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  • Question: Which one (if any) are you more inclined to side with? (Give reasons)
  • Israel - 50 (30.5%)
  • Palestine - 114 (69.5%)
  • Total Voters: 163

 Topic: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?

 (Read 239310 times)
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  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #60 - May 21, 2011, 01:15 PM

    what is that "SOMETHING?? Tlaloc.    Show me their faces and give me the link of their organization..

    No, I am too sexy for this.

    Do not look directly at the operational end of the device.
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #61 - May 21, 2011, 01:25 PM

    what is that "SOMETHING?? Tlaloc.    Show me their faces and give me the link of their organization..

    No, I am too sexy for this.

     NOT YOUR FACE   "their faces"  dear Tlaloc ..

    Here is   an 18 year old girl.. a Jewish girl..

    That 2nd picture is her face.. And she was also supporter of Palestinian cause with a Palestinian boy friend..  and this is what happened to her Pretty faces should be put in to Niqab .. preferably a black color one..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #62 - May 21, 2011, 03:26 PM

    What a messed up situation! The truth as they say always lies in between.

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #63 - May 21, 2011, 03:53 PM

    Someone needs to give me history lesson here. How the hell did the conflict first start? and I'm not talking about when the land was divided and which country was to blame, I'm talking about who drew the first sword in retaliation or conquest, that made things escalate to where they are.

    Indeed whole world needs that education .. every one right from that times of Moses to all the way to 2011...

    Brief History of Israel and the Jewish People

    Brief History of Palestine  and the Palestine People

    Judaism-Islam; History of Israeli-Palestinian conflict

    Timeline of Early Christianity

    Because according to one Muslim I spoke with online, the Muslims allowed the Jews to stay there at first as guests??. Then the Jews back stabbed them and took their land from under their noses.

    That Muslim has no idea of his OWN HISTORY forget the historical facts about juice, Palestinians  and Muhammad's political Islam...


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #64 - May 21, 2011, 04:25 PM

  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #65 - May 21, 2011, 05:53 PM

    I think its kinda sexy, the way you talk Natasa!

     bunny bunny bunny

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #66 - May 21, 2011, 05:58 PM

  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #67 - May 21, 2011, 06:10 PM

    Talk about the problem News says "Obama’s peace plan “based on illusions”: Israel Govt

    WASHINGTON: Israeli leader Benjamin Netanyahu has warned Barack Obama against chasing what he called a Middle East peace “based on illusions” as he lectured the US president amid a widening rift in US-Israeli ties.

    In a dramatic Oval Office appearance, after 90 minutes of talks Friday, Prime Minister Netanyahu emphatically vowed Israel would never return to its 1967 borders and laid down a set of non-negotiable conditions for peace talks.

    The exchange, which left hopes for Obama’s peace drive more remote than ever, came a day after the US president called on Israel to accept a return to territorial lines in place before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, with mutual land swaps with Palestinians to frame a secure peace.

    But Netanyahu seized on the notion that he was being asked to return solely to Israel’s 1967 footprint, which he said was nine miles wide in places and half the size of the “Beltway” highway surrounding Washington.

    “While Israel is prepared to make generous compromises for peace, it cannot go back to the 1967 lines — because these lines are indefensible,” Netanyahu said, looking Obama squarely in the eye.

    Israelis argue that returning to the former border configuration would leave Israeli population centers vulnerable and mean uprooting hundreds of thousands of settlers from homes in the West Bank and east Jerusalem.

    Netanyahu did not however mention the second part of Obama’s stipulation — namely that land swaps between Israel and the Palestinians, would change those 1967 lines to ensure two secure, contiguous states.

    The White House insisted that it had never said that Israel should return to a narrow definition of its 1967 territorial lines.

    Asked whether Netanyahu was willfully misinterpreting Obama’s remarks, White House spokesman Jay Carney said such an observation was “interesting.”

    Privately, White House officials appeared infuriated by Netanyahu’s combative approach, which even included a lecture for Obama on the historic struggles of the Jewish people.

    In his first reaction to Obama’s comments on the border issue, in a major speech on the Middle East on Thursday, Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas said that Obama should press Netanyahu to accept his position.

