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 Topic: Happiest moments of your life

 (Read 18488 times)
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  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #60 - June 21, 2012, 10:31 AM

    Firstly, congratulations on getting to 1000 posts. Always a significant moment. I remember getting to that point myself and mentioning how I felt I’d managed to get to 999 posts without really saying anything meaningful at all – I then clicked on submit and, hey presto.I’d moved onto 1000 posts without really saying anything.

    Yeah, I felt warm and fuzzy inside, initially after reading about your memory of the watch, and how it was broken, and that you still remember that memory as being one of your happiest. And this fuzziness carried through to your other memories (including the bit where you actually enjoyed getting caned??? Has this carried through into adult life, I wonder. I mean, are you partial to a bit of S & M?Huh?). But, in general, you reminded me that it can be the small things in life that we cherish, and these can live with us forever.

    ChinaDoll (hope you’re good btw) and Abood: that all sounds so cute also. Sounds like a lovely day out and I’m officially jealous of the burger-bond that you guys now share. Well done in meeting up, and in making it such a memorable day. If only Leeds were a bit closer to London than Montreal is, I’d have joined you guys also.

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #61 - June 21, 2012, 10:36 AM

    Firstly, congratulations on getting to 1000 posts. Always a significant moment. I remember getting to that point myself and mentioning how I felt I’d managed to get to 999 posts without really saying anything meaningful at all – I then clicked on submit and, hey presto….I’d moved onto 1000 posts without really saying anything.

    Yeah, I felt warm and fuzzy inside, initially after reading about your memory of the watch, and how it was broken, and that you still remember that memory as being one of your happiest. And this fuzziness carried through to your other memories (including the bit where you actually enjoyed getting caned??? Has this carried through into adult life, I wonder. I mean, are you partial to a bit of S & M?Huh?). But, in general, you reminded me that it can be the small things in life that we cherish, and these can live with us forever.

    ChinaDoll (hope you’re good btw) and Abood: that all sounds so cute also. Sounds like a lovely day out and I’m officially jealous of the burger-bond that you guys now share. Well done in meeting up, and in making it such a memorable day. If only Leeds were a bit closer to London than Montreal is, I’d have joined you guys also.

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #62 - June 21, 2012, 10:58 AM

    i guess the happiest were when my two kids were born. the birth of my second child was actually somewhat eventful. my wife's waters broke a week or so before the due date. she called me at work straight away but didn't want to go to the hospital until I got home. So I rushed home as quick as I could and when I got home I realised she was getting quite close (the second labour is always quick compared to the first). I called the ambulance and had never been so scared in my whole life! The ambulance arrived quickly. We live in a small village/town in cambridgeshire and our hospital was in cambridge. half way through the journey on the dual carriageway my wife screamed that he was coming, the paramedic took a look and shouted to the driver to pull over. Eesa was born right there in the ambulance. The paramedic laid him on my my wife's tummy and he looked beautiful. My wife and I looked into each others eyes and kissed and we knew then we'd be the happiest family ever, no matter what. A couple of cop cars then spotted us and pulled over. They asked the paramedic if we wanted an escort to the hospital, he said yes - so we had flashing blue and sirens ahead and behind us the rest of the way to the hospital.

    ''we are morally and philisophically in the best position to win the league'' - Arsene Wenger
  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #63 - June 21, 2012, 01:36 PM

    Wow, this is a beautiful thread. Such amazing moments for you all. I'm particularly impressed by musivore and billy's stories. Sadly, I don't really have similar stories to tell. I've had many happy moments, but the way my mind works has changed to such a degree, I'm not sure I consider those moments to be "good" any more.

    One that does come to mind though is leaving Islam.

    Like harakaat, I had those same first thoughts:

    - Wow, I'm free to make my own thoughts and ideas! Not just rationalizations!
    - Wow, I actually DON'T know what life is all about! Now I can start figuring it out!

    Though, because I had already been emotionally conditioned quite thoroughly, the thought of wanton hedonistic indulgence hadn't really crossed my mind. Rather, I felt that I could finally follow my conscience instead of some shitty holy book. I wasn't taught that things like rape, murder and stealing were bad, anyhow.

    I can say though, that for the next few days, I actually felt high. I felt something that I thought was only described by people that had accepted Islam, not vice versa.

