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 Topic: Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran

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  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #270 - June 17, 2020, 04:01 PM

    well the goal of writing this folder and reading Quran every verse of the book is to Inquire Prophet Muhammad's Life   from it and also basic ideology of Quran  and the purpose of its alleged revelation/publication.,  This what our friend Altara names it as Core text of Quran

    ..................................Syriac Alexander legend can be a later insertion or not. It as no incidence on the core text of the Quran in the 6/7th c. Would it be absent, it'd change what? Nothing.......................

    anyways  let me read surah  Luqman again by cutting in to pieces .. the way I often do/did to many chapters of Quran even in this folder .. what I call as Poetic verses or songs/sonnets from Quran..

    here we go
    Alif Lam Mim.
    These are verses of the Book of Wisdom
    A guidance and a mercy for the doers of goodness,
    Those who keep up prayer and pay the poor-rate and they are certain of the hereafter.
    These are on a guidance from their Lord, and these are they who are successful:
    And of men is he who takes instead frivolous discourse to lead astray from Allah's path without knowledge,
    and to take it for a mockery;
    these shall have an abasing chastisement.

    well that is a good poem and it contains 1st 6 verses of surah_Luqman.,  in fact you can add that sonnet to EVERY FAITH BOOK .. it fits perfectly fits well in to any faith/faith book that you have on this earth.. So I will make all those 34 verses in to some sort of sonnets in this post


       And when Our communications are recited to him, he turns back proudly, as if he had not heard them, as though in his ears were a heaviness, therefore announce to him a painful chastisement.

        those who believe and do good, they shall surely have gardens of bliss,

       Abiding in them; the promise of Allah;  true, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

        He created the heavens without pillars as you see them, and put mountains upon the earth lest it might convulse with you, and He spread in it animals of every kind; and We sent down water from the cloud, then caused to grow there in  of every noble kind.

       This is Allah's creation, but show Me what those besides Him have created. Nay, the unjust are in manifest error

    well we could make fairly good sonnet out of those 7-11 verses., but not sure WHO THAT "HE"   in that verse 7.. Heeee.. The BIG HE...  in the verse 10     created this .. created that.. created everything is  irrelevant .......anyway good poem..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #271 - July 18, 2020, 01:49 PM

    So   surah_57.. or Surah-31 of the book and that is Surah_" Luqman"    we are reading..
    well it just as 34 verses.. sounds like nice sonnet .. but let me read it carefully

     So we are dealing with Surah_" Luqman"  .....

    and  that is what I said about that Surah_57/surah_31/ Surah_" Luqman"  on june17 2020.,   indeed Reading that surah again and again tells me that it is one of best surahs of Quran ..

    what does it tell us?? .. first 12 verses in the above post i made nice sonnets ...  and rest of the surah ., that is verses  12 to 34 deals with  story of  Luqman and his son., it tells nothing about Prophet of Islam Muhammad...  so let us read those verses again from 12-34 ..  all 22  verses  deals with the story and  and  also  let us get the story of Luqman from other Abrahamic faith books  to figure out what new revelation is added in Quran through allegd Prophet of  Islam .. Muhammad..  well the least if I can not find anything new  .. I can make some songs and sonnets out of it


     12.   And certainly We gave wisdom to Luqman, saying: Be grateful to Allah. And whoever is grateful, he is only grateful for his own soul; and whoever is ungrateful, then surely Allah is  Self-sufficient, Praised.

    And when Luqman said to his son while he admonished him: O my son! do not associate aught with Allah; most surely polytheism is a grievous iniquity--

    And We have enjoined man in respect of his parents-- his mother bears him with faintings upon faintings and his weaning takes two years--  saying: Be grateful to Me and to both your parents; to Me is the eventual coming.

    And if they contend with you that you should associate with Me what you have no knowledge of, do not obey them, and keep company with them in this world kindly, and follow the way of him who turns to Me, then to Me is your return, then will I inform you of what you did--

    O my son! surely if it is the very weight of the grain of a mustard-seed, even though it is in (the heart of) rock, or (high above) in the heaven or (deep down) in the earth, Allah will bring it (to light); surely Allah is Knower of subtleties, Aware;

      O my son! keep up prayer and enjoin the good and forbid the evil, and bear patiently that which befalls you; surely these acts require courage;

     And do not turn your face away from people in contempt, nor go about in the land exulting overmuch; surely Allah does not love any self-conceited boaster;

    And pursue the right course in your going about and lower your voice; surely the most hateful of voices is braying of the asses.

     Do you not see that Allah has made what is in the heavens and what is in the earth subservient to you, and made complete to you His favors outwardly and inwardly? And among men is he who disputes in respect of Allah though having no knowledge nor guidance, nor a book giving light.

    21.   And when it is said to them: Follow what Allah has revealed, they say: Nay, we follow that on which we found our fathers. What! though the Shaitan calls them to the chastisement of the burning fire!

     And whoever submits himself wholly to Allah and he is the doer of good (to others), he indeed has taken hold of the firmest thing upon which one can lay hold; and Allah's is the end of affairs.

    And whoever disbelieves, let not his disbelief grieve you; to Us is their return, then will We inform them of what they did surely Allah is the Knower of what is in the breasts.

     We give them to enjoy a little, then will We drive them to a severe chastisement.

    25.   And if you ask them who created the heavens and the earth, they will certainly say: Allah. Say: (All) praise is due to Allah; nay! most of them do not know.

    26.   What is in the heavens and the earth is Allah's; surely Allah is the Self-sufficient, the Praised.

    And were every tree that is in the earth (made into) pens and the sea (to supply it with ink), with seven more seas to increase it, the words of Allah would not come to an end; surely Allah is Mighty, Wise.

    Neither your creation nor your raising is anything but as a single soul; surely Allah is Hearing, Seeing.

     Do you not see that Allah makes the night to enter into the day, and He makes the day to enter into the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient (to you); each pursues its course till an appointed time; and that Allah is Aware of what you do?

     This is because Allah is the Truth, and that which they call upon besides Him is the falsehood, and that Allah is the High, the Great.

     Do you not see that the ships run on in the sea by Allah's favor that He may show you of His signs? Most surely there are signs in this for every patient endurer, grateful one.

     And when a wave like mountains covers them they call upon Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, but when He brings them safe to the land, some of them follow the middle course; and none denies Our signs but every perfidious, ungrateful one.

    O people! guard against (the punishment of)  your Lord and dread the day when a father shall not make any satisfaction for his son, nor shall the child be the maker of any satisfaction for his father; surely the promise of Allah is true, therefore let not this world's life deceive you, nor let the arch deceiver deceive you in respect of Allah.

    34.   Surely Allah is He with Whom is the knowledge of the hour, and He sends down the rain and He knows what is in the wombs; and no one knows what he shall earn on the morrow; and no one knows in what land he shall die; surely Allah is Knowing, Aware.

    So out of that Surah-31 we can make some 5 nice  little sonnets/songs/stories .. The theme of the surah is same... as many other surahs of Quran  which are also songs ..sonnets and stories that were around the Arabian desert...

    So who is "Luqman" and what is his story?? well for that we need to read other religious books/stories.. Quran  talks in riddles/parables .. it does not tell complete story... well let us read that from different book/s  but before that we will read next surah to figure out whether we can see anything on Prophet of Islam Muhammad........ and that is  Surah_58   in revelation order and aka surah_ 34  in bookish order and the name is Surah_ Saba with some  54  verses

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #272 - August 01, 2020, 04:33 PM

    well Eid is over.. food is still in stomach.. so let me read Quran to digest it., .. in the last post on surah_57.. or Surah-31 of the book and that is Surah_" Luqman" I said 
    So Surah-31  we are dealing with Surah_" Luqman"  .....


    ..So who is "Luqman" and what is his story?? well for that we need to read other religious books/stories.. Quran  talks in riddles/parables .. it does not tell complete story.................

    So who is "Luqman"  Surah-31??

    Mohammed Khaku, writes in Morning Call  on The story of Luqman and his advice for fathers ** FAITH & VALUES     

    The most interesting chapter in Quran is the story of Luqman. Luqman is great-grandfather of Prophet Abraham, who lived 500 years; he was a carpenter, tailor, shepherd and judge. He was asked by God to choose between prophecy and wisdom, but he chose wisdom.

    So  Luqman is great-grandfather of Prophet Abraham, .......................  well  that put me off learning about Laqman better go and read next surah and that is  surah_58 revelation order .. or Surah-34 of the book and that is Surah_"Saba"   ., well there are 54 verses in it.. let me read on the way let me also edit the post..

    1.    (All) praise is due to Allah, Whose is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and to Him is due (all) praise in the hereafter; and He is the Wise, the Aware.

    2.    He knows that which goes down into the earth and that which comes out of it, and that which comes down from the heaven and that which goes up to it; and He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.

    3.    And those who disbelieve say: The hour shall not come upon us. Say: Yea! by my Lord, the Knower of the unseen, it shall certainly come upon you; not the weight of an atom becomes absent from Him, in the heavens or in the earth, and neither less than that nor greater, but (all) is in a clear book

    4.    That He may reward those who believe and do good; these it is for whom is forgiveness and an honorable sustenance.

    5.    And (as for) those who strive hard in opposing Our communications, these it is for whom is a painful chastisement of an evil kind.

