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 Topic: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?

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  • Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     OP - May 14, 2011, 10:59 AM

    I have seen how people get queasy over the idea of someone having casual sex or marrying cousins.may be im thinking this way due to the environment that i grew up in. But i have seen cousins falling in love and getting married without any problem, but i admitted most of the marriages between cousins are arranged by their parents.

    I mean if one is attracted to his cousin and love each other then to be honest i dont see any problem in that.

    My question is this?
    What's wrong with one marrying his cousin? Is there any harm(medically)?

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #1 - May 14, 2011, 11:19 AM

    Is there any harm(medically)?

    well a lot of generations of cousin-fucking could result in this vvv

    Or so I've heard. But don't mind what I say. I just like fucking, none of that reproduction stuff.

    I know someday you'll have a beautiful life, I know you'll be a star
    In somebody else's sky, but why, why, why
    Can't it be, can't it be mine
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #2 - May 14, 2011, 11:30 AM

    From The Times

    March 20, 2010

    Rise in marriages between cousins ‘is putting children’s health at risk’

    The dangers of marriage between first cousins are to be highlighted by a leading professor, with a warning that their children are at risk of genetic defects.

    Baroness Deech, a family law professor and crossbencher, will call next week for a “vigorous” public campaign to deter the practice, which is prevalent in Muslim and immigrant communities and on the rise. She will reignite a debate started five years ago when Ann Cryer, MP for Keighley, drew attention to the number of disabled babies being born in the town and called for cousin marriage to be stopped.

    Fifty-five per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins and in Bradford the figure is 75 per cent. British Pakistanis represent 3 per cent of all births in Britain but one third of children with recessive disorders.

    Lady Deech will also warn that marriage between first cousins can be a barrier to the integration of minority communities. In a lecture she will call for testing for genetic defects where such marriages are arranged and the keeping of a register of people who carry genetic diseases, so that two carriers are not introduced. “Some variant of this could be possible in cities such as Bradford with a high density of immigrant population,” she will say.

    Lady Deech, who chaired the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority for eight years, will also suggest that married first cousins use invitro fertilisation so that embryos can be tested for recessive diseases.

    “Human rights and religious and cultural practices are respected by not banning cousin marriage,” she will argue. “But those involved must be made aware of the consequences.” Her comments will be made at the Museum of London in the last of a series of family law lectures that she has given under the auspices of Gresham College. Other topics have included marriage, divorce law, cohabitation and gay partnerships; last week she argued that children do better in two-parent families of different genders.

    “The local estimate was that 75 per cent of Bradford disabled children had cousin parents and the rate of cousin marriage in the UK Pakistani community is increasing,” Lady Deech will say.

    In Birmingham, another city with a substantial immigrant community, Lady Deech notes that 10 per cent of the children of first cousins die in infancy or have a disability.

    She will note that the practice has always been associated with immigrants and the poor and is “at odds with freedom of choice, romantic love and integration”. But factors linked to cousin marriage in the British immigrant community are working against what she calls its “otherwise inevitable decline”.

    One is finance: such marriages can be arranged to settle debts. Another is financial support of relatives abroad. A third is that it provides a “ready-made framework of supportive family members for a new immigrant spouse”; and a fourth is that it enables relatives to migrate to Britain as a fiancé or spouse.

    In the Middle East, it is also said to underpin clan loyalty and to accompany nepotism, she argues.

    But cousin marriage can be a barrier to integration of immigrant communities and “arguably to democracy as we know it abroad”. It also carries genetic problems that can be “replicated generation after generation, with accumulated suffering in an extended family”. But Lady Deech does not favour a ban on first-cousin marriages such as one that exists in US states.

    “The State would have to show that it had compelling reasons to limit the right to marry and that the means are related to the goal.” But there are compelling arguments to act on health grounds. Personal health is the “fetish of the late 20th century” and people are targeted over food safety, drink, smoking, alcohol and exercise.

    Yet there are cultural differences or ignorance about disabled children, she says. Women may be blamed in some minority cultures for being childless or having disabled children; while the “Muslim view . . . is that it is a consequence of Allah’s will, and they may therefore approach it with fatalism”.

    Lady Deech calls for measures short of a ban to prevent the genetic problems arising from cousin marriage.

