I support Israel. Just what do you think happened in Palestine 60 years ago? When the Jews arrived from Europe, they found a wasteland and the Palestinians were the only Arabs that lived like nomads.
It was the Jews that only wanted a peaceful life after the holocaust that were greeted with hate, attacks and murders. In spite of it all, they turned Israel into a prosperous, useful and beautiful country. The Jews were mild mannered people, submissive and only wanted peace and freedom after the nightmare they faced during the holocaust. It was the Arabs that turned them into an aggressive, you can't walk all over me again people, out of the islamic country of Pakistan was made in the same manner Israel was...why aren't muslims protesting against that??? wait sorry i forgot Israel is filled with Jews and the Prophet Mo hated Jews!
That's not.....that's not actually true....any amazing construction that has actually happened by the Jewish people there hasn't been because of any miracle, it's because American Christians are bankrolling them because they want all the Jews to go there so Jesus can come and kill them all, because for some reason they have to all be together or God can't figure out who is Jewish and who isn't. It's kinda like reverse Haiti in that respect, Haiti isn't poor because black people are inherently inferior, they're poor because once the slaves revolted and took over, the Europeans got mad and decided to basically economically blockade them, not allowing any trade, which since the Europeans owned pretty much all trade in the western hemisphere, meant that the Haitians were unable to trade with anyone; and since all the balance of the natural ecosystem there had been bulldozed to make more economically viable non-food plantations (but now those weren't economically viable because of the trade embargo), that meant that they were desperately poor and had no food.
As for Jews being naturally peaceful and mild-mannered, where the hell did you get that cockamamie idea? Any mild-mannerism were the result of being economically disadvantaged. But it's not like Jewish texts are ACTUALLY like "obey the kings, because God put them here, and so you need to do what they say." Sure, there are passages like that. But they were written while under mostly benevolent foreign kings. Whenever Jews had some level of autonomy and weren't being watched closely by foreign powers--or when they were in a position that no matter what they said, they felt they were going to get killed, the texts they produced were incredibly racist. There is one incredibly good example of being nice to the foreign powers for as long as they're looking and hating them when they're not from Berachot 58a, and I will post the full text here so you don't have to look it up, because it's hard to find proper translations.

R. Shila administered lashes to a man who had intercourse with a gentile woman. The man went and informed on him to the government. He said: There is a Jewish man who holds court without royal appointment. The king sent an orderly to him [summoning him to appear]. When he came, they said to him: Why did you flog that man? [R. Shila] answered: Because he had relations with a donkey. They said to him: Do you have witnesses? He replied: Yes. Elijah came in the form of a man and testified. They said to him: If so, he is liable for death. [R. Shila] said: From the day we have been exiled from our land, we do not have permission to put someone to death. You can do whatever you want with him.
While they were analyzing his case, R. Shila began: (1 Chronicles 29:11) "Yours, Lord, is the greatness, the strength, the splendor,..." They said to him: What are you saying? He replied: This is what I am saying: Blessed is G-d who has given an earthly kingship similar to the heavenly Kingship and has given you dominion and made you merciful in judgement. They said to him: The honor of the government is so dear to you? They gave him a strap and appointed him as a judge.
When [R. Shila] left, the man [who was punished] said to him: Does G-d perform miracles for lies? He replied in this way: Wicked one, are they not called donkeys, as it says (Ezekiel 23:20) "whose flesh is the flesh of donkeys"? He saw that this man was going to inform on him [to the government] that he had called them donkeys. He said: This man is a pursuer and the Torah says that if someone comes to kill you, rise early and kill him first. He hit him with the strap and killed him."
The verse R. Shila was quoting had nothing to do with blessing a non-Jewish king; it was a quote from David, and what he probably meant by quoting it, in this context, that God's blessing is for Israel, not any other nation. In the context in which it originally appears, it is part of a two-way blessing, David is blessing God, and God is blessing David and promising his descendants eternal kingship. He deliberately misrepresented what he said when the king asked.
The other important part of this story is that it establishes that the penalty for telling non-Jews that, under Jewish law, they are donkeys, is instant death. No trial, instant death. Anyone who sees, or even thinks, that what you're going to do will make non-Jews hate Jews, even if what you're saying is true/a direct quote, can kill you. This is the basic foundational principle of most acts committed by the followers of Meir Kahane in modern times. So I don't understand where you got the idea that Jews are more peaceful than other peoples.