    6.    And those to whom the knowledge has been given see that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, that is the truth, and it guides into the path of the Mighty, the Praised.

    7.    And those who disbelieve say: Shall we point out to you a man who informs you that when you are scattered the utmost scattering you shall then be most surely (raised) in (to) a new creation?

    8.   He has forged a lie against Allah or there is madness in him. Nay! those who do not believe in the hereafter are in torment and in great error.

    9.   Do they not then consider what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We please We will make them disappear in the land or bring down upon them a portion from the heaven; most surely there is a sign in this for every servant turning (to Allah).

    10.   And certainly We gave to Dawood excellence from Us: O mountains! sing praises with him, and the birds; and We made the iron pliant to him,

    11.   Saying: Make ample (coats of mail), and assign a time to the making of coats of mail and do good; surely I am Seeing what you do.

    12.   And (We made) the wind (subservient) to Sulaiman, which made a month's journey in the morning and a month's journey in the evening, and We made a fountain of molten copper to flow out for him, and of the jinn there were those who worked before him by the command of his Lord; and whoever turned aside from Our command from among them, We made him taste of the punishment of burning.

    13.   They made for him what he pleased of fortresses and images, and bowls (large) as watering-troughs and cooking-pots that will not move from their place; give thanks, O family of Dawood! and very few of My servants are grateful.

    14.   But when We decreed death for him, naught showed them his death but a creature of the earth that ate away his staff; and when it fell down, the jinn came to know plainly that if they had known the unseen, they would not have tarried in abasing torment.

    15.   Certainly there was a sign for Saba in their abode; two gardens on the right and the left; eat of the sustenance of your Lord and give thanks to Him: a good land and a Forgiving Lord!

    16.   But they turned aside, so We sent upon them a torrent of which the rush could not be withstood, and in place of their two gardens We gave to them two gardens yielding bitter fruit and (growing) tamarisk and a few lote-trees.

    17.   This We requited them with because they disbelieved; and We do not punish any but the ungrateful.

    18.   And We made between them and the towns which We had blessed (other) towns to be easily seen, and We apportioned the journey therein: Travel through them nights and days, secure.

    19.   And they said: O our Lord! make spaces to be longer between our journeys; and they were unjust to themselves so We made them stories and scattered them with an utter scattering; most surely there are signs in this for every patient, grateful one

    20.   And certainly the Shaitan found true his conjecture concerning them, so they follow him, except a party of the believers.

    21.   And he has no authority over them, but that We may distinguish him who believes in the hereafter from him who is in doubt concerning it; and your Lord is the Preserver of all things

    22.   Say: Call upon those whom you assert besides Allah; they do not control the weight of an atom in the heavens or in the earth nor have they any partnership in either, nor has He among them any one to back (Him) up.

    23.   And intercession will not avail aught with Him save of him whom He permits. Until when fear shall be removed from their hearts, They shall say: What is it that your Lord said? They shall say: The truth. And He is the Most High, the Great.

    24.   Say: Who gives you the sustenance from the heavens and the earth? Say: Allah. And most surely we or you are on a right way or in manifest error

    25.   Say: You will not be questioned as to what we are guilty of, nor shall we be questioned as to what you do.

    26.   Say: Our Lord will gather us together, then will He judge between us with the truth; and He is the greatest Judge, the All-knowing.

    27.   Say: Show me those whom you have joined with Him as associates; by no means (can you do it). Nay! He is Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

    28.   And We have not sent you but to all the men as a bearer of good news and as a warner, but most men do not know.

    29.   And they say: When will this promise be (fulfilled) if you are truthful?

    30.   Say: You have the appointment of a day from which you cannot hold back any while, nor can you bring it on.

    31.   And those who disbelieve say: By no means will we believe in this Quran, nor in that which is before it; and could you see when the unjust shall be made to stand before their Lord, bandying words one with another! Those who were reckoned weak shall say to those who were proud: Had it not been for you we would certainly have been believers.

    32.   Those who were proud shall say to those who were deemed weak: Did we turn you away from the guidance after it had come to you? Nay, you (yourselves) were guilty

    33.   And those who were deemed weak shall say to those who were proud. Nay, (it was) planning by night and day when you told us to disbelieve in Allah and to set up likes with Him. And they shall conceal regret when they shall see the punishment; and We will put shackles on the necks of those who disbelieved; they shall not be requited but what they did.

    34.   And We never sent a warner to a town but those who led lives in ease in it said: We are surely disbelievers in what you are sent with.

    35.   And they say: We have more wealth and children, and we shall not be punished.

    36.   Say: Surely my Lord amplifies the means of subsistence for whom He pleases and straitens (for whom He pleases), but most men do not know.

    37.   And not your wealth nor your children, are the things which bring you near Us in station, but whoever believes and does good, these it is for whom is a double reward for what they do, and they shall be secure in the highest places.

    38.   And (as for) those who strive in opposing Our communications, they shall be caused to be brought to the chastisement.

    39.   Say: Surely my Lord amplifies the means of subsistence for whom He pleases of His servants and straitens (them) for whom (He pleases), and whatever thing you spend, He exceeds it in reward, and He is the best of Sustainers.

    40.   And on the day when He will gather them all together, then will He say to the angels: Did these worship you?

    41.   They shall say: Glory be to Thee! Thou art our Guardian, not they; nay! they worshipped the jinn; most of them were believers in them.

    42.   So on that day one of you shall not control profit or harm for another, and We will say to those who were unjust: Taste the chastisement of the fire which you called a lie.

    43.   And when Our clear communications are recited to them, they say: This is naught but a man who desires to turn you away from that which your fathers worshipped. And they say: This is naught but a lie that is forged. And those who disbelieve say of the truth when it comes to them: This is only clear enchantment.

    44.   And We have not given them any books which they read, nor did We send to them before you a warner.

    45.   And those before them rejected (the truth), and these have not yet attained a tenth of what We gave them, but they gave the lie to My apostles, then how was the manifestation of My disapproval?

    46.   Say: I exhort you only to one thing, that rise up for Allah's sake in twos and singly, then ponder: there is no madness in your fellow-citizen; he is only a warner to you before a severe chastisement.

    47.   Say: Whatever reward I have asked of you, that is only for yourselves; my reward is only with Allah, and He is a witness of all things.

    48.   Say: Surely my Lord utters the truth, the great Knower of the unseen.

    49.   Say: The truth has come, and the falsehood shall vanish and shall not come back.

    50.   Say: If I err, I err only against my own soul, and if I follow a right direction, it is because of what my Lord reveals to me; surely He is Hearing, Nigh.

    51.   And could you see when they shall become terrified, but (then) there shall be no escape and they shall be seized upon from a near place

    52.   And they shall say: We believe in it. And how shall the attaining (of faith) be possible to them from a distant place?

    53.   And they disbelieved in it before, and they utter conjectures with regard to the unseen from a distant place.

    54.   And a barrier shall be placed between them and that which they desire, as was done with the likes of them before: surely they are in a disquieting doubt.

    well I edited the post .. and now we will read all 54 verses of that chapter to figure out whether it is  also similar to that story of "Laqman"..... The FATHER OF ABRAHAM..... imbecile stories of Islam...

    but you know we can always  write  wonderful  songs... sonnets and tell stories to children... out of Quran verses., well it appears that there is   NOTHING ABOUT LOST  PROPHET OF ISLAM .. "Muhammad" in those 54 verses of that Surah "Saba"., bet let read it again and may be make some sonnets out of it..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #273 - August 02, 2020, 12:07 PM

    well So we are in Surah Saba.... our good friend  born in Central India.. died in AMRIKA writes on that surah Saba


    The Surah takes its name from verse 15 in which the word Saba has occurred, which implies that it is the Surah in which mention has been made of Saba (i. e. the Sabaeans).

    Period of Revelation

    The exact period of its revelation is not known from any reliable tradition. However, the style shows that it is either the middle or the early Makkan period. If it is the middle period, it was probably its initial stage when the persecution had not yet become tyrannical and the Islamic movement was being suppressed only by resort to derision and ridicule, rumor mongering, false allegations and casting of evil suggestions in the people's minds.

    Theme and Subject Matter

    The Surah deals with those objections of the disbelievers, which they were raising against the Holy Prophet's message of Tauhid and the Hereafter, and about his Prophethood itself, mostly in the form of absurd allegations and taunts and mockery. These objections have been answered, sometimes by citing them and sometimes without citing them, and the discourse itself shows which objection is being answered at a particular place. The answers mostly take the form of instruction and admonition and argument, but at some places the disbelievers have been warned also of the evil consequences, of their stubbornness.

