Again your using Animals for your justification. A Praying Mantis would eat its partner after having sex, would you do the same?
You are sorta throwing darts at the dartboard randomly. Yet you’ve managed to hit on one true thing - that not everything in nature is good. But then, you say yourself initially that you support gay rights. You initially seem to be able to differentiate between good and bad. Surely this means you are able to differentiate between what is good and bad in all cases?
You’re not supporting post-coital cannibalism for humans. But you are “supporting gays” What makes you able to distinguish between right and wrong when it suits you, and why are you not consistently doing so?
Ishina, you maybe a Lesbian, but dont push it into others throats.
I’m not a lesbian, I’m not gay, I’m not straight, I’m not bisexual. I have no sexual preference and will have none forced upon me. I’m not pushing anything into anyone’s throat. Starting a thread on a forum is not pushing anything down anyone’s throat. Nobody has a gun to your head forcing you to read this thread. You did however say something I take issue with, and I decided to post it here rather than derail that thread.
Remember logically, couples are to produce babies...
Logically? I don’t think that words means what you think it means. Again, unless you want to present the logic behind the assertion, it remains an empty, groundless assertion.
that is how we progress and how we move forward,
It’s incredibly simplistic to think that merely reproducing is progression. There are many factors involved in securing the long-term survival of a species. At this point, reproduction isn’t a priority for the human race. With limited resources, global poverty and hunger, territorial disputes, etc, you could say it was even
detrimental to the long-term survival to simply churn out more offspring at this point.
Homosexuality seems to be a Basic farce or an Entertainment for confused individuals.
You keep saying one-liners like this, but you never go into any detail or explain the rationale behind them. You need to back your statements up otherwise it’s just empty words, easily disregarded.
“What can be asserted without proof can be dismissed without proof.”
Plus, Ishina, why do you associate Anti-Gay remarks with backwardness, Homosexuality has been around for 1000s of years and has been dispised for 1000s of years even when Ambrahmic relgiions did not exist. So being Anti-gay does not mean your backward.
Being anti-gay
for no apparent reason isn’t something I’d call ‘backwards.’ I’d call it random pointless nonsense.
Most of you here are born from a Mother and a Father, Show me a single child who is born of a Lesbian or Homosexual Couple.
Which century is this? Have you just woken up from a coma?
There are plenty of ways for a same-sex couple to raise children, even if they are not conceived the old fashioned way. There is surrogacy, artificial insemination, adoption even. There are so many children in this world that need parents. There are so many gay couples ready, willing, able to be parents. Then there are people like you standing in the way. For what reason would you deny these two things a chance to be put together?
People like you who have so much to say on this issue, mostly empty words and unfounded assertions I might add, would deny one more child in this world a set of loving parents. For what reason though? We have yet to hear your reasons.
Don't pat yourself on the back yet. You have a lot of explaining to do.