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 Topic: Ram, Come In

 (Read 26378 times)
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  • Ram, Come In
     OP - May 17, 2011, 01:58 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #1 - May 17, 2011, 06:22 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #2 - May 18, 2011, 03:30 AM

    This joint is overrun with a gang of recovering head scrapers and five times a day bottom-sniffers, but you are an exotic bird. A mysterious bird. On the endangered species list. You catch my eye like a woman in the night. The only chocolate face to dip his head in the Ganges and emerge uncontaminated, a polytheist, an idolater, a Brahman whooper. Not many of those around here.

    I don't consider themselves polytheists nor an idolators. But Hindus do not fly into rage if you do. Nevertheless, I am proud to be called polytheist.

    The difference in perception is due to the linguistic misunderstanding. The English language has the same word for God and gods. But in Indian languages there is Ishwar (God) and there are devtas (gods) There are many devtas (deities) but there is only One Ishwar (God) The words devta and deities are etymologically related, which is evident from the similarities of the pronunciations and spelling.

    One God manifests Himself through infinite number of deities. One worships God directly or indirectly. Each deity represents some unique aspect of God. For example, Hanuman represents loyalty and courage. Ganesha represents auspiciousness. Sarswati Devi represents creative arts while Lakshmi Devi represents wealth, etc.

    We had a brother here called Logical Mind who was a Hindu, but the poor fish was run out of town by Allat the overweight goat. I salute you for standing firm in a sea of godless filth. But you need to brace yourself now for my heretical questions about the creed with the hundred gods with the hundred tits. Are you ready for the barrage my sweet? Let’s play.

    (1) The cow worshippers are very big on reincarnation. That being the case, to what species did you belong in your former life? And do you have any memories of your previous existence? I certainly do. I’m convinced by my nocturnal visions that I was a prince of the land of the two seas. I had a wife called Betty, but she bailed on me when I was toppled by the rival prince Syko. A grand existence it was too, but my extramarital affairs saw me devolve in my next life into a poor wage slave.

    The monos believe in heaven and hell and polys believe in reincarnation, it is a battle of myths, is one myth true and the other myth a lie? I believe that one myth is as good as any other myth. Do good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell? Not according to monos. The submitting monos believe that only the butt sniffers go to heaven even if they rape and pillage their way out of life. The Cross bearers believe that only those who accept the One on the Cross as their savior will go to heaven.

    Reincarnation means that you are born and you die then you are born and you a perpetual cycle till you achieve the ultimate realization that you are HIM, He and you are one and the same. All living creatures, including the butt sniffers and the cross bearers go through the same cycle. You have as many chances as you require or want. There is no limit. Everyone will reach her or his ultimate destination. You will arrive by the path of your own choosing and in your time. On the road to Moksha (ultimate freedom) you will come across many temptations, you will astray, also, you will have many great opportunities to be good and do good. The purpose of each life is to sow seeds of goodness.

    (2) By the logic of Karma one’s present form is determined by one’s conduct in a former life. What virtuous deeds might I have accomplished then in my previous incarnation as a pond life to earn membership in the proudest, grandest, highest rung of bipedal mammals?

    Karma means action or deeds. Each action has reaction. The verb 'karna' means to do. How did you achieve your high bipedal status with a superior intellect? I wish I knew. Anyway, the thinking is that with each reincarnation, you have accumulated more knowledge, like you would going from one grade to the next.

    (3) How can I avoid being turned into a donkey in the life hereafter? I’m really worried by this for I sometimes behave like a jackass to my wife and kids.

    Simple, stop being a jackass.

    (4) What are the major sins in Hinduism?

    Interesting question. The only sin in Hinduism is the dereliction of dharma (duty) There is no original sin, there is no sin of disbelief. In Hinduism. there are no kaffirs or infidels. One is dharmic (righteous) or adharmic (not righteous) The word 'dharma' means obligation, the fulfillment of your responsibility towards your parents and siblings, your wife and children and towards your community and country. I am sure you get the drift.