    In this connection, the stories of the Sabaeans and the Prophets David and Solomon have been related to impress this lesson: "You have both these historical precedents before you. On the one hand, there were the Prophets David and Solomon, who had been blessed by Allah with great powers and such grandeur and glory as had been granted to hardly any people before them. In spite of this, they were not proud and arrogant, but remained grateful servants of their Lord. They were never rebellious. On the other hand, there were the people of Saba, who, when blessed by Allah, became proud, and were consequently so thoroughly destroyed and dispersed as to be remembered only in myths and legends. With these precedents in view, you may see and judge for yourselves as to which bind of the life is better: that which is built on belief in Tauhid and the Hereafter and the attitude of gratefulness to Allah, or that which is based on disbelief and shirk and denial of the Hereafter and the worship of the world."

    well that is what he says.. So in conclusion Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi  says  "there is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING ABOUT OUT LOST PROPHET Muhammad(PBUH)"

    but let me cut that surah saba at different places to make it as songs/sonnets..

      (All) praise is due to Allah, Whose is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and to Him is due (all) praise in the hereafter; and He is the Wise, the Aware.

      He knows that which goes down into the earth and that which comes out of it, and that which comes down from the heaven and that which goes up to it; and He is the Merciful, the Forgiving.

      And those who disbelieve say: The hour shall not come upon us. Say: Yea! by my Lord, the Knower of the unseen, it shall certainly come upon you; not the weight of an atom becomes absent from Him, in the heavens or in the earth, and neither less than that nor greater, but (all) is in a clear book

     That He may reward those who believe and do good; these it is for whom is forgiveness and an honorable sustenance.

      And (as for) those who strive hard in opposing Our communications, these it is for whom is a painful chastisement of an evil kind.

      And those to whom the knowledge has been given see that which has been revealed to you from your Lord, that is the truth, and it guides into the path of the Mighty, the Praised.

      And those who disbelieve say: Shall we point out to you a man who informs you that when you are scattered the utmost scattering you shall then be most surely (raised) in (to) a new creation?

     He has forged a lie against Allah or there is madness in him. Nay! those who do not believe in the hereafter are in torment and in great error.

     Do they not then consider what is before them and what is behind them of the heaven and the earth? If We please We will make them disappear in the land or bring down upon them a portion from the heaven; most surely there is a sign in this for every servant turning (to Allah).

     Those 1st 9 verses of surah Saba...., 

    and here  Maryam Masud is reciting Surah Saba at Jamaica Masjid, New York

    Hmm This guy is also pretty good singer

    but let us also sing it in English to figure out its in depth meaning..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #274 - August 21, 2020, 02:01 PM

    so after reading that imbecile story of Surah "Luqman., .. we read another story Surah_"Saba" 
    ..................................So  Luqman is great-grandfather of Prophet Abraham, .......................  well  that put me off learning about Laqman better go and read next surah and that is  surah_58 revelation order .. or Surah-34 of the book and that is Surah_"Saba"   ., well there are 54 verses in it.. let me read on the way let me also edit the post..............

    well that is  "Laqman"..... The FATHER OF ABRAHAM..... imbecile stories of Islam...

    but you know we can always  write  wonderful  songs... sonnets and tell stories to children... out of Quran verses., well it appears that there is   NOTHING ABOUT LOST  PROPHET OF ISLAM .. "Muhammad" in those 54 verses of that Surah "Saba"., bet let read it again and may be make some sonnets out of it..

    and that is what I said about surah "Saba"., again as usual there is NOTHING about Prophet of Islam...  Muhammad.. in it we read 58 surahs in the revelation order ..

    Now let me read surah-59.,   and Surah_59 in revelation order  means surah_ 39  in bookish order and that is Surah_ Az-Zumar with some 75 verses in it   and was allegedly revealed in Mecca

    well let me read it..

    1.   The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

    2.    Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth, therefore serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience.

    3.   Now, surely, sincere obedience is due to Allah (alone) and (as for) those who take guardians besides Him, (saying), We do not serve them save that they may make us nearer to Allah, surely Allah will judge between them in that in which they differ; surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.

    4.   If Allah desire to take a son to Himself, He will surely choose those He pleases from what He has created. Glory be to Him: He is Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all).

    5.   He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He makes the night cover the day and makes the day overtake the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient; each one runs on to an assigned term; now surely He is the Mighty, the great Forgiver.

    6.   He has created you from a single being, then made its mate of the same (kind), and He has made for you eight of the cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers-- a creation after a creation-- in triple darkness; that is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom; there is no god but He; whence are you then turned away?

    7.   If you are ungrateful, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient above all need of you; and He does not like ungratefulness in His servants; and if you are grateful, He likes it in you; and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your Lord is your return, then will He inform you of what you did; surely He is Cognizant of what is in the breasts.

    8.   And when distress afflicts a man he calls upon his Lord turning to Him frequently; then when He makes him possess a favor from Him, he forgets that for which he called upon Him before, and sets up rivals to Allah that he may cause (men) to stray off from His path. Say: Enjoy yourself in your ungratefulness a little, surely you are of the inmates of the fire.

    9.   What! he who is obedient during hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, takes care of the hereafter and hopes for the mercy of his Lord! Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful.

    10.   Say: O my servants who believe! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord; for those who do good in this world is good, and Allah's earth is spacious; only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure.

    11.   Say: I am commanded that I should serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience.

    12.   And I am commanded that I shall be the first of those who submit.

    13.   Say: I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the chastisement of a grievous day.

    14.   Say: Allah (it is Whom) I serve, being sincere to Him in my obedience:

    15.   Serve then what you like besides Him. Say: The losers surely are those who shall have lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection; now surely that is the clear loss.

    16.   They shall have coverings of fire above them and coverings beneath them; with that Allah makes His servants to fear, so be careful of (your duty to) Me, O My servants!

    17.   And (as for) those who keep off from the worship of the idols and turn to Allah, they shall have good news, therefore give good news to My servants,

    18.   Those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it; those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding.

    19.   What! as for him then against whom the sentence of chastisement is due: What! can you save him who is in the fire?

    20.   But (as for) those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have high places, above them higher places, built (for them), beneath which flow rivers; (this is) the promise of Allah: Allah will not fail in (His) promise.

    21.   Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the cloud, then makes it go along in the earth in springs, then brings forth therewith herbage of various colors, then it withers so that you see it becoming yellow, then He makes it a thing crushed and broken into pieces? Most surely there is a reminder in this for the men of understanding.

    22.   What! is he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is in a light from his Lord (like the hard-hearted)? Nay, woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error.

    23.   Allah has revealed the best announcement, a book conformable in its various parts, repeating, whereat do shudder the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah; this is Allah's guidance, He guides with it whom He pleases; and (as for) him whom Allah makes err, there is no guide for him.

    24.   Is he then who has to guard himself with his own person against the evil chastisement on the resurrection day? And it will be said to the unjust: Taste what you earned.

    25.   Those before them rejected (prophets), therefore there came to them the chastisement from whence they perceived not.

    26.   So Allah made them taste the disgrace in this world's life, and certainly the punishment of the hereafter is greater; did they but know!

    27.   And certainly We have set forth to men in this Quran similitudes of every sort that they may mind.

    28.   An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may guard (against evil).

    29.   Allah sets forth an example: There is a slave in whom are (several) partners differing with one another, and there is another slave wholly owned by one man. Are the two alike in condition? (All) praise is due to Allah. Nay! most of them do not know.

    30.   Surely you shall die and they (too) shall surely die.

    31.   Then surely on the day of resurrection you will contend one with another before. your Lord.

    32.   Who is then more unjust than he who utters a lie against Allah and (he who) gives the lie to the truth when it comes to him; is there not in hell an abode for the unbelievers?

    33.   And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth-- these are they that guard (against evil).

    34.   They shall have with their Lord what they please; that is the reward of the doers of good;

    35.   So that Allah will do away with the worst of what they did and give them their reward for the best of what they do.

    36.   Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? And they seek to frighten you with those besides Him; and whomsoever Allah makes err, there is no guide for him.

    37.    And whom Allah guides, there is none that can lead him astray; is not Allah Mighty, the Lord of retribution?

    38.   And should you ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth? They would most certainly say: Allah. Say: Have you then considered that what you call upon besides Allah, would they, if Allah desire to afflict me with harm, be the removers of His harm, or (would they), if Allah desire to show me mercy, be the withholders of His mercy? Say: Allah is sufficient for me; on Him do the reliant rely.

    39.   Say: O my people! work in your place, surely I am a worker, so you will come to know.

    40.   Who it is to whom there shall come a punishment which will disgrace him and to whom will be due a lasting punishment.

    41.   Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth for the sake of men; so whoever follows the right way, it is for his own soul and whoever errs, he errs only to its detriment; and you are not a custodian over them.

    42.   Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep; then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death and sends the others back till an appointed term; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

    43.   Or have they taken intercessors besides Allah? Say: what! even though they did not ever have control over anything, nor do they understand.

    44.   Say: Allah's is the intercession altogether; His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you shall be brought back.

    45.   And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful.

    46.   Say: O Allah! Originator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the seen! Thou (only) judgest between Thy servants as to that wherein they differ.

    47.   And had those who are unjust all that is in the earth and the like of it with it, they would certainly offer it as ransom (to be saved) from the evil of the punishment on the day of resurrection; and what they never thought of shall become plain to them from Allah.