    “Netanyahu’s position is an official rejection of Mr Obama’s initiative, of international legitimacy and of international law.”

    Obama admitted that he had Netanyahu had “differences” on language and formulations over the best approach to reviving peace talks stalled since last year, but saw a moment of opportunity amid the “Arab spring.”

    “I think that it is possible for us to shape a deal that allows Israel to secure itself, not to be vulnerable, but also allows it to resolve what has obviously been a wrenching issue for both peoples for decades now.”

    Obama also noted that he shared Israel’s concerns over Syria and Iran and backed the Israeli position on the tie up between the Palestinian Fatah movement and the Islamist group Hamas.

    Netanyahu said Abbas had to pick between Hamas, which advocates Israel’s destruction and peace, or making peace with Israel.

    The Israeli leader then launched into a history lesson of the struggles of the Jewish people, which Obama watched from a nearby chair, his hand over his mouth.

    “A peace based on illusions will crash eventually on the rocks of Middle Eastern reality,” Netanyahu said.

    “We don’t have a lot of margin for error… because, Mr President, history will not give the Jewish people another chance.”

    After the talks, a senior Israeli official accused Obama of raising “unreasonable expectations” that could set the peace process back “dozens of years” by seeking a Middle East deal based on the 1967 borders.

    “We had to put our foot down,” he added.

    Analysts said Obama became the first president to specifically state that the 1967 borders should be the basis for peace negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, shut down over a settlements row last year.

    US officials had, however, privately been pushing the position for a while and the principle was close to the shape of a failed deal advanced by former president Bill Clinton at Camp David in 2000....

    Hmm The picture does say something.. read it all at the link...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #68 - May 21, 2011, 06:13 PM

    Dangerous scoundrels.. they brain wash people and prepare for Jihad propaganda

    Because   of the rascals like these Pakistan kids are loosing their time, their education and their lives..

    IDIOTS TALK ABOUT PALESTINE, CHECHNYA, INDONESIA ..ISLAM IN AMERICA.. AFRICA.. INDIA.. but doesn't realize Islam generated problem with in the home....  The Land of Pure.. 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #69 - May 21, 2011, 06:28 PM

    US president called on Israel to accept a return to territorial lines in place before the 1967 Arab-Israeli war

    that is what President Obama Plan is...

    So what was Isreal before 1967?  well let us put all that area on table since 1946..

    Population demography of Palestine since 1900  ( THIS SOURCE IS FROM THE SUPPORTERS OF ISLAMIC PALESTINE)

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #70 - May 21, 2011, 07:53 PM

    I fear if the state is split and there is a Palestinian state, I fear it might be another Pakistan, a broken ugly society, overrun with fuddies to piss off other non-Islamic states. I mean it sucks that the Palestinians had 'their land taken from them, but I'd wish both of them would just shut fuck up and share.

    Strange that you'd compare Pakistan to Palestine.

    Pakistan and Israel are similar.

    Both were founded on the same basis and intentions, to form an armed state for the protection of the minority.

    Both countries were born in the same decade. There was British involvement.

    Lines were drawn, and land appropriated for the religious minority.

    The main difference being is, Israel was a success, and Pakistan a symbol of great failure.

    I think this is partly because separatist politics is only effective when small-scale.

    There was more blood to be spilt on the Indian subcontinent.

    And feudal politics were also at play. Muslim landowners backed the creation of Pakistan for their purposes.

    Dangerous scoundrels.. they brain wash people and prepare for Jihad propaganda

    Because   of the rascals like these Pakistan kids are loosing their time, their education and their lives..

    IDIOTS TALK ABOUT PALESTINE, CHECHNYA, INDONESIA ..ISLAM IN AMERICA.. AFRICA.. INDIA.. but doesn't realize Islam generated problem with in the home....  The Land of Pure.. 

    The cycle of hate is disgusting, and saddening.

    At 3:20 - 3:50, Hamid says there will be a a war where "the Muslim Army" will purge all the Jews.