    (5) In light of the multiplicity of gods your gang has to offer, if I convert to the truth can I just confine my prayers to the shapely female gods or must I say make nice with the hairy ones too?

    I am laughing here, actually. But seriously, whether you pray or not or to who you pray is not important. Your actions and thoughts are important. But if you want to pray, pray by all means; pray to hairy one or pray to buxom ones.

    (6) Do Hindus believe in miracles, and if so what are some of them?  We know that JC turned water into wine (he was a dipsomaniac) and that Mo split the moon in half. Impressive. What gallant deeds can your faith boast of?

    That will do for the present.

    There are many miracles. Miracle of JC or Mo are infantile to say the least. But this is for another day.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #3 - May 18, 2011, 03:36 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #4 - May 18, 2011, 04:03 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #5 - May 18, 2011, 07:21 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #6 - May 19, 2011, 01:47 AM

    That was a first class education Ram. I'm scribbling so furiously in my note taking that seen from behind my wrist action might give rise to less wholesome thoughts.

    I hope I haven't given the impression that reincarnation is any less credible than breakdancing in the lowest rung of Jahannam. I have nothing but the utmost respect for the high gods. I disdain the God-Is-Dead crowd, the most witless gang of catamites that ever drew breath. I think the study of first and last things should be approached sombrely, respectfully and lovingly. And that is the spirit in which I launch these heresies.

    Not to worry. I have not met anyone who claimed that he or she was a reincarnation of some personality. I am sure that no butt sniffer or Cross bearer has received a letter from heaven.

    But I don't think you've done justice to my first question.

    Do you have any memories of your former existence or not? You said in a response to a different question that as one ascends the lofty peaks of existence from the priomordial single cell to the heights of the trousered ape men accrue a store of spiritual knowledge to help them advance in the cycle of perpetual rebirth. Does that mean you can remember what heroic deeds you had done as a one-eyed goat to scale up the biological ladder and evolve into a donkey and from there evolve into a horse? Tell me what some of these deeds were my sweet. I don't remember all that much from my previous lives except rolling in the hay with the type of women that one might not bring home to one's parents

    No Bison, I don't. Who knows what is beyond. This is the thinking. I believe that the concept of reincarnation is much more appealing than burning in hell forever. Or being a bore in the celestial whore house. Reincarnation is a perpetual adventure. You are born again and again in different places, in different cultures. You are related to different people. You have different wife and children. We forget our previous lives and start anew. I believe that it is much more fun.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #7 - May 19, 2011, 02:00 AM

    In what way could a succesive incarnation be said to be you?
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #8 - May 19, 2011, 02:09 AM

    I forgot this. If there is no concept of atheism, in what regard is the man held who rejects the gods as fictional constructs? Not me I hasten to add for the Hairy Turk respects the truth of the mysteries beyond the clouds, but the common riffraff one finds on this board who refuse to kneel at the foot of His majesty. They cannot be considered Hindus surely if they revolt against the tenets of the Hindu creed anymore than one can be a whore without spreading for $$$.

    I did not say that there is no concept of atheism in Hinduism. What I said that there is no concept of kufr.

    Hinduism is the ultimate diversity. Hindus do not strive to be one community of believers; they see unity in diversity. Hindus know that there are as many Gods as there are people in the world, for every individual sees God from his or her unique perspective.

    On the contrary Mo followers see Allah without imagination, who is vengeful and vindictive who demands that you must worship him. There is no such compulsion in Hinduism.

    Hindu can be 'aastik', one who accepts the existence of God, or 'naastik', who rejects the existence of God. This is very confusing for monotheists. But for us it makes perfect sense.

    The following is just a brief of some aspects of Hindusim:
    Bhakti Yoga: Devotion to God.
    Karma Yoga: Selfless work to serve humanity.
    Hatha Yoga: Physical discipline
    Raja Yoga: Mental discipline.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #9 - May 19, 2011, 02:48 AM

     Lmao @ MAB.  Oh how I missed you so.