     48.   And the evil (consequences) of what they wrought shall become plain to them, and the very thing they mocked at shall beset them.

     49.   So when harm afflicts a man he calls upon Us; then, when We give him a favor from Us, he says: I have been given it only by means of knowledge. Nay, it is a trial, but most of them do not know.

    50.   Those before them did say it indeed, but what they earned availed them not.

    51.   So there befell them the evil (consequences) of what they earned; and (as for) those who are unjust from among these, there shall befall them the evil (consequences) of what they earn, and they shall not escape.

    52.   Do they not know that Allah makes ample the means of subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe.[/i]

    53.   Say: O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful.

    54.   And return to your Lord time after time and submit to Him before there comes to you the punishment, then you shall not be helped.

    55.   And follow the best that has been revealed to you from your Lord before there comes to you the punishment all of a sudden while you do not even perceive;

    56.   Lest a soul should say: O woe to me! for what I fell short of my duty to Allah, and most surely I was of those who laughed to scorn;

    57.   Or it should say: Had Allah guided me, I would certainly have been of those who guard (against evil);

    58.   Or it should say when it sees the punishment: Were there only a returning for me, I should be of the doers of good.

    59.   Aye! My communications came to you, but you rejected them, and you were proud and you were one of the unbelievers.

    60.   And on the day of resurrection you shall see those who lied against Allah; their faces shall be blackened. Is there not in hell an abode for the proud?

    61.   And Allah shall deliver those who guard (against evil) with their achievement; evil shall not touch them, nor shall they grieve.

    62.   Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has charge over every thing.

    63.   His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; and (as for) those who disbelieve in the communications of Allah, these it is that are the losers.

    64.   Say: What! Do you then bid me serve others than Allah, O ignorant men?

    65.   And certainly, it has been revealed to you and to those before you: Surely if you associate (with Allah), your work would certainly come to naught and you would certainly be of the losers.

    66.   Nay! but serve Allah alone and be of the thankful.

    67.   And they have not honored Allah with the honor that is due to Him; and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted above what they associate (with Him).

    68.   And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except such as Allah please; then it shall be blown again, then lo! they shall stand up awaiting.

    69.   And the earth shall beam with the light of its Lord, and the Book shall be laid down, and the prophets and the witnesses shall be brought up, and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

    70.   And every soul shall be paid back fully what it has done, and He knows best what they do.

    71.   And those who disbelieve shall be driven to hell in companies; until, when they come to it, its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Did not there come to you apostles from among you reciting to you the communications of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They shall say: Yea! But the sentence of punishment was due against the unbelievers.

    72.   It shall be said: Enter the gates of hell to abide therein; so evil is the abode of the proud.

    73.   And those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord shall be conveyed to the garden in companies; until when they come to it, and its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Peace be on you, you shall be happy; therefore enter it to abide.

    74.   And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made good to us His promise, and He has made us inherit the land; we may abide in the garden where we please; so goodly is the reward of the workers.

    75.   And you shall see the angels going round about the throne glorifying the praise of their Lord; and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and it shall be said: All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    damn  .. no time to read and no time to edit it.. we will do it shortly .. well editing 75 verses of that chapter  Surah Az Zumar (The Troops)  is done ., ...    and let me read 2/3 times .. and let me read some tafsir on it....and ....and make it in to pieces by cutting it right places  to make some sort of story/sonnet /or song....

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #275 - August 22, 2020, 06:45 AM

    So   .. we are reading The Surah Az-zumar.,   and let me add  bit of tafsir  from what my good  from central India .. the Islamic scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi   wrote in his book  Tafhim al-Qur'an - The Meaning of the Qur'an

    The Surah derives its name from verse 71 and 73 in which the word zumar has occurred.

    Period of Revelation

    In verse 10 (wa ardullah-i-wasi atun: and Allah's earth is vast) there is abundant evidence that this Surah was sent down before the migration to Habash. Some traditions provide the explanation that this verse was sent down in respect of Hadrat Ja'far bin Abi Talib and his companions when they made up their mind to emigrate to Habash.(Ruh al-Maani, vol. XXII, p. 226).

    Theme and Subject matter

    The entire Surah is a most eloquent and effective address which was given some time before the emigration to Habash, in an environment filled with tyranny and persecution, ill-will and antagonism, at Makkah. It is a sermon whose addressees mainly are the unbelieving Quraish, although here and there the believers also have been addressed. In it the real aim of the invitation of Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) had been enunciated, which is this:Man should adopt Allah's servitude sincerely, and should not pollute his God worship with the service of any other. Presenting this cardinal principle in different ways over and over again, the truth of Tauhid and the excellent results of accepting it, and the falsehood of shirk and the evil consequences of following it, have been explained in a most forceful way, and the people exhorted to give up their wrong way of life and return to the mercy of their Lord. In this very connection, the believers have been instructed, as if to say:"If a place has become narrow for the worship and service of Allah, His earth is vast: you may emigrate to some other place in order to save your faith: Allah will reward you for your patience."On the other hand, the Holy Prophet has been encouraged, so as to say:"Tell the disbelievers plainly that they may do whatever they like, but their persecutions and tyrannies will never deter you from the way of Islam; that they may go on doing their worst to obstruct your way, but you will continue to perform your mission in spite of the adverse conditions and circumstances."

    well that is what he says ... whatever  that is NOT my problem .. well I often wrote my problem is  reading Quran thoroughly multiple times   and make it  smaller  songs  sonnets and stories  and and trying to see whether we can get anything on Prophet of Islam from Quran..   .. so let me cut it at right places...

    1.   The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

    2.    Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth, therefore serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience.

    3.   Now, surely, sincere obedience is due to Allah (alone) and (as for) those who take guardians besides Him, (saying), We do not serve them save that they may make us nearer to Allah, surely Allah will judge between them in that in which they differ; surely Allah does not guide him aright who is a liar, ungrateful.

    4.   If Allah desire to take a son to Himself, He will surely choose those He pleases from what He has created. Glory be to Him: He is Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all).

    5.   He has created the heavens and the earth with the truth; He makes the night cover the day and makes the day overtake the night, and He has made the sun and the moon subservient; each one runs on to an assigned term; now surely He is the Mighty, the great Forgiver.

    6.   He has created you from a single being, then made its mate of the same (kind), and He has made for you eight of the cattle in pairs. He creates you in the wombs of your mothers-- a creation after a creation-- in triple darkness; that is Allah your Lord, His is the kingdom; there is no god but He; whence are you then turned away?

    7.   If you are ungrateful, then surely Allah is Self-sufficient above all need of you; and He does not like ungratefulness in His servants; and if you are grateful, He likes it in you; and no bearer of burden shall bear the burden of another; then to your Lord is your return, then will He inform you of what you did; surely He is Cognizant of what is in the breasts.

    8.   And when distress afflicts a man he calls upon his Lord turning to Him frequently; then when He makes him possess a favor from Him, he forgets that for which he called upon Him before, and sets up rivals to Allah that he may cause (men) to stray off from His path. Say: Enjoy yourself in your ungratefulness a little, surely you are of the inmates of the fire.

    9.   What! he who is obedient during hours of the night, prostrating himself and standing, takes care of the hereafter and hopes for the mercy of his Lord! Say: Are those who know and those who do not know alike? Only the men of understanding are mindful.

    10.   Say: O my servants who believe! be careful of (your duty to) your Lord; for those who do good in this world is good, and Allah's earth is spacious; only the patient will be paid back their reward in full without measure.

    11.   Say: I am commanded that I should serve Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience.

    12.   And I am commanded that I shall be the first of those who submit.

    13.   Say: I fear, if I disobey my Lord, the chastisement of a grievous day.

    14.   Say: Allah (it is Whom) I serve, being sincere to Him in my obedience:

    15.   Serve then what you like besides Him. Say: The losers surely are those who shall have lost themselves and their families on the day of resurrection; now surely that is the clear loss.

    16.   They shall have coverings of fire above them and coverings beneath them; with that Allah makes His servants to fear, so be careful of (your duty to) Me, O My servants!

    17.   And (as for) those who keep off from the worship of the idols and turn to Allah, they shall have good news, therefore give good news to My servants,

    18.   Those who listen to the word, then follow the best of it; those are they whom Allah has guided, and those it is who are the men of understanding.

    19.   What! as for him then against whom the sentence of chastisement is due: What! can you save him who is in the fire?

    20.   But (as for) those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord, they shall have high places, above them higher places, built (for them), beneath which flow rivers; (this is) the promise of Allah: Allah will not fail in (His) promise.

      well those 1st 20 verses could be put in to any faith book  with very little change  .. I am sure they fill fit in to every faith that is there on earth..   that highlighted verse-4 .. The Christ   Son of God becomes  a base for those 20  verses  and the authors chide/rain insults /fight .. whatever on those who may have believed / are written a statement in that new Testament ..Christ .. Son of God itself is a parable in NT books ., and  on that our Quran writers expand  it to write  songs./sonnets /tell some story/ throw some insults to oppose that concept..  nothing more and nothing less.,

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #276 - August 22, 2020, 07:13 AM

    well let me continue cutting the surah at right places...
    21.   Do you not see that Allah sends down water from the cloud, then makes it go along in the earth in springs, then brings forth therewith herbage of various colors, then it withers so that you see it becoming yellow, then He makes it a thing crushed and broken into pieces? Most surely there is a reminder in this for the men of understanding.