    I used to be powerful, then I started blogging.
  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #64 - June 21, 2012, 02:24 PM

    Firstly, congratulations on getting to 1000 posts. Always a significant moment. I remember getting to that point myself and mentioning how I felt I’d managed to get to 999 posts without really saying anything meaningful at all – I then clicked on submit and, hey presto.I’d moved onto 1000 posts without really saying anything.


    Hmm yeah.. now that I looked back it really is a non contributing situation for me, my post, mostly a crappy one, games, emotional ect ...

    bwah!  no care, people here  are much smarter than me anyway, I'm here to live even if it's a pathetic life, it's my only.

    Anyway thank you for congratulating, I remind myself of it but forgotten myself.

    Yeah, I felt warm and fuzzy inside, initially after reading about your memory of the watch, and how it was broken, and that you still remember that memory as being one of your happiest. And this fuzziness carried through to your other memories (including the bit where you actually enjoyed getting caned??? Has this carried through into adult life, I wonder. I mean, are you partial to a bit of S & M?). But, in general, you reminded me that it can be the small things in life that we cherish, and these can live with us forever.

    Silly, of course not, wait ? is it that way how I perceived my live ? I think I'm not ...

    Specifically  as for that part of getting caned in public, it's a group of mischief maker, not a loner getting caned, it wasn't that bad with friend.

    Getting through the worst, thick and thin, that sorta things, I'm happy because if one of us get caught the others will stay put, surrendered, receiving the same fate, you got to think how your friend feel, the one that got caught, alone, terrified,  it's a senior advice.
  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #65 - June 21, 2012, 09:43 PM

    Hey paranoid, you're way too hard on yourself. Try and be a bit more positive? I'm new to you and your posts, but already you've got my attention, so you can't be all bad. Plus you've already put a simile on my face with some of your memories, so thanks for that Smiley

    One final piece of advice bro: just because you're 'paranoid', doesn't mean they're not out to get you....

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #66 - June 21, 2012, 09:52 PM

    Wow, this is a beautiful thread. Such amazing moments for you all. I'm particularly impressed by musivore and billy's stories. Sadly, I don't really have similar stories to tell. I've had many happy moments, but the way my mind works has changed to such a degree, I'm not sure I consider those moments to be "good" any more.

    One that does come to mind though is leaving Islam.

    Like harakaat, I had those same first thoughts:

    Though, because I had already been emotionally conditioned quite thoroughly, the thought of wanton hedonistic indulgence hadn't really crossed my mind. Rather, I felt that I could finally follow my conscience instead of some shitty holy book. I wasn't taught that things like rape, murder and stealing were bad, anyhow.

    I can say though, that for the next few days, I actually felt high. I felt something that I thought was only described by people that had accepted Islam, not vice versa.

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #67 - June 21, 2012, 09:56 PM

    Hey Inertia, I wrote quite a bit in response to this, but lost my internet connection at the wrong moment :(

    To summarise, I think I said that your reason is as good as any to be happy. Plus more, but it would kill me to type that crap out again.

    Oh, and a belated welcome to the avatar mate

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #68 - June 21, 2012, 09:58 PM

    i guess the happiest were when my two kids were born. the birth of my second child was actually somewhat eventful. my wife's waters broke a week or so before the due date. she called me at work straight away but didn't want to go to the hospital until I got home. So I rushed home as quick as I could and when I got home I realised she was getting quite close (the second labour is always quick compared to the first). I called the ambulance and had never been so scared in my whole life! The ambulance arrived quickly. We live in a small village/town in cambridgeshire and our hospital was in cambridge. half way through the journey on the dual carriageway my wife screamed that he was coming, the paramedic took a look and shouted to the driver to pull over. Eesa was born right there in the ambulance. The paramedic laid him on my my wife's tummy and he looked beautiful. My wife and I looked into each others eyes and kissed and we knew then we'd be the happiest family ever, no matter what. A couple of cop cars then spotted us and pulled over. They asked the paramedic if we wanted an escort to the hospital, he said yes - so we had flashing blue and sirens ahead and behind us the rest of the way to the hospital.

    Hey Abugunner, hope you're good.

    Easa came in style Smiley

  • Re: Happiest moments of your life
     Reply #69 - June 22, 2012, 04:57 AM

    Hey paranoid, you're way too hard on yourself. Try and be a bit more positive? I'm new to you and your posts, but already you've got my attention, so you can't be all bad. Plus you've already put a simile on my face with some of your memories, so thanks for that Smiley

    One final piece of advice bro: just because you're 'paranoid', doesn't mean they're not out to get you....

    why thank you for your kind word and sound advice Wink
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