    Hypo, did you tell me once that you are the love child of an illicit entanglement between a Brahmin and a Shudra Sudra? If so, take a stab at my questions if you would. This joint is running low on the mushrikeen. Saathiya doesn't even post anymore. What gives? Don't tell me the towelheads drove you out. Stand up for yourself you daft thing or you will disgrace the great faith.

    Dont worry, i'm still here.  I dont stand up for Hinduism because its fucking bullshit.  Praying to millions of Gods for thousands of years and still in the third world civilization and yes it's the religion to blame. 

    "A good man is so hard to find but a hard man is so good to find"
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #10 - May 19, 2011, 05:02 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #11 - May 19, 2011, 05:24 AM

    I suppose India has had a lot to offer in the, mathematics...Kama Sutra  grin12....but Hinduism does not.  Hinduism has done its damage on the mind also.  It's completely absurd, hindus have been slaves to sticks and stones for a long time and it's a shame cause they're pretty damn smart but when it comes to people area bunch of failures. All the worshipping of female idols in the world wont undo the damage of female infanticide, sati or wife beating.  Doesnt matter what Ram says, bullshit is bullshit --dont matter how many ways you slice it.

    "A good man is so hard to find but a hard man is so good to find"
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #12 - May 19, 2011, 05:36 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #13 - May 19, 2011, 05:54 AM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #14 - May 19, 2011, 03:54 PM

    Fighting words. This is dangerous. I've put on my safety helmet.

    Since I've never sliced bovine defecation or for that matter any other defecation I will take your word that it's all the same no matter how sliced. But I cannot help wondering my sweet how you came by that knowledge. I'm watching you.

    So you think Hinduism has been quite harsh on the gentle sex? I understand that the practice of sati is a clerical imposition, but I wonder if female infanticide, spread across many cultures as it is, might not be rooted in wider economic causes than a strictly religious one. And wife beating is the national sport of all countries in which men are found - which, or so my friends tell me, is all of them.

    Are you sure that it's all down to the creed with the naked gods or are you merely channeling the feminist bosh [idiot2]you picked up in college? You must school me.

    clap WOW! MAB I think you are closer to the truth than Saathiya is.Emitting smoke from the nostrils and ears is very beneficial after all.
    If you are really interested in understanding the culture and the people please do your own research and form your own opinions I am very confident about your abilities to sift the grain from the chaff.
    Sati is not a clerical imposition ,but an ancient NORTH INDIAN practice.Many reasons have been given for it,since I was not around then I won't stick my neck out and make comments. Suffice to say it's not practiced in Modern India.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #15 - May 19, 2011, 07:16 PM

    Quote from: Saathiya
    Dont worry, i'm still here.  I dont stand up for Hinduism because its fucking bullshit.  Praying to millions of Gods for thousands of years and still in the third world civilization and yes it's the religion to blame.

    You are right. But Hinduism does not need defending. Worshipping millions of Gods is not the real issue. The real issue is the corruption of mind and utter slefishness.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #16 - May 19, 2011, 08:16 PM


    Speak no evil of Saathiya. She at least has made some effort to grapple with my questions. Can't say the same for you. I doubt that you're even a Hindu. No true devotee of Brahman would sit idly by and let my heresies go unanswered. Ram is making a heroic effort to debunk my lies and distortions, but you my lovely, ahh, you are not the genuine article.
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #17 - May 19, 2011, 09:44 PM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #18 - May 20, 2011, 01:23 AM

    I suppose India has had a lot to offer in the, mathematics...Kama Sutra  grin12....but Hinduism does not.  Hinduism has done its damage on the mind also.  It's completely absurd, hindus have been slaves to sticks and stones for a long time and it's a shame cause they're pretty damn smart but when it comes to people area bunch of failures. All the worshipping of female idols in the world wont undo the damage of female infanticide, sati or wife beating.  Doesnt matter what Ram says, bullshit is bullshit --dont matter how many ways you slice it.