    22.   What! is he whose heart Allah has opened for Islam so that he is in a light from his Lord (like the hard-hearted)? Nay, woe to those whose hearts are hard against the remembrance of Allah; those are in clear error.

    23.   Allah has revealed the best announcement, a book conformable in its various parts, repeating, whereat do shudder the skins of those who fear their Lord, then their skins and their hearts become pliant to the remembrance of Allah; this is Allah's guidance, He guides with it whom He pleases; and (as for) him whom Allah makes err, there is no guide for him.

    24.   Is he then who has to guard himself with his own person against the evil chastisement on the resurrection day? And it will be said to the unjust: Taste what you earned.

    25.   Those before them rejected (prophets), therefore there came to them the chastisement from whence they perceived not.

    26.   So Allah made them taste the disgrace in this world's life, and certainly the punishment of the hereafter is greater; did they but know!

    27.   And certainly We have set forth to men in this Quran similitudes of every sort that they may mind.

    28.   An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may guard (against evil).

    29.   Allah sets forth an example: There is a slave in whom are (several) partners differing with one another, and there is another slave wholly owned by one man. Are the two alike in condition? (All) praise is due to Allah. Nay! most of them do not know.

    30.   Surely you shall die and they (too) shall surely die.

    31.   Then surely on the day of resurrection you will contend one with another before. your Lord.

    32.   Who is then more unjust than he who utters a lie against Allah and (he who) gives the lie to the truth when it comes to him; is there not in hell an abode for the unbelievers?

    33.   And he who brings the truth and (he who) accepts it as the truth-- these are they that guard (against evil).

    34.   They shall have with their Lord what they please; that is the reward of the doers of good;

    35.   So that Allah will do away with the worst of what they did and give them their reward for the best of what they do.

    36.   Is not Allah sufficient for His servant? And they seek to frighten you with those besides Him; and whomsoever Allah makes err, there is no guide for him.

    37.    And whom Allah guides, there is none that can lead him astray; is not Allah Mighty, the Lord of retribution?

    so all those 16 verse from verse 21 to 37 are nothing but song or sonnet about Allah and its power. If we replace the word "Allah" with "God" or any other word of any language/culture that describes power of god .. All those verse can be put in to any faith any religion and make song in any language  .. and and sing songs praising god..

    that is all we have .. now in this verse 28.. it says   
    28.   An Arabic Quran without any crookedness, that they may guard (against evil).

    meaning of the word "Quran" means recitation., So it is only telling Arab speaking folks of that time.. you can sing song on god /power god/allah whatever in your own language .. which happened to be Arabic  .. that is all what it is saying .. So .. just to  remind readers  this Allah /god song of these verses is not Arab specific and this singing song in the name of Allah is  NOT MUSLIM SPECIFIC NEITHER ARABIC SPECIFIC...  any believer of any faith could use those verses

    some 7 years ago new flashed in BBC,it%20could%20cause%20public%20disorder. which says SOME IDIOTS IN A MALAYSIA COURT ruled   "Malaysia court rules non-Muslims cannot use 'Allah'"

    Those brainless idiots never read Quran., if they read it .. they do not understand a shit about it..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #277 - August 22, 2020, 07:15 AM

    38.   And should you ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth? They would most certainly say: Allah. Say: Have you then considered that what you call upon besides Allah, would they, if Allah desire to afflict me with harm, be the removers of His harm, or (would they), if Allah desire to show me mercy, be the withholders of His mercy? Say: Allah is sufficient for me; on Him do the reliant rely.

    39.   Say: O my people! work in your place, surely I am a worker, so you will come to know.

    40.   Who it is to whom there shall come a punishment which will disgrace him and to whom will be due a lasting punishment.

    41.   Surely We have revealed to you the Book with the truth for the sake of men; so whoever follows the right way, it is for his own soul and whoever errs, he errs only to its detriment; and you are not a custodian over them.

    42.   Allah takes the souls at the time of their death, and those that die not during their sleep; then He withholds those on whom He has passed the decree of death and sends the others back till an appointed term; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

    43.   Or have they taken intercessors besides Allah? Say: what! even though they did not ever have control over anything, nor do they understand.

    44.   Say: Allah's is the intercession altogether; His is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth, then to Him you shall be brought back.

    45.   And when Allah alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who do not believe in the hereafter shrink, and when those besides Him are mentioned, lo! they are joyful.

    46.   Say: O Allah! Originator of the heavens and the earth, Knower of the unseen and the seen! Thou (only) judgest between Thy servants as to that wherein they differ.

    47.   And had those who are unjust all that is in the earth and the like of it with it, they would certainly offer it as ransom (to be saved) from the evil of the punishment on the day of resurrection; and what they never thought of shall become plain to them from Allah.

     48.   And the evil (consequences) of what they wrought shall become plain to them, and the very thing they mocked at shall beset them.

     49.   So when harm afflicts a man he calls upon Us; then, when We give him a favor from Us, he says: I have been given it only by means of knowledge. Nay, it is a trial, but most of them do not know.

    50.   Those before them did say it indeed, but what they earned availed them not.

    51.   So there befell them the evil (consequences) of what they earned; and (as for) those who are unjust from among these, there shall befall them the evil (consequences) of what they earn, and they shall not escape.

    52.   Do they not know that Allah makes ample the means of subsistence to whom He pleases, and He straitens; most surely there are signs in this for a people who believe.[/i]

    53.   Say: O my servants! who have acted extravagantly against their own souls, do not despair of the mercy of Allah; surely Allah forgives the faults altogether; surely He is the Forgiving the Merciful.

    54.   And return to your Lord time after time and submit to Him before there comes to you the punishment, then you shall not be helped.

    55.   And follow the best that has been revealed to you from your Lord before there comes to you the punishment all of a sudden while you do not even perceive;

    56.   Lest a soul should say: O woe to me! for what I fell short of my duty to Allah, and most surely I was of those who laughed to scorn;

    57.   Or it should say: Had Allah guided me, I would certainly have been of those who guard (against evil);

    58.   Or it should say when it sees the punishment: Were there only a returning for me, I should be of the doers of good.

    59.   Aye! My communications came to you, but you rejected them, and you were proud and you were one of the unbelievers.

    60.   And on the day of resurrection you shall see those who lied against Allah; their faces shall be blackened. Is there not in hell an abode for the proud?

    61.   And Allah shall deliver those who guard (against evil) with their achievement; evil shall not touch them, nor shall they grieve.

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #278 - August 22, 2020, 07:16 AM

      62.   Allah is the Creator of every thing and He has charge over every thing.

    63.   His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; and (as for) those who disbelieve in the communications of Allah, these it is that are the losers.

    64.   Say: What! Do you then bid me serve others than Allah, O ignorant men?

    65.   And certainly, it has been revealed to you and to those before you: Surely if you associate (with Allah), your work would certainly come to naught and you would certainly be of the losers.

    66.   Nay! but serve Allah alone and be of the thankful.

    67.   And they have not honored Allah with the honor that is due to Him; and the whole earth shall be in His grip on the day of resurrection and the heavens rolled up in His right hand; glory be to Him, and may He be exalted above what they associate (with Him).

    68.   And the trumpet shall be blown, so all those that are in the heavens and all those that are in the earth shall swoon, except such as Allah please; then it shall be blown again, then lo! they shall stand up awaiting.

    69.   And the earth shall beam with the light of its Lord, and the Book shall be laid down, and the prophets and the witnesses shall be brought up, and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and they shall not be dealt with unjustly.

    70.   And every soul shall be paid back fully what it has done, and He knows best what they do.

    71.   And those who disbelieve shall be driven to hell in companies; until, when they come to it, its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Did not there come to you apostles from among you reciting to you the communications of your Lord and warning you of the meeting of this day of yours? They shall say: Yea! But the sentence of punishment was due against the unbelievers.

    72.   It shall be said: Enter the gates of hell to abide therein; so evil is the abode of the proud.

    73.   And those who are careful of (their duty to) their Lord shall be conveyed to the garden in companies; until when they come to it, and its doors shall be opened, and the keepers of it shall say to them: Peace be on you, you shall be happy; therefore enter it to abide.

    74.   And they shall say: (All) praise is due to Allah, Who has made good to us His promise, and He has made us inherit the land; we may abide in the garden where we please; so goodly is the reward of the workers.

    75.   And you shall see the angels going round about the throne glorifying the praise of their Lord; and judgment shall be given between them with justice, and it shall be said: All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

     well we will read those 4 posts of Surah  Zumar again  write our own stories .. under them

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #279 - October 03, 2020, 07:29 PM

    well I read Surah Surah_ Az-Zumar  upside inside out all 75 verses  but no help in racking some information on Prophet of Islam from it..., So that was Surah -59 in that so-called revelation order., Now let me go read Surah-60 and that is Sūrat al-Muʼmin and that is numbered as 40th surah in the book with some 85 verses in it..  well let us read casually whole chapter..

