Profession professional victim
Poul Højlund, consultant, Kjellerup
Posted on 26.02.09 at. 03:00
Who helps to maintain the poor Palestinians in their hopelessness? And why? Who benefits from their misfortune? Who maintains them in their role as professional victims? No, it is not Israel. Forget about it. It's actually the neighboring Arab states, who are to blame, involuntarily assisted by the EU and quite voluntarily assisted by the UN, writes Poul Højlund.
Most people feel sorry and quite rightly so for the desperate conditions that many Palestinians live under.
For 60 years, millions have lived in hopeless refugee villages, have been subjected to all sorts of corrupt and militant leaders, have been cheated and deceived by their Arab countrymen and their leaders, have been forced to live on relief from the EU and UN, been subject to the harsh Israeli military retaliation, and now finally in Gaza exposed to the international boycott and Israeli military intervention.
It's a shame.Quite simply a shame. It is a shame for all the people, now third and fourth generation, who live in misery, while they maintain the dream of returning to where the majority have never been, but which the oldest ones keep alive as the myth of the lost paradise and the lost honour.
It's a shame that all those children, youngsters and all their parents never got the chance to move on. Never learned to recognize reality and let the past be the past.As hundreds of millions of people worldwide have had to do.
There are refugees and displaced people everywhere on this planet, it seems almost a logical consequence of any new demarcation of borders following war and rebellion.
In Germany, millions of people were resettled after the war, all the refugees from the third of the original Germany, which was no longer German. In the South of Jutland, the Danish minority south of the border got used to live in a new country, their only rebellion against it being their stubborn insistence of maintaining their own culture.
Poland was after the war moved several hundred kilometers to the west, and millions of people were displaced and millions more moved about. Have you heard about refugee camps in that part of the world? Terror? Demands for a return to the country that once was theirs? Demands for the return of the third and fourth generation descendants as the Palestinians demand it?
No, in the rest of the world people face their unhappy fate, bend their necks and start all over again. No matter how cruelly fate has treated you, it is your own damn responsibility to get on with life and not let yourself be reduced to a victim. That is the way people all over the world think.
But not the Palestinians. They have allowed themselves to maintain the role as the world's professional victims. Deceived by their own leaders, terrorized by internal killings and torture, misled by religious soothsayers, who happily send civilians to their death for a cause that is not theirs, manipulated into believing that the West is the enemy that America is the great and Israel the little Satan.
Once their leaders allied themselves with Hitler, later with the Soviet Union, then with Saddam Hussein, most of the time with Syria, and most recently, Iran is the big animal in the Revelation. Their leaders have with the utmost care chosen wrong, every time they got the chance.
Originally between 420,000 and 710,000 fled. The figures are very uncertain. In the course of the 60 years that have passed since then, they have become 4.25 million, all of whom maintain refugee status. And the number is constantly increasing because the UN recognizes all who are descended from the original refugees.
Recognition as a refugee provides access to emergency assistance from the UN.
Imagine if all these people and all the huge sums paid to maintain their refugee status had been used to build a society based on diligence and skill instead of violence and hopelessness.
What could it not have led to? They live next door to the most striking example, Israel. Modern Israel and the hopeless refugee camps as well as Gaza and the West Bank had roughly the same starting point after 1948.It was a question of starting all over again in both cases. The Israelis rolled up their sleeves - the Palestinians remained stuck in misery.
The displaced Palestinians will never be able return to what they call their lost land.For the simple reason that it would mean Israel's annihilation. And that is not going to happen, even though it is the most fervent dream of many a Palestinian.
Who helps to keep the poor people in their hopeless situation? And why? Who benefits from their misfortune? Who maintains them in their role as professional victims?
No, it is not Israel. Forget it. Israel is harsh, when it is a question of protecting their country, but it is a rational-thinking country that builds infrastructure, creates hospitals, schools, education, creates jobs and upkeeps law and order in the occupied territories. Unfortunately they also establish settlements which further contributes to the Palestinians' hatred. But it is not Israel who wants a hateful neighbor population, on the contrary.
It is actually the neighboring Arab states, who are to blame, involuntarily assisted by the EU and quite voluntarily assisted by the UN. The Arab countries refused to resettle the Palestinians, even though Gaza was then Egyptian and the West Bank Jordanian.
The problem could and should have been solved then. It was not, for the simple reason that the Arab countries refused and refuse to recognize Israel.
Only Egypt and Jordan have made peace, the rest are still awaiting Israel's demise and the destruction of the Jews. It is with this purpose, that they created the Palestinian refugee problem, and that is why they continue to keep it alive.As long as the Palestinians accept their victim role, that is how long they play their deceitful leadership´s game, which is to keep alive the hatred of Israel. They are the legitimization for wishing Israel and the Jews to be send to where the pepper grows.
It could so easily be different. When you look at the old British mandate territory via Google map , Israel is so noticeable. Here it is green, here there is infrastructure here the desert has been transformed into vibrant land and welfare for its inhabitants. It has happened in the same 60 years, where the Palestinians have chosen to remain mired in their martyrdom. And please do not argue that Israel has stolen all the water, it will only bring us back to the victim role and the claim, that it´s the others' fault.
The harsh truth is that the Palestinians, unfortunately, lie in the bed that has been made for them.
Now the rabid among them spread their venom and hatred in Europe and the USA. We see the rabid demonstrations with children fitted with dynamite, we see them attack the peaceful pro-Israel demonstrations, we learn to our horror that Jew hatred and the attacks have returned to our continent.
We will not tolerate it. And we will especially not tolerate Danish left-wing parties that pretend to be friends with the Palestinians, but who, through their preaching and support, only help one thing, which is to keep the Palestinians in professional victim hood.
True friends tell the truth. They should say this: Palestinians in all countries, unite against your corrupt and crazy leaders, your false friends and your treacherous co-religionists. They do not want what is best for you, they use you in the third and fourth generation in their own game, which is about the destruction of Israel. You are only pawns in that game. You are the useful idiots.
Give up the dream of return, it is non-realizable. Face the reality that millions of others have done before you. Move on.Build up your societies instead of systematically tearing them down. Now make the right choice for once.. article is 3 years old, but still pertinent I think.
As for moving on, I can see how this is close to impossible for those Palestinians living in refugee camps in other Arab countries. I read recently (forget where) that in Lebanon f.inst. they are not allowed to vote or work. Probably holds true for other Arab countries and shame on their Arab brothers for not giving them citizenship after all these years.
Their leaders have with the utmost care chosen wrong, every time they got the chance.
As the former Israeli Foreign Minister, Abba Eban, said : The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”