Do you realise that you began your post by saying you weren't sure if the fine tuning argument was evidence for design, and then finished your post by saying that effectively the fine tuning argument is evidence for design? Can you see a problem here?
no, because I already said, if we are to look at it as a design, then it's an
extremely bad one (being very sensitive to certain parameters). Saying that the universe was meant to be is referring to *intent*, and intent doesn't
necessarily imply design. (a divine being, e.g., can will things into existence, without design).
It's not a good question though. A universe is not an apple tree. A universe does not require water and several other things to exist. You need to think of a much better analogy before you can hope to gain any traction. You have dumbed this one down to the point of uselessness.
The apple tree is an analogy for planet earth, not the universe (it was based on the Ishina's video). Strictly speaking, a lush apple tree can exist in an arid desert. For example, and although it's infinitely improbable, the weather system can cause a little cloud to pass daily over the tree to give just enough rain. If this scenario, for example, is one reason why the tree is there, then one must admit
Anyway, you can ignore the analogy, it won't subtract anything from the discussion.