    1.    Ha Mim.

    2.    The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Knowing,

    3.     The Forgiver of the faults and the Acceptor of repentance, Severe to punish, Lord of bounty; there is no god but He; to Him is the eventual coming.

    4.     None dispute concerning the communications of Allah but those who disbelieve, therefore let not their going to and fro in the cities deceive you.

    5.    The people of Nuh and the parties after them rejected (prophets) before them, and every nation purposed against their apostle to destroy him, and they disputed by means of the falsehood that they might thereby render null the truth, therefore I destroyed them; how was then My retribution!

    6.    And thus did the word of your Lord prove true against those who disbelieved that they are the inmates of the fire.

    7.    Those who bear the power and those around Him celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him and ask protection for those who believe: Our Lord! Thou embracest all things in mercy and knowledge, therefore grant protection to those who turn (to Thee) and follow Thy way, and save them from the punishment of the hell:

    8.    Our Lord! and make them enter the gardens of perpetuity which Thou hast promised to them and those who do good of their fathers and their wives and their offspring, surely Thou are the Mighty, the Wise.

    9.    And keep them from evil deeds, and whom Thou keepest from evil deeds this day, indeed Thou hast mercy on him, and that is the mighty achievement.

    10.    Surely those who disbelieve shall be cried out to: Certainly Allah's hatred (of you) when you were called upon to the faith and you rejected, is much greater than your hatred of yourselves.

    11.    They shall say: Our Lord! twice didst Thou make us subject to death, and twice hast Thou given us life, so we do confess our faults; is there then a way to get out?

    12.    That is because when Allah alone was called upon, you disbelieved, and when associates were given to Him, you believed; so judgment belongs to Allah, the High, the Great.

    13.    He it is Who shows you His signs and sends down for you sustenance from heaven, and none minds but he who turns (to Him) again and again.

    14.    Therefore call upon Allah, being sincere to Him in obedience, though the unbelievers are averse:

    15.    Possessor of the highest rank, Lord of power: He makes the inspiration to light by His command upon whom He pleases of His servants, that he may warn (men) of the day of meeting.

    16.    (Of) the day when they shall come forth, nothing concerning them remains hidden to Allah. To whom belongs the kingdom this day? To Allah, the One, the Subduer (of all).

    17.    This day every soul shall be rewarded for what it has earned; no injustice (shall be done) this day; surely Allah is quick in reckoning.

    18.    And warn them of the day that draws near, when hearts shall rise up to the throats, grieving inwardly; the unjust shall not have any compassionate friend nor any intercessor who should be obeyed.

    19.    He knows the stealthy looks and that which the breasts conceal.

    20.    And Allah judges with the truth; and those whom they call upon besides Him cannot judge aught; surely Allah is the Hearing, the Seeing.

    21.    Have they not travelled in the earth and seen how was the end of those who were before them? Mightier than these were they in strength-- and in fortifications in the land, but Allah destroyed them for their sins; and there was not for them any defender against Allah.

    22.    That was because there came to them their apostles with clear arguments, but they rejected (them), therefore Allah destroyed them; surely He is Strong, Severe in retribution.

    23.    And certainly We sent Musa with Our communications and clear authority,

    24.    To Firon and Haman and Qaroun, but they said: A lying magician.

    25.    So when he brought to them the truth from Us, they said: Slay the sons of those who believe with him and keep their women alive; and the struggle of the unbelievers will only come to a state of perdition.

    26.    And Firon said: Let me alone that I may slay Musa and let him call upon his Lord; surely I fear that he will change your religion or that he will make mischief to appear in the land.

    27.    And Musa said: Surely I take refuge with my Lord and-- your Lord from every proud one who does not believe in the day of reckoning.

    28.    And a believing man of Firon's people who hid his faith said: What! will you slay a man because he says: My Lord is Allah, and indeed he has brought to you clear arguments from your Lord? And if he be a liar, on him will be his lie, and if he be truthful, there will befall you some of that which he threatens you (with); surely Allah does not guide him who is extravagant, a liar:

    29.    O my people! yours is the kingdom this day, being masters in the land, but who will help us against the punishment of Allah if it come to us? Firon said: I do not show you aught but that which I see (myself), and I do not make you follow any but the right way.

    30.    And he who believed said: O my people! surely I fear for you the like of what befell the parties:

    31.    The like of what befell the people of Nuh and Ad and Samood and those after them, and Allah does not desire injustice for (His) servants;

    32.    And, O my people! I fear for you the day of calling out,

    33.    The day on which you will turn back retreating; there shall be no savior for you from Allah, and whomsoever Allah causes to err, there is no guide for him:

    34.    And certainly Yusuf came to you before with clear arguments, but you ever remained in doubt as to what he brought; until when he died, you said: Allah will never raise an apostle after him. Thus does Allah cause him to err who is extravagant, a doubter

    35.    Those who dispute concerning the communications of Allah without any authority that He has given them; greatly hated is it by Allah and by-those who believe. Thus does Allah set a seal over the heart of every proud, haughty one.

    36.    And Firon said: O Haman! build for me a tower that I may attain the means of access,

    37.    The means of access to the heavens, then reach the god of Musa, and I surely think him to be a liar. And thus the evil of his deed was made fairseeming to Firon, and he was turned away from the way; and the struggle of Firon was not (to end) in aught but destruction.

    38.    And he who believed said: O my people! follow me, I will guide you to the right course;

    39.    O my people! this life of the world is only a (passing) enjoyment, and surely the hereafter is the abode to settle;

    40.    Whoever does an evil, he shall not be recompensed (with aught) but the like of it, and whoever does good, whether male or female, and he is a believer, these shall enter the garden, in which they shall be given sustenance without measure.

    41.    And, O my people! how is it that I call you to salvation and you call me to the fire?

    42.    You call on me that I should disbelieve in Allah and associate with Him that of which I have no knowledge, and I call you to the Mighty, the most Forgiving;

    43.    No doubt that what you call me to has no title to be called to in this world, nor in the hereafter, and that our turning back is to Allah, and that the extravagant are the inmates of the fire;

    44.    So you shall remember what I say to you, and I entrust my affair to Allah, Surely Allah sees the servants.

    45.    So Allah protected him from the evil (consequences) of what they planned, and the most evil punishment overtook Firon's people:

    46.    The fire; they shall be brought before it (every) morning and evening and on the day when the hour shall come to pass: Make Firon's people enter the severest chastisement.

    47.    And when they shall contend one with another in the fire, then the weak shall say to those who were proud: Surely we were your followers; will you then avert from us a portion of the fire?

    48.    Those who were proud shall say: Surely we are all in it: surely Allah has judged between the servants.

    49.    And those who are in the fire shall say to the keepers of hell: Call upon your Lord that He may lighten to us one day of the punishment.

    50.    They shall say: Did not your apostles come to you with clear arguments? They shall say: Yea. They shall say: Then call. And the call of the unbelievers is only in error.

    51.    Most surely We help Our apostles, and those who believe, in this world's life and on the day when the witnesses shall stand

    52.    The day on which their excuse shall not benefit the unjust, and for them is curse and for them is the evil abode.

    53.    And certainly We gave Musa the guidance, and We made the children of Israel inherit the Book,

    54.    A guidance and a reminder to the men of understanding.

    55.    Therefore be patient; surely the promise of Allah is true; and ask protection for your fault and sing the praise of your Lord in the evening and the morning.

    56.    Surely (as for) those who dispute about the communications of Allah without any authority that has come to them, there is naught in their breasts but (a desire) to become great which they shall never attain to; Therefore seek refuge in Allah, surely He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

    57.    Certainly the creation of the heavens and the earth is greater than the creation of the men, but most people do not know

    58.    And the blind and the seeing are not alike, nor those who believe and do good and the evil-doer; little is it that you are mindful.

    59.    Most surely the hour is coming, there is no doubt therein, but most people do not believe.

    60.    And your Lord says: Call upon Me, I will answer you; surely those who are too proud for My service shall soon enter hell abased.

    61.    Allah is He Who made for you the night that you may rest therein and the day to see; most surely Allah is Gracious to men, but most men do not give thanks.

    62.    That is Allah, your Lord, the Creator of everything; there is no Allah but He; whence are you then turned away?

    63.    Thus were turned away those who denied the communications of Allah.

    64.    Allah is He Who made the earth a resting-place for you and the heaven a canopy, and He formed you, then made goodly your forms, and He provided you with goodly things; that is Allah, your Lord; blessed then is Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    65.    He is the Living, there is no god but He, therefore call on Him, being sincere to Him in obedience; (all) praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.

    66.    Say: I am forbidden to serve those whom you call upon besides Allah when clear arguments have come to me from my Lord, and I am commanded that I should submit to the Lord of the worlds.

    67.    He it is Who created you from dust, then from a small lifegerm, then from a clot, then He brings you forth as a child, then that you may attain your maturity, then that you may be old-- and of you there are some who are caused to die before-- and that you may reach an appointed term, and that you may understand.