    I see. There is no ex-communication among the partisans of Brahman, but if I understand correctly there is such a thing as a godless Hindu, that is a man who in spirit if not in conviction is a Hindu. To illustrate the point, if a man denounces the high gods uphill and downdale for years without number he is still within the spiritual community of the cow worshippers provided that he does not unduly neglect his obligations or (dharma) to his thirten barefoot kids. I hope I've got that right.

    But if the discharge of one's duties is sufficient unto the day, if in other words all that is required to make a Hindu out of a disbelieving soul is that he meet his obligation as the bread winner of the family conscientiously without slapping around his kids too much, doesn't that make every responsible family man in the globe, be they a Muslim a Christer or a Satanist, essentially a Hindu even if they have nothing but contempt for your creed? That's a disappointment. I want to belong to a special class, the metaphysical equivalent of an exclusive country club. Not a creed that will throw its doors open even to recalcitrants.

    And you reveal that you have no memories of your past lives. That's a pity. I suggest that you lay off the stiff whiskey you booze-reeking drunk. No wonder you can't recall a thing.

    A pressing question: How does a person accrue a store of spiritual knowledge if they cannot remember what deeds, good or bad, they accomplished to reach their present station? Afterall we are all of us nothing but the sum total of our remembered thoughts. What possible meaning can it have to speak of one's past if one has no recollection of that past? Or a future plane of existence in which all your lifetime's experience, all your lessons, your hard learned mistakes, your vice and virtues have been wiped clean from your hard drive?

    I'm just a country boy who is intellectually barefoot and a little slow. Help me.

    Bison, your questions are tough but unanswerable, so I will design my answers to provoke a certain member of this forum.

    Bullshit is one of the most important part of rural economy in India. Bullshit is used as fuel. It is also used to coat the mud floor and walls in huts inhabited by cow worshipers. It is mixed with straw and used as building material.

    It is the cow which keeps the villages of India humming with activity. Cow provides milk, probably the only nutritious for village urchins. The bull is the only means of transport. The bull is the tractor, it is the engine which pulls the cart which acts as a bus, a family car and a truck all rolled into one. In case of emergency, it acts as an ambulance. If you lived under such circumstances, you would be a devout cow worshiper, with your intellect, may be even a high priest of cow worshipers.

    But bear in mind that the partaking of the sacred flesh of cow is not forbidden in the Vedas, the original scriptures of the Dharma.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #19 - May 20, 2011, 06:39 AM

      These Hindus should never be underestimated.

    Very wise words these from a really intelligent person who likes to play the part of a perverted clown[not always successfully, mind you!] Cheesy Cheesy

    A dutch lady who is married to a Hindu Indian is seen praying to the 'elephant GOD'{I can pick up supercilious Abrahamic sniggers! lol!} in the clip.I am confident it's her personal choice born out of her convictions,not a pseudo 'free choice' that materializes from a brutal mental rape by a disingenuous  preacher.  If one fine day for whatever reason she decides not to continue the practice she can do it without any social censure,without it affecting her marriage,without any interfering brotherhood/sisterhood nonsense.
    In short,it will be a purely personal decision and  no one else's fucking business.

    Amplifying what RAM said about cow worshiping ---- Look at it this way if pussies give you all the thrills and spills that you long for and you can't do without,doesn't it make more sense to be a pussy worshiper with a real live connection of a throbbing 9 inch dick than a worshiper of the so called ONE AND ONLY ONE GOD,with a direct connection that's hallucinatory?
    But knowing your preference for the small hole between humungous cheeks I suppose your genre is different! rofl
    So please don't mock people, ALA they don't get on your nerves by raving and shagging about their self proclaimed superiority and insist that you emulate them for your salvation,let them be as creative with their worshiping as they want.What's the problem?
    They can have their cows,elephants ,rats,lizards,snakes,etc. while we have our pussies,assholes,weed,pot,etc,some others might worship forms,that are weird in our perceptions or people like me who don't worship at all.
    Indeed the whole world is a a big family of good people,bad people,pervs,straight people,kind people,cruel people etc. all trying to unravel the uncertainties of life and making sense of their journey to nothingness.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #20 - May 20, 2011, 03:18 PM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #21 - May 20, 2011, 03:55 PM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #22 - May 20, 2011, 06:15 PM

