I am not being tedious. I quite clearly expressed my position.
I do not deny the existence of a 'creator' (which one btw; are we talking about Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli or about The Great Cthulhu here?) because as I explained - it is impossible to prove something doesn't exist. It is up to the person making the positive assertion to provide proof for the said assertion.
As an atheist I find god completely irrelevant - at least when it comes to morals.
When it comes to the question of 'creators' existence I simply do not know if there is or there isn't such a thing as a creator of this Universe. There is simply no accurate data available.
As i said before, you already assume He doesn't exist. You talk about accurate data and have abandon the faculty of your reason which states if something exists, this existence must've come from somewhere. You simply deny this rationalism with what you have said.
1. Yes it could have self created, or sprung out of nothing, or been caused by an external force. All are possibilities. Even if we take the last possibility the permutations in that sub category are almost limitless too. I don't see a need to call that force a creator.
2. That still doesn't give an answer. You spoke of a creator, not all powerful creator. You are now tacking on additional characteristics. You spoke of a creator that can create matter not continuously manipulate it or read minds. If you want to add those things on you'll have to start talking about a specific creator and not a generic creative force.
3. For what purpose was the universe designed? By who? and how?
1. I explained before the impossibility of self creation. It means an effect being the cause of itself, which is impossible by definition.
2. My context was clear. I make it clearer now. Can the Creator and giver of existence to all beings be less powerful than them?
3. Such great universe and creation cannot be created without a purpose. It sounds ridiculous the notion of 'for nothing, from nothing, by nothing, towards nothing'. The universe has a creator, who is Wise, hence He designs in a Wise manner. The Wisdom is nothing unseen in the creation. The 'how' becomes a mean of you and i to discover to gain knowledge of the Power, Knowledge and Existence of that creator.
Although I raised multiple issues, i request that we continue with point number one, than come back to others so there is structure in the discussion.