    "Life is not a matter of holding good cards, but of playing a poor hand well."
    - Robert Louis Stevenson
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #71 - May 22, 2011, 11:59 AM

    yeezevee: Just a question you might have some answers for: what is the reasoning behind Israeli settlements in the West Bank? Why can urbanization not sprawl more to the South of Israel for example?
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #72 - May 22, 2011, 12:02 PM

    Strange that you'd compare Pakistan to Palestine..............

    The cycle of hate is disgusting, and saddening.

     "Those who hate other for no good reason hate themselves."

    At 3:20 - 3:50, Hamid says there will be a a war where "the Muslim Army" will purge all the Jews.

    the fool is a nut case and a perfect model for CULT leader..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #73 - May 22, 2011, 12:14 PM

    yeezevee: Just a question you might have some answers for: what is the reasoning behind Israeli settlements in the West Bank? Why can urbanization not sprawl more to the South of Israel for example?

     well let us look at the geographical area of that land

    and reading  and that  little wiki  give us an idea of what is happening there.    It is true many of Jewish religious sites are in West bank but right wing Jews would love to make all that green stuff in to greater Israel.   In absence of that possibility they are forcing  Palestinian Muslim folks in to some sort of ghettos so Palestinians disappear themselves  from that area.. BUT SUCH JEWS ARE DOING BIGGEST MISTAKE IN THEIR LIFE.  Right wing Jews must realize Palestinians are their brothers and  nearest gene pool if you remove Islam/Islamic mindset .   

    And on top all the problems such right wing Jews create for solving the problem,  THESE IDIOTS... the leaders of Palestine.. Allah soldiers .. Allah preachers.. allah fuckers.. jihadi fools  and... and preachers/population Islamic countries + their leaders .. even idiots in  Pakistan.. Malaysia.. Indonesia and Muslims UMMAH BUMS who know nothing and no relation to Jews and Israel makes noise against juice because of stupid scriptures.  All that  makes impossible to support the cause of Palestinians.

    More over what is the big deal in this age time that you need borders to such small countries??   And on top of that ~ 20% of Israel is Arab/Muslim  and some of the Arab Muslims are elected members of  Israeli parliament. Join Israel.. Make greater Isreal., remove Islam., In couple of generations  I will make a Palestinian kid(WHOSE GRAND PARENTS WERE MUSLIM) as president of Israel..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #74 - May 22, 2011, 01:23 PM

    So according to the wiki page then:
    Israel argues[citation needed] that its presence is justified because:
    - Israel's eastern border has never been defined by anyone;
    - The disputed territories have not been part of any state since the time of the Ottoman Empire;
    - According to the Camp David Accords with Egypt, the 1994 agreement with Jordan and the Oslo Accords with the PLO, the final status of the territories would be fixed only when there was a permanent agreement between Israel and the Palestinians.

    Well - sounds like red herring to me. Humans want land in my opinion for two reasons:
    - natural resources (including accessibility)
    ... and/or ...
    - dominance

    If the strategic argument is to integrate the Palestinians (i.e. dominance) then it is obviously a failed plan (causing the Intifadas) and the strategy requires a re-think. Things were looking so hopeful back in 1993 and Yitzhak Rabin paved the way until his assassination by an ultra-orthodox conservative.

    The assassin was Yigal Amir, a former Hesder student and far-right law student at Bar-Ilan University. Amir had strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords, because he felt that an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank would deny Jews their “biblical heritage which they had reclaimed by establishing settlements.” Amir had come to believe that Rabin was a din rodef, meaning a ‘pursuer’ who endangered Jewish lives. The concept of din rodef is a part of traditional Jewish law. Under din rodef, Amir would be justified in removing Rabin from being a threat to Jews in the territories
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #75 - May 22, 2011, 02:44 PM

    So according to the wiki page then:
    Well - sounds like red herring to me. Humans want land in my opinion for two reasons:
    - natural resources (including accessibility)
    ... and/or ...
    - dominance

    If the strategic argument is to integrate the Palestinians (i.e. dominance) then it is obviously a failed plan (causing the Intifadas) and the strategy requires a re-think. Things were looking so hopeful back in 1993 and Yitzhak Rabin paved the way until his assassination by an ultra-orthodox conservative.

    that is a good pick up dear HighOctane., well let us talk  about land/water resources around that area and why Jewish folks moved out from all over world to that place leaving the lands that are far more richer in resources and water than where they are living now..