    68.    He it is Who gives life and brings death, so when He decrees an affair, He only says to it: Be, and it is.

    69.    Have you not seen those who dispute with respect to the communications of Allah: how are they turned away?

    70.    Those who reject the Book and that with which We have sent Our Apostle; but they shall soon come to know,

    71.    When the fetters and the chains shall be on their necks; they shall be dragged

    72.    Into boiling water, then in the fire shall they be burned;

    73.    Then shall it be said to them: Where is that which you used to set up

    74.    Besides Allah? They shall say: They are gone away from us, nay, we used not to call upon anything before. Thus does Allah confound the unbelievers.

    75.    That is because you exulted in the land unjustly and because you behaved insolently.

    76.    Enter the gates of hell to abide therein, evil then is the abode of the proud.

    77.    So be patient, surely the promise of Allah is true. So should We make you see part of what We threaten them with, or should We cause you to die, to Us shall they be returned.

    78.    And certainly We sent apostles before you: there are some of them that We have mentioned to you and there are others whom We have not mentioned to you, and it was not meet for an apostle that he should bring a sign except with Allah's permission, but when the command of Allah came, judgment was given with truth, and those who treated (it) as a lie were lost.

    79.    Allah is He Who made the cattle for you that you may ride on some of them, and some of them you eat.

    80.    And there are advantages for you in them, and that you may attain thereon a want which is in your breasts, and upon them and upon the ships you are borne.

    81.    And He shows you His signs: which then of Allah's signs will you deny?

    82.    Have they not then journeyed in the land and seen how was the end of those before them? They were more (in numbers) than these and greater in strength and in fortifications in the land, but what they earned did not avail them.

    83.    Then when their apostles came to them with clear arguments, they exulted in what they had with them of knowledge, and there beset them that which they used to mock.

    84.    But when they saw Our punishment, they said: We believe in Allah alone and we deny what we used to associate with Him.

    85.    But their belief was not going to profit them when they had seen Our punishment; (this is) Allah's law, which has indeed obtained in the matter of His servants, and there the unbelievers are lost.

    well that is surah-60.,   let me read through it again and let me edit to make cut pieces of Surah-60 so it becomes easy to read...

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #280 - November 07, 2021, 02:13 PM

    So where am I in this folder “Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran”??  ., the last post was on October 03, 2020, 07:29 PM.,  ....Damn ~ ONE YEAR OLD.. TIME RUNS AWAY.......

    Anyway well out of 114  surahs, I  came all the way to 60th surah the  Sūrat al-Muʼmin. but the folder is bit confusing.,  well I have time,  so in this post  let me summarize this whole folder with links to those posts that are dealing only texts/verses  of those 60 surahs with in this folder., And that I have to do it because it is hard go back  and read a given verse in a given surah as many posts are injected between these posts that only deal with the verses from these surahs. Incidentally this reading Quran, verse by verse .. surah by surah is done through Revelation order NOT   in the order that we see in that book Quran  that was printed in 1924   by Islamic scholars of that time from that Egyptian  Al Azhar University

    So let me give links to All verses of those 60 surahs that have been compiled/read in this folder that started way back with the heading .......Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet  Muhammad's Life   from Quran

    Quran first 60 surahs  in its REAL ORDER,  not the order that you see in the present bookish form.
    1st col= revelation order number  ..  
    2nd col=Surah number in the book or compilation order..

    3rd col= Surah name
    4th col= total number of verses
    5th col=  where it is revealed

    1     96     Alaq         19      Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    2    68    Qalam    52    Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    3    73    Muzammil    20       Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    4    74    Mudathir    56    Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    5    1    Fatehah    7    Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    6    111    Lahab    5   Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    7    81    Takwir    29  Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    8     87    A'la       19       Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    9     92    Leyl       21       Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    10    89    Fajr       30       Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    11    93    Duha       11    Meccan sura, reveled between 1 to 5th year of Prophet's mission
    12    94    Inshira    8    Mecca
    13    103    Asr       3    Mecca
    14    100    Aadiyat    11    Mecca
    15    108    Kauthar    3    Mecca
    16    102    Takatur    8    Mecca
    17    107    Alma'un    7    Mecca
    18    109    Kafirun    6     Mecca
    19    105    Fil       5     Mecca
    20    113    Falaq    5    Mecca
    21    114    Nas       6     Mecca
    22    112    Iklas       4     Mecca
    23    53    Najm       62    Mecca
    24    80    Abasa    42    Mecca
    25    97    Qadr       5    Mecca
    26    91    Shams    15    Mecca
    27    85    Buruj       22    Mecca
    28    95    T'in       8    Mecca
    29    106    Qureysh    4    Mecca
    30    101    Qariah    11   Mecca
    31    75    Qiyamah    40    Meccan 
    32    104    Humazah    9     Mecca
    33    77    Mursalat    50     Mecca
    34    50    Q'af       45    Mecca
    35    90    Balad    20    Mecca
    36    86    Tariq       17     Mecca
    37    54    Qamr       55    Meccan sura 5th and 6th year of Prophet's mission
    38    38    Sad       88    Mecca
    39    7    A'Raf       206    Mecca
    40    72    Jinn       28    Meccan sura 5th and 6th year of Prophet's mission
    41    36    Ya'sin    83    Mecca
    42    25    Furqan    77    Mecca
    43    35    Fatir       45    Mecca
    44    19    Maryam    98    Mecca
    45    20    Ta Ha    135    Mecca
    46    56    Waqiah    96    Mecca
    47    26    Shuara    227    Mecca
    48    27    Naml       93    Mecca
    49    28    Qasas    88    Mecca
    50    17    Bani Israil    111     Mecca
    51    10    Yunus    109    Mecca
    52    11    Hud       123     Mecca
    53    12    Yousuf    111    Mecca
    54    15    Hijr       99    Mecca
    55    6    Anam    165     Mecca
    56    37    Saffat    182  Mecca
    57    31    Sūrat Luqman/Luqman    34    Mecca
    58    34    Sūrat_"Saba/Saba       54    Mecca
      59    39    Sūrat Az-zumar/Zumar    75    Mecca
      60    40    Sūrat al-Muʼmin /Mumin    85       Mecca

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #281 - November 20, 2021, 11:08 AM

    ''well that was the last Surah I read in its complete form and that was year back., I must agree here though I read and quote Quran verses here and there such as..............  60: 81.    And He shows you His signs: which then of Allah's signs will you deny?.............  in day to day life ., but reading a complete chapter and whole book is indeed  taxing and you pay heavy tax on your time...  any ways let me read that chapter 61 in the so-called revelation order ., Now that chapter 61   in the revelation order becomes surah  41   in the booking order it is named as   Hamim Sajdah   has 54  verse in it and apparently reveled in   Mecca

    So that 41 of the book  aka  surah 61 in the order Surah Ha Mim As Sajdah is  also known as Surath Fussilat

    and this is what our central India uncle who died in AMRIKA says this on that surah

    Period of Revelation

    According to authentic Traditions, it was sent down after the affirmation of the Faith by Hadrat Hamzah and before the affirmation of the Faith by Hadrat Umar. Muhammad bin Ishaq, the earliest biographer of the Holy Prophet, has related on the authority of Muhammad bin Ka'b al-Qurzi, the famous follower of the Companions, that one day some of the Quraish chiefs were sitting in their assembly in the Masjid al-Haram, while in another corner of the Mosque there was the Holy Prophet sitting by himself. This was the time when Hadrat Hamzah had already embraced Islam and the people of the Quraish were feeling upset at the growing numbers of the Muslims. On this occasion, Utbah bin Rabi'ah (the father-in-law of Abu Sufyan) said to the Quraish chiefs: "Gentlemen, if you like I would go and speak to Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) and put before him some proposals; maybe that he accepts one of them, to which we may also agree, and so he stops opposing us." They all agreed to this, and Utbah went and sat by the Holy Prophet. When the Holy Prophet turned to him, he said: "Nephew, you know the high status that you enjoy in the community by virtue of your ancestry and family relations, but you have put your people to great trouble: you have created divisions among them and you consider them to be fools: you talk ill of their religion and gods, and say things as though all our forefathers were pagans. Now listen to me and I shall make some suggestions. Consider them well: maybe that you accept one of them." The Holy Prophet said: "Abul Walid, say what you want to say and I shall listen to you." He said, "Nephew, if by what you are doing, you want wealth, we will give you enough of it so that you will be the richest man among us; if you want to became an important man, we will make you our chief and will never decide a matter without you; if you want to be a king, we will accept you as our king; and if you are visited by a jinn, whom you cannot get rid of by your own power, we will arrange the best physicians and have you treated at our own expense." 'Utbah went on speaking in this strain and the Holy Prophet went on listening to him quietly. Then he said, "Have you said, O Abul Walid, what you had to say?" He replied that he had. The Holy Prophet said: "Well, now listen to me."Then pronouncing Bismilah ir Rehman-ir-Raihm he began to recite this very Surah, and Utbah kept on listening to it, putting his hands behind his back and leaning on them as he listened. Coming to the verse of prostration (v. 38) the Holy Prophet prostrated himself; then raising his head, said, "This was my reply, O Abul Walid, now you may act as you please." then Utbah arose and walked back towards the chiefs, the people saw him from afar, and said: "By God! Utbab's face is changed. He does not look the same man that he was when he went from here." Then, when he came back and sat down, the people asked, "What have you heard?" He replied, "By God! I have heard something the like of which I had never heard before. By God, it's neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor magic. O chiefs of the Quraish, listen to what I say and leave this man to himself. I think what he recites is going to have its effect. If the other Arabs overcome him, you will be saved from raising your band against your brother, and the others will deal with him. But if he overcame Arabia, his sovereignty would be your sovereignty and his honor your honor." Hearing this the chiefs spoke out:"You too, O father of Walid, have been bewitched by his tongue." Utbah replied, "I have given you my opinion; now you may act as you please." (Ibn Hisham, vol. I, pp. 313-314).