    Good question. To my eye memory is the umbilical cord of the personality. To divorce a man from his past is to war upon his identity. Imagine leaping out of bed tomorrow without any recollection of what train of character moulding events have brought you to your present station. That is where our buddy Ram's theory of post-mortem evolution runs aground.

    I believe it was the Buddhists who first asserted that the self is an illusion, and we are just a  stream of experiences. (An idea often credit to Hume it seems.) If so then breaking off the chain of experiences is to no longer be a part of the 'self'.
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #23 - May 20, 2011, 08:03 PM

    I believe it was the Buddhists who first asserted that the self is an illusion, and we are just a  stream of experiences. (An idea often credit to Hume it seems.) If so then breaking off the chain of experiences is to no longer be a part of the 'self'.

    Eh, I dont think so....I'm pretty sure it's Hinduism.  Could be wrong.

    "A good man is so hard to find but a hard man is so good to find"
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #24 - May 20, 2011, 08:20 PM

    btw RAM I like your new sig - positive, uplifting and unifying. Unlike your old one that made you seem angry, bitter and negative.
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #25 - May 20, 2011, 09:30 PM

    Eh, I dont think so....I'm pretty sure it's Hinduism.  Could be wrong.

    I thought the dea of a soul was central to hinduism?
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #26 - May 21, 2011, 03:26 AM

    Bison, I thought you have given up on the cult which rewards you with naked houries to wrestle with?

    Gay porn? I never thought about it. I guess you are on your own, because I have out grown the curiosity about the porn, gay or straight.

    Saathiya is doing her job of maligning Hinduism. I commend her for doing the job to the best of her “abilties” Spreading untruths is not a crime.

    Don’t panic yet Bison. I think you should live among baboons and get to know them. You will realize that you need not be so scared. If you can master their language, you may learn how to avoid such fate.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #27 - May 21, 2011, 04:51 PM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #28 - May 21, 2011, 05:45 PM

  • Re: Ram, Come In
     Reply #29 - May 21, 2011, 08:33 PM

    “Cult is an ugly word.” How interesting! But cult is the mother of culture. Without cult there would be no culture. I also do not deride the faith of others but I have no problem with taking swipe at cults. Also let us not forget that faith is not fact. Who is to say which faith is superior and which is not.

    The faith that Muhammad is the Prophet, not just any ordinary Prophet but the Final One and the faith that Jesus Christ is the Only Son of God are not facts. When they become facts in the minds of believers, they become cults. Is the faith of Muhammadans superior to that of Christers, or vice versa? I think not. As a faith, Hinduism is not superior or inferior to that of the “true believers”.

    If there were only the matter of theological convictions, the world would be a much better place. It is the cult of certainty and intolerance is the problem. To paraphrase the brave lady, Wafa Sultan, the former believer in the Cult of Child Bonker, “Feel free to worship stones so long you don’t throw them at me”.

    Hinduism, as well, Buddhism, Jainism, Taoism, Shintoism etc. take balance view of the world. But that is a topic for another day.

    Saathiya is looking at the world from her own experience. Should we criticize her for striking a blow for her own kind?

    Did Ishwar create the Universe? Then who created Ishwar? Who created the creator of Ishwar? On and on! The Muhammadan and Christer cultists have explained that in their scriptures, as a result they have made fools of themselves and they have turned their books into hate manuals.

    The God who demands blind obedience is no God but an entity created by empty minds lost for ever in the dunes of Sandland.

    वासुदैव कुटुम्बकम्
    Entire World is One Family
    سارا سنسار ايک پريوار ہے
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