    Killing of a Yitzhak_Rabin is a different case we should also discuss about that. But please realize that  Safety of Jews from attacks by Muslims is different from water.. land problem..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #76 - May 22, 2011, 03:36 PM

    The main difference being is, Israel was a success, and Pakistan a symbol of great failure.

    Pakistan was once as 'successful' as Israel--war crimes in Bangladesh  Tongue
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #77 - May 22, 2011, 03:43 PM

    Does anyone else think its sick to see people who constantly go on about freedom (for themselves only of course) supporting Israel? They should go live in the West Bank and those who support war (like HO) should go to Afghanistan or maybe he has no balls and the thought of getting blown up by an IED is too much so he sits at home wanking off to a pic of the Queen whilst shoving an action man doll up his ass.
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #78 - May 22, 2011, 05:56 PM

    Steady now. The early 1980s 'sharpshooter head' Action Man figures are especially stimulating to the prostate. It's all in the angle. Highly recommended.
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #79 - May 22, 2011, 06:48 PM

    Killing of a Yitzhak_Rabin is a different case we should also discuss about that.

    So let's discuss: Israel has (to my understanding) the highest growth in atheism. It has Arab Israelis in senior government. There is plenty of space in the South that is habitable. As far as I can see, if Yitzhak Rabin was still alive today if the Oslo Accords would had been implemented and things would have been a lot more peaceful. Of course there has been some (minor?) retreat and evacuations from settlements, and of course if a deal like the Oslo Accords is perceived too drastic there might be another assassination. What do you think yeezevee: There is space in the south of Israel? Israeli's just feel they have a biblical right to the West Bank to therefore exert dominance? Or what else explains the situation?
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #80 - May 22, 2011, 07:08 PM

    So let's discuss: Israel has (to my understanding) the highest growth in atheism. It has Arab Israelis in senior government. There is plenty of space in the South that is habitable. As far as I can see, if Yitzhak Rabin was still alive today if the Oslo Accords would had been implemented and things would have been a lot more peaceful. Of course there has been some (minor?) retreat and evacuations from settlements, and of course if a deal like the Oslo Accords is perceived too drastic there might be another assassination. What do you think yeezevee: There is space in the south of Israel? Israeli's just feel they have a biblical right to the West Bank to therefore exert dominance? Or what else explains the situation?

    You do have point HighOctane.. we will will.. I am netering in to a never ending rounds

    but what say toor?
    Steady now. The early 1980s 'sharpshooter head' Action Man figures are especially stimulating to the prostate. It's all in the angle. Highly recommended.

      link.. give a link.. You are airing something cryptic
    Does anyone else think its sick to see people who constantly go on about freedom (for themselves only of course) supporting Israel? They should go live in the West Bank and those who support war (like HO) should go to Afghanistan or maybe he has no balls and the thought of getting blown up by an IED is too much so he sits at home wanking off to a pic of the Queen whilst shoving an action man doll up his ass.

    And Aphrodite is VERY SICK OF ME and harsh...

    Well I do get in to the bad side of folk.. but that is life...  

    So HighOctane ., whom do we blame for the failure of all those  Oslo talks??  including  the one in 2000  clinton-arafat -barak  failure at Camp David summit??

    there is so much history.. so much water.. flowed in the rivers that you see in this picture

    Clinton was/is a very smart guy...  as usual with smart guys .. they all have sexual problems   lol...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #81 - May 22, 2011, 07:28 PM

    In response to the thread title/poll question: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?

    No (as in neither). Also yes (as in both). Life is complicated sometimes.

    Someone needs to give me history lesson here. How the hell did the conflict first start? and I'm not talking about when the land was divided and which country was to blame, I'm talking about who drew the first sword in retaliation or conquest, that made things escalate to where they are.

    Because according to one Muslim I spoke with online, the Muslims allowed the Jews to stay there at first as guests??. Then the Jews back stabbed them and took their land from under their noses.

    Depends who you ask. Obviously the land was Jewish before it was Muslim. Obviously the Muslims got there by military conquest. Obviously this was all good and right and ordained by Allah. Obviously, some Jews disagreed. Religion is wonderful stuff.

