.
    This occurs specially because most of the people try to fill their need to have social life by start going to mosques and socialize with conservative crowd. Too bad, there isn't any other place for liberal muslims to socialize. Either go to mosque or go to bar.. No middle ground whatsoever.

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #8 - April 19, 2011, 05:57 PM

    There is middle ground; shisha places, snooker halls etc. they're really popular here, but these can lead to segregation, coz all you do is mix with "your own kind" in such places.
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #9 - April 19, 2011, 06:55 PM

    but do people socialize there with random other people?

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #10 - April 20, 2011, 01:52 PM

    Sometimes, but they'll most likely be fellow desis  Tongue
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #11 - April 20, 2011, 02:02 PM

    That remind me of a desi auntee, who was enjoying live performance beside me at Dundas square in Toronto. It was open to public. And people from multiple different ethinic backgrounds were dancing together.

    Her pick up line to me, was something about how messed up these people are, who is whose father and mother, some desi crap like that.. And you know my routine.. I couldn't have let her go with those views..  dance
    By the way, she was from Karachi too..

    Admin of following facebook pages and groups:
    Islam's Last Stand (page)
    Islam's Last Stand (group)
    and many others...
  • Re: Sexy Pakistan: The Most Liberal Society in the World (lol)
     Reply #12 - April 20, 2011, 02:18 PM

    LOL usually I ignore the usual bigotry and prejudices shown by desis (esp Pakistanis) part of me is glad I don't live in a desi area but now and then I wish I did, like that day I went to a supermarket called Al-Halal with my dad  Roll Eyes and there's this field across the road where all these desi girls were playing cricket, I wanted to play too but then had to go home  Cry
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