    She says: “There is no reason, one could argue, why there should not be a campaign to highlight the risks and the preventative measures, every bit as vigorous as those centring on smoking, obesity and Aids.” While there was reluctance to “target or upset Muslims over cousin-marriage issues” the practice was not mandated by religion, only permitted, so it is not at heart a religious issue, she argues.

    A campaign of education needs to start in schools so they understand about genetics and what it means to carry a mutant gene, Lady Deech says.

    “Where marriages are arranged, it is possible to test for carrier status and record the results, without stigmatising individuals.” In the Orthodox Jewish community young people are screened for Tay-Sachs disease, a recessive genetic disorder that prevents mental and physical development, but not given the result. When a match is proposed, a register is checked to ensure two young people who are carriers are not introduced. “Some variant of this could be possible in cities such as Bradford, with a high density of immigrant population”, she argues. Finally she suggests in-vitro embryo testing: ethical objections about this being a slippery slope to eugenics are met by current guidelines under the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act, she says.

    Inayat Bunglawala, of the Muslim Council of Britain, welcomed Lady Deech’s comments. He said that cousin marriage was popular even though Islamic teaching encouraged wedlock outside the immediate family.

    “Certainly education has an important role to play in this area. There are clear dangers in marrying a close relative, which need to be better understood. Professor Deech’s recommendation appear to be sensible,” he said.

    Mrs Cryer said: “It is essential that we discuss this issue. We have been told to be careful, as discussing it could cause deep offence. Blow that, it does not matter. If people wish to be offended, they will be offended.”

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #3 - May 14, 2011, 12:48 PM

    Fifty-five per cent of British Pakistanis are married to first cousins and in Bradford the figure is 75 per cent. British Pakistanis represent 3 per cent of all births in Britain but one third of children with recessive disorders.


    Both parents carry a single defective gene (d) but are protected by the presence of a normal gene (N), which is generally sufficient for normal function. Two defective copies of the gene are required to produce a disorder. Each child has a 50 percent chance of being a carrier like both parents and a 25 percent risk of inheriting the disorder.
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #4 - May 14, 2011, 12:58 PM

    where did you get that picture dear HighOctane?

    and where did Affected male go??

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #5 - May 14, 2011, 01:31 PM

    I see, i was never aware of this before.

    To be honest i have seen some of my cousins having a genetic defects, both of them died sadly before they reached the age of 20 and yet they attribute their death to the will of Allah(he gives and take away what belongs to him) :(

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #6 - May 14, 2011, 01:38 PM

    Well Naija as you've read the post by billy, the blood is too close when is comes to your cousins. As far as casual sex is concerned, I believe it's a personal choice though I find it weird that how could you sleep with someone without knowing anything about them.
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #7 - May 14, 2011, 01:46 PM

    What's wrong with one marrying his cousin? Is there any harm(medically)?

    Here: Cousin Marriages

    From The Times

    March 20, 2010

    Rise in marriages between cousins ‘is putting children’s health at risk’

    “Where marriages are arranged, it is possible to test for carrier status and record the results, without stigmatising individuals.” In the Orthodox Jewish community young people are screened for Tay-Sachs disease, a recessive genetic disorder that prevents mental and physical development, but not given the result. When a match is proposed, a register is checked to ensure two young people who are carriers are not introduced. “Some variant of this could be possible in cities such as Bradford, with a high density of immigrant population”, she argues.

    Wouldn't it be great if such 'communities' realised that their parochial stupidity and tribalism are actually harming their own children (hence paradoxically the very well-being and future of said 'communities') and stop with the stupid practice itself rather than having to rely on science to help them get out of the mess they themselves created in the first place?

    Blanda upp!
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #8 - May 14, 2011, 02:24 PM

    where did you get that picture dear HighOctane?

    and where did Affected male go??

    Haha, I wondered where the affected Male went also  Tongue
    I don't think it is important, could have been either way round.
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #9 - May 14, 2011, 04:26 PM

    @Kenan: an interesting, Johnny K looks stupid,confused and stubborn.

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #10 - May 14, 2011, 04:42 PM

    Woah. I see we have some swedes on this forum.  Good stuff Kenan.

    Grouchy  what is the  good reason for picking up an innocent girl  as Osama  bin Laden?    