    However, if you are talking about relatively modern times only, then it's still messy. There had been Jews living in the area before the current state of Israel was created. In general things were peaceful, but Jews were still not really first class citizens (since they weren't Muslim) and there had been occasional massacres of Jews by Muslims. AFAIK, there had not been any massacres of Musims by Jews before the 20th century.

    Jews started moving to Palestine/Israel in the early 20th century, as settlers who had legally purchased land there. IOW, they were not invading. They were just buying houses and land like anyone else, and the locals were apparently happy to sell and to take Jewish money. The number of Jews doing this increased to the point where resentment about "bloody foreigners" started to manifest itself. People started getting grumpy.

    This is where things get messy. Muslims will say that the Jews started getting nasty first, and Jews will say it was the Muslims. However fired the first shots, groups that were basically partisan vigilantes started springing up. By the time of WW2 both sides were generally fairly pissed with each other, although of course there were still sensible people on both sides.

    WW2 is what really threw a spanner in the works, because the Jews had (understandably) adopted the "never again" attitude and they had a fair amount of sympathy around the world. This meant that when they decided to make bloody sure they had their own land they got away with it. Things have been up the shit ever since.

    Regardless of which side you choose, again why can't both sides, just STFU and live together. Israelies need to stop being greedy selfish assholes, and Palestinians need to get off their high horse and work with other non Muslims to build a stable secure country. This way everyone's kids get to play together without fear or hate.

    You're expecting people to be sensible?

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #82 - May 22, 2011, 08:45 PM

    So HighOctane ., whom do we blame for the failure of all those  Oslo talks??  including  the one in 2000  clinton-arafat -barak  failure at Camp David summit??

    Thanks for the videos, and indeed it is obvious who is to blame.

    But why not just move out of the West Bank, period? Why continue to settle in the West Bank? Look at the latest news:  Israel 'approves new West Bank settler homes

    Is there no space in the South of Israel?
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #83 - May 22, 2011, 10:08 PM

    Thanks for the videos, and indeed it is obvious who is to blame.

    But why not just move out of the West Bank, period? Why continue to settle in the West Bank? Look at the latest news:  Israel 'approves new West Bank settler homes

    Is there no space in the South of Israel?

    wiooosshhhhh!   Problem of settlements....

    you see HighOctane., Muslim leaders are FUCKING IDIOTS.,  and it is same all over the world not just with Palestine/Israeli problem. Instead of dealing and discussing the problem from the strength.,   they prolong with alla hoo akbaaar hootings & shouting and then with Time, in these modern times  Muslims are BOUND TO BECOME WEAKER.

    Now you start negotiating from the point  weakness and add to that Muslim groups fight each other and add intifadas.. suicide bombings on civilians etc..etc...  You see even after loosing the war in 1967 giving some land to Israel ., if the issue was solved at that time Palestine would have been by now an independent state

    But at that time Muslim started preachings and shouting "we kill all juice.. all lands from the Abraham to 20th century is for Islam, not just Israel whole world is ours"

    Any ways, coming to the settlements ., even to day why Leaders of Palestine  can not get together come to a point? Israel  has Muslims ., ~ 20% of them .. It is land locked country ., why not settle the issue NOW??  

    WHAT IS THE BIG DEAL OF SOME 100, 000/200,00o  juice living in so called Palestinian state??., Those juice who like to stay in the  Palestinian state should be allowed to stay similar to Muslims who are living in Israel..

    Why not start negotiating??   the link you gave says this
    .......... that since the moratorium was lifted settlers had started construction on about 2,000 homes in 75 different settlement sites.

    "This construction might create facts on the ground that will make the price of peace much higher for Israel," it said in a statement, adding that one third of the new building was going on beyond Israel's West Bank barrier, which itself regularly cuts into land the Palestinians claim for their future state.

    It said that in addition the government had given planning permission to 800 new homes in 13 settlements.

    As US President Barack Obama was delivering a key speech on Thursday in which he urged Israel to pull out from land it occupied in the 1967 Six-Day War, a government panel approved more than 1,500 settler homes in annexed east Jerusalem.

