Alot of people recoil from Wafa Sultan and describe her as an 'Islamophobic bigot' and all of that kind of thing. But what you said above, is exactly what I have heard before, from an ex Muslim I know personally, and have heard elsewhere too.
The rhetorical 'shock therapy' that people like her administers does have a positive purpose.
I don't agree with everything she says, but I think that the Left lets down the cause of free conscience and Islam, when it does not co-opt voices like Wafa Sultan.
She is a bigot, anyone who talks about the women and human rights Fuck this bitch, whilst attending an American Jewish Congress event just after Israel's war on Lebanon in 2006 is a fucking bigot--I'd love to hear her talk about how muslimahs can't give birth in hospitals because of checkpoints in the west bank, I won't hold my breath. The left doesn't need bigots.
A white convert woman who fetishises Islam, who comes from a liberal, middle class, priveliged background, has an entirely different context than, say, a British girl from a Pakistani family background, who grows up in a Deobandi / Tableegi family and community in a ghetto in Dewsbury, and basically lives a life restricted by the mores and values of reactionary Islam.
The former sounds like my birth mum, the latter sounds like me
Certain interpretations of Islam by muslims about women's role in society was part of the reason why I decided to leave Islam, when I was questioning I started to read a lot about the history of women in Islamic societies past and present, what I found shocking was how muslims have gone backwards. Muslims need to reform Islam for their own sake, seeing the niqabis leading protests in Yemen gives me some hope