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #11 - May 15, 2011, 03:10 AM

    I'm not against it, but marrying your cousin will create a lot more complications and I would highly advise not to do it. You can easily fall in love with someone else. There are over 6 billion people in the world, so you can find someone!

    You and your cousin share similar genes, so if you marry and have a child then your child can have birth defects, mental retardation, etc.

    Imagine marrying your cousin and having to divorce later.  Cheesy
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #12 - May 28, 2011, 05:53 PM

    Don't have much to add to what people have already said.
    All populations are in the end inbred, but some much more so than others. Most (not all) of them are arranged to keep the wealth in the family, or because of some other type of superiority complex etc. In terms of evolution cousin marriages aren't the best idea. They cause local patches of increased frequency of recessive diseases e.g. Cystic Fibrosis (F508) in Finland. It leads to a decrease in the overall genetic diversity too.

    Because the genes are so similar, there is also less of a chance of complementation during recombination. There's a higher chance that a pair of alleles at a locus will be identical by descent. In the wild, this also means a bad response to sudden changes in the environment or selective pressures. And just to quantify it, F is the Coefficient of Inbreeding:
    F=sum of N (0.5)^n
    where N = number of loops that links two mates through their shared ancestors
    n = number of ancestors in each loop (from child to its parents and back to the shared ancestor)
    F is directly proportional to degree of kinship.
    So for cousin mating its 2x(0.5)^5 = 1/16 (6.25%)
    That's kinda high and over many generations of cousin fucking can cause serious deformities. The Coefficient of inbreeding (6.25%) is the same as a great grandfather fucking his great granddaughter and is only topped by things like brother-sister mating or father-daughter mating.

    However, if someone is passionately in love with their cousin and wants to marry him/her, then I guess it can't be helped. People tend to throw science out the window in situation like this. (Tbh it's only a signifcant problem in heavily inbred populations like the Amish community) It makes it more romantic to some, and people end up saying shit like "I love you for who you are, not your genome"  Tongue

    Started from the bottom, now I'm here
    Started from the bottom, now my whole extended family's here

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #13 - May 28, 2011, 06:01 PM

    Imagine marrying your cousin and having to divorce later.  Cheesy

    Family politics bleh, there is this paki (prolly broader desi) custom thing where say brother & sister A marry brother & sister B. If brother A divorced sister B then brother B will divorce sister A (get it?) just to balance things out--even if their marriage is perfectly ok  finmad and that is actually unislamic!
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #14 - May 28, 2011, 06:04 PM


    Lol @ starting with 'not having much to say' and then writing reams.

    Lol also, at throwing in a number of 'fuckings' into what essentially is a biology lesson.

    But thanks for the post, I learnt a lot from it.

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #15 - May 28, 2011, 06:09 PM

    Nothing wrong with casual sex - as long as you are protected.

    Nothing 'morally wrong' about shagging your cousin, but if you plan to have kids, the genetic and medical implications could be quite serious, so from a logical standpoint, it's probably not very wise.

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #16 - May 28, 2011, 06:11 PM

    Scientifically looking at it... yes it's harmful (look at xxrb's overkill explanation whistling2) But since this is mostly a cultural thing, i.e. south asians, who have some kind of phobia to science, would turn a blind eye to the dangers of this practice.

    As for casual sex (presuming protected) it generally depends on the participants... not that I recommend it... wacko

    Lol also, at throwing in a number of 'fuckings' into what essentially is a biology lesson.

    Would you be interested on how fishes do the hanky panky? Cheesy

    07:54 <harakaat>: you must be jema
    07:54 <harakaat>: considering how annoying you are
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #17 - May 29, 2011, 10:27 PM


    Lol @ starting with 'not having much to say' and then writing reams.

    Lol also, at throwing in a number of 'fuckings' into what essentially is a biology lesson.

    But thanks for the post, I learnt a lot from it.

    hahahah musivore I started out not planning to write much, but I couldn't help it Tongue
    LOLOLOLOL I find the word 'fucking' to be a beautiful word that everyone must be forced to incorporate at least once in every fucking sentence  grin12
    You're welcomeeeee 

    Started from the bottom, now I'm here
    Started from the bottom, now my whole extended family's here

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #18 - May 29, 2011, 10:30 PM


  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #19 - May 29, 2011, 10:38 PM


    Started from the bottom, now I'm here
    Started from the bottom, now my whole extended family's here

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #20 - August 11, 2011, 09:56 AM

    Once you abandon this idea of god and religion it becomes very difficult to decide what is morally right- i mean, there are people who fall in love with their first cousins, but then you have siblings who fall in love sexually, and parent/child- I think logically science should answer what is acceptable and this is how 'right' and 'wrong' relatinships have developed in the west.