    Peace Now called that decision "not just miserable timing but a miserable policy" and said it sent a "clear message to the Americans."

    The Palestinians have insisted they will not talk while Israel builds on land they want for a future state, and Israel has attracted fierce international criticism for its settlement policy.

    Palestinian president Mahmud Abbas has said Israel must choose "between settlements and peace."

    what the hell is that? why not settle THE DAMN ISSUE.,  big deal bit of land goes this side or that side..  big deal 100, 000 settlers living Palestine., Make a state let the  juice participate in election in Palestine  live like any citizen of Palestine  ..

    Any ways Israelis will say they have security reasons for occupying those lands for saving their citizens from alaalalallal Muslim crowd..  Do you have any idea how many settlements are there and what part of the land they settled?  let me give you some information on that...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #84 - May 23, 2011, 04:55 AM

    Quote from: Aphrodite
    Does anyone else think its sick to see people who constantly go on about freedom (for themselves only of course) supporting Israel?

    What do you mean by "supporting Israel". Do you mean supporting its very existence or supporting its right to respond militarily to Palestinyun "freedom fighters" shelling it and sending suicide bombers into its heart to blow up buses full of school kids?

    They should go live in the West Bank and those who support war (like HO) should go to Afghanistan or maybe he has no balls and the thought of getting blown up by an IED is too much so he sits at home wanking off to a pic of the Queen whilst shoving an action man doll up his ass.

    Are you a pacifist Aphrodite?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #85 - May 23, 2011, 05:09 AM

    Quote from: Mount A Bison
    the fictive Ummah

    Convince the vast majority of Muslims who see themselves as belonging to a transnational "ummah" that it is a "fictive concept" and you'll have convinced me. I'll know you'll have succeeded when there are no more terrorist plots by nutters hailing from Indonesia to the USA motivated by anger at "the west's"/India's/Russia's &c  "occupation" or support thereof by the Israelis of "Muslim land".

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #86 - May 23, 2011, 06:19 AM

    Quote from: Rev. Winton Dupree
    Shut the fuck up you self-hating cowardly chickenhawk authoritarian prick.

    Q-man. For a supposed champion of free expression (for Muslims at least) you display a high degree of aggressive intolerance towards opinions contrary to your own - particularly if you can't adequately counter them. Do you ever tell people to "shut the fuck up" when you are overseeing union meetings?

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #87 - May 23, 2011, 10:16 AM

    let us look in to the settlements and how many people live there and where did they come from and what to do with them??

    An Israeli settlement is a Jewish civilian community built on land that was captured by Israel during the 1967 Six-Day War and is considered occupied territory by the international community.
    Such settlements currently exist in the West Bank. Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem and communities in the Golan Heights, areas which have been annexed by Israel, are considered settlements by the international community, which does not recognize Israel's annexations of these territories. Settlements also existed in the Sinai and Gaza Strip until Israel unilaterally disengaged from these areas.

    Please go thorugh this interactive map on the settlements, when they started and how these brainless Muslim leaders fighting each other in the name of Palestinians for the sale political power in their own countries instead of really helping Palestinians..

    Why these Islamic ummah.. kingdoms.. heroes of Islam  with all the oil money can not give some 50 billion dollars a year to Palestinians  to buy those houses that are build by Israelis?? Instead of that they build Mosques in west  and some rich rebel character like Osama comes out of Muslim community  and idiots like this one  spend money to generate nut cases and  thugs that kill people for no good reason but International terrorism in the name of Islam..

    These Idiots .. the leaders that rule Islamic nations that support Palestinians and  leaders with in Palestine have no brains., instead building institutions for future Muslim kids they build mosques for mental masturbation and  making nut cases all over Muslim community..

    Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.... I get so up set thinking about the problems  ..

    Any ways HighOctane  .,  please go through that link   and interactive map to realize the problem of Jewish settlements  in Palestine..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #88 - May 23, 2011, 01:16 PM

    Obama says his Palestinian state remarks misunderstood

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: Pro Israel or Pro Palestine?
     Reply #89 - May 23, 2011, 01:19 PM

    I hope all of you guys in CEMB watch these videos.....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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