1. But we don't let people just do as they wish.
No we don't, but we should, provided what they do does not directly and immediately infringe on or endanger another person's rights. Anyone who thinks otherwise-- well let's just say I reserve the right to call them every name in the book, primarily a hypocrite, the next time they utter the word "freedom" in a positive manner.
I am not free to self express by driving on the wrong side of the road, etc.
See above, driving on the wrong side of the road is a direct and immediate threat to the right to life of other people. Wearing a burqa does not, in and of itself, pose a direct and immediate threat to anyone else's rights.
Should people like Q-man be free to run around in ninja outfits?
Without the state imposing a blanket prohibition on ninja outfits? Yes, and I'm free to walk the streets now with one if I so choose.