    There was a time when marrying your sibling was recommended and practiced amongst the royal family to keep the blood line pure- however this was outlawed after all the genetic problems (I don't know a lot about this- I only have a vague idea but this is the basics).

    I have a relative who fell in love with and married her first cousin and they are having problems conceiving (miscarraiges etc), but I have encountered many cases where the related couple have normal healthy children. There are also numerous examples of deformities caused by successive generations marrying first cousins (see Bradford, UK!).

    This leads to a contentious issue- should first cousin marriages be outlawed as thay are likely to produce deformities? Then you have to agree before this can happen should procreation be outlawed for people with genetic flaws? I saw a documentary about a couple who had a 1 in 4 chance of producing a child with degenerative genetic illness (forgot which!) but they had several kids in the hopes of having normal 'good' ones. This leads to the question- what is considered a genetic flaw? Physical deformity? Mental deformity? Blindness? Deafness? You could go even further and perhaps say supreme thickness and ugliness should be eliminated from the gene pool

    I think this was one of Hitler's goals. Having an idea that something is wrong is the easy part, but deciding on what is right, deciding on what should be done to improve the world is difficult. Ideally one could argue that in this over populated world only the 'elite' should be allowed to procreate, but this eliminates the majority of humans. Alternatively, improvements in science could lead to designer babies (like in the film Gataka!) that would eliminate any negative traits including any that might arise from 2 people closely related procreating.

    All's I know is if I had a child with my first cousin it would start out with the worst chance ever- my family is prone to depression, anxiety, diabetes, heart problems, cancer, high blood pressure, supreme intellect, ultimate stupidity, megalomania, narcissm, and general being a jerk-ness so I will either create a fragile broken little creature or the next Hitler!

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #21 - August 11, 2011, 10:05 AM

    Cheesy Cheesy  Cheesy @ your family description..

    Yeah, having six fingers on my left hand, and having no heart whatsoever, I am testament to the Bradford problem you mention... Still though, special though I am, I’m glad I’m here  Smiley

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #22 - August 11, 2011, 10:54 AM

    "...but I have encountered many cases where the related couple have normal healthy children"

    Haha note that I did say that! Haha these first cousin children can even be superior/genuisessss at times!

    Also, Bradford boy ewwwwwwwwww hahaha I originate from nearby! Double ewwwww
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #23 - August 11, 2011, 11:02 AM

    I'm from nearby also, not quite Bradford. We could have been neighbours?

    I was only kidding btw, my parents are not cousins… But everyone else in my extended family does seem to have had cousin-marriages. And, yes, there are many, many problems unfortunately.

    ~Edit: btw, I've moved to the countryside also, so we still may be neighbours

  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #24 - August 11, 2011, 07:13 PM

    We may have been neighbours when I lived 'near bradford' but now the only neighbours I have are sheep- God they're driving me crazy! I thought the country was meant to be peaceful but the bleating sheep are so damn noisy! Grrrr At least the sound of traffic blurs after some time but the continuous alteration of frequency and pitch by the freaking sheep ensures they drive me insane all day and night  Cry
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #25 - August 11, 2011, 07:15 PM

    cousin marriage I think gets too out of hand when it happens in every generation for generations. A one time thing doesn't seem to do harm.

    Casual sex is awesome.

    I wish parents everywhere could remove their veil of religion and see their kids for whom they actually are.
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #26 - August 11, 2011, 07:18 PM

    Depends if she's hot.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #27 - August 11, 2011, 07:25 PM

    ^ how you gon bang a cousin that you dont find hot? Grin

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #28 - August 11, 2011, 07:30 PM

    Well you get out yer weiner n i think u stick it in her woohoo. And you know... just do the pumpjack.

    Formerly known as Iblis
  • Re: Is having casual sex or marrying your cousins harmful?
     Reply #29 - August 11, 2011, 07:31 PM

    I think.

    Don't quote me on it, im no expert.

    Formerly known as Iblis
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