    This story has been narrated by several other traditionists also on the authority of Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah in different ways, with a little variation in wording. In some traditions it has also been related that when during the recitation the Holy Prophet had come to verse 13, viz."If they turn away, say to them: I warn you of a thunderbolt the like of which had visited the Ad and the Thamud,"Utbah had spontaneously placed his hand on the Holy Prophet's mouth, and said: "For God's sake, have mercy on your people." Afterwards he justified his action before the Quraish chiefs, saying: "You know that whatever Muhammad says is always fulfilled; therefore, I feared lest a torment should descend on us." (For details, see Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. IV, pp. 90- 91; Al Bidayah wan-Nihayah, vol. III, p. 62).

    Theme and Subject Matter

    In the discourse that Allah sent down in response to what Utbah said, no attention whatever was paid to the absurd proposals that he had made to the Holy Prophet. For what he had said was, in fact, an attack on the Holy Prophet's intention and his intellect. His assumption was that as there was no possibility of his being a Prophet and the Quran being Allah's Revelation, inevitably the motive of his invitation must either be the desire to obtain wealth and political power, or, God forbid, he had lost his reason. In the first case, he wanted to make a bargain with the Holy Prophet; in the second, he was insulting him when he said that the Quraish chiefs would have been cured of his madness at their own expense. Obviously, when the opponents come down to such absurd things, no gentleman would like to answer them, but would ignore them and say what he himself had to say.

    Therefore, ignoring what Utbah said, this Surah makes antagonism its subject of discussion, which the unbelieving Quraish were showing stubbornly and wickedly in order to defeat the message of the Qur'an. They would say to tho Holy Prophet, "You may try however hard you try: we would not listen to you. We have put coverings on our hearts and we have closed our ears. There is a wall between you and us, which would never let us meet together."

    They had given a clear notice to the Holy Prophet to the effect: "You may continue your mission of inviting the people to yourself, but we would go on opposing you as hard as we can to frustrate your mission."

    For this object they had devised the following plan: Whenever the Holy Prophet or a follower of his would try to recite the Qur'an before the people, they would at once raise such a hue and cry that no one could bear anything.

    They were desperately trying to misconstrue the verses of the Qur'an and spread every kind of misunderstanding among the people. They misconstrued everything and found fault even with the straightforward things. They would isolate words and sentences from their right context, from here and there, and would add their own words in order to put new meanings on them so as to mislead the people about the Quran and the Messenger who presented it.

    They would raise strange objections a specimen of which has been presented in this Surah. They said, "If an Arab presents a discourse in Arabic, what could be the miracle in it? Arabic is his mother tongue. Anyone could compose anything that he pleased in his mother tongue and then make the claim that he had received it from God. It would be a miracle if the person would suddenly arise and make an eloquent speech in a foreign tongue which he did not know. Then only could one say that the discourse was not of his own composition but a revelation from God."

    well IF YOU DO NOT ASK ANY QUESTIONS., then it becomes  a decent brain washing story for young folks   but let me go and read that Surath Fussilat  in the next post

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #282 - November 20, 2021, 11:16 AM

    1. Ha Mim!

    2. A revelation from the Beneficent, the Merciful Allah
    3. A Book of which the verses are made plain, an Arabic Quran for a people who know:

    4. A herald of good news and a warner, but most of them turn aside so they hear not.

    5. And they say: Our hearts are under coverings from that to which you call us, and there is a heaviness in our ears, and a veil hangs between us and you, so work, we too are working.

    6. Say: I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that your Allah is one Allah, therefore follow the right way to Him and ask His forgiveness; and woe to the polytheists;

    7. (To) those who do not give poor-rate and they are unbelievers in the hereafter.

    8. (As for) those who believe and do good, they shall surely have a reward never to be cut off.

    9. Say: What! do you indeed disbelieve in Him Who created the earth in two periods, and do you set up equals with Him? That is the Lord of the Worlds.

    10. And He made in it mountains above its surface, and He blessed therein and made therein its foods, in four periods: alike for the seekers.

    11. Then He directed Himself to the heaven and it is a vapor, so He said to it and to the earth: Come both, willingly or unwillingly. They both said: We come willingly.

    12. So He ordained them seven heavens in two periods, and revealed in every heaven its affair; and We adorned the lower heaven with brilliant stars and (made it) to guard; that is the decree of the Mighty, the Knowing.

    13. But if they turn aside, then say: I have warned you of a scourge like the scourge of Ad and Samood.

    14. When their apostles came to them from before them and from behind them, saying, Serve nothing but Allah, they said: If our Lord had pleased He would certainly have sent down angels, so we are surely unbelievers in that with which you are sent.

    15. Then as to Ad, they were unjustly proud in the land, and they said: Who is mightier in strength than we? Did they not see that Allah Who created them was mightier than they in strength, and they denied Our communications?

    16. So We sent on them a furious wind in unlucky days, that We may make them taste the chastisement of abasement in this world's life; and certainly the chastisement of the hereafter is much more abasing, and they shall not be helped.

    17. And as to Samood, We showed them the right way, but they chose error above guidance, so there overtook them the scourge of an abasing chastisement for what they earned.

    18. And We delivered those who believed and guarded (against evil).

    19. And on the day that the enemies of Allah shall be brought together to the fire, then they shall be formed into groups.

    20. Until when they come to it, their ears and their eyes and their skins shall bear witness against them as to what they did.

    21. And they shall say to their skins: Why have you borne witness against us? They shall say: Allah Who makes everything speak has made us speak, and He created you at first, and to Him you shall be brought back.

    22. And you did not veil yourselves lest your ears and your eyes and your skins should bear witness against you, but you thought that Allah did not know most of what you did.

    23. And that was your (evil) thought which you entertained about your Lord that has tumbled you down into perdition, so are you become of the lost ones.

    24. Then if they will endure, still the fire is their abode, and if they ask for goodwill, then are they not of those who shall be granted goodwill.

    25. And We have appointed for them comrades so they have made fair-seeming to them what is before them and what is behind them, and the word proved true against them-- among the nations of the jinn and the men that have passed away before them-- that they shall surely be losers.

    26. And those who disbelieve say: Do not listen to this Quran and make noise therein, perhaps you may overcome.

    27. Therefore We will most certainly make those who disbelieve taste a severe punishment, and We will most certainly reward them for the evil deeds they used to do.

    28. That is the reward of the enemies of Allah-- the fire; for them therein shall be the house of long abiding; a reward for their denying Our communications.

    29. And those who disbelieve will say: Our Lord! show us those who led us astray from among the jinn and the men that we may trample them under our feet so that they may be of the lowest.

    30. (As for) those who say: Our Lord is Allah, then continue in the right way, the angels descend upon them, saying: Fear not, nor be grieved, and receive good news of the garden which you were promised.

    31. We are your guardians in this world's life and in the hereafter, and you shall have therein what your souls desire and you shall have therein what you ask for:

    32. A provision from the Forgiving, the Merciful.

    33. And who speaks better than he who calls to Allah while he himself does good, and says: I am surely of those who submit?

    34. And not alike are the good and the evil. Repel (evil) with what is best, when lo! he between whom and you was enmity would be as if he were a warm friend.

    35. And none are made to receive it but those who are patient, and none are made to receive it but those who have a mighty good fortune.

    36. And if an interference of the Shaitan should cause you mischief, seek refuge in Allah; surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing.

    37. And among His signs are the night and the day and the sun and the moon; do not prostrate to the sun nor to the moon; and prostrate to Allah Who created them, if Him it is that you serve.

    38. But if they are proud, yet those with your Lord glorify Him during the night and the day, and they are not tired.

    39. And among His signs is this, that you see the earth still, but when We send down on it the water, it stirs and swells: most surely He Who gives it life is the Giver of life to the dead; surely He has power over all things.

    40. Surely they who deviate from the right way concerning Our communications are not hidden from Us. What! is he then who is cast into the fire better, or he who comes safe on the day of resurrection? Do what you like, surely He sees what you do.

    41. Surely those who disbelieve in the reminder when it comes to them, and most surely it is a Mighty Book:

    42. Falsehood shall not come to it from before it nor from behind it; a revelation from the Wise, the Praised One.

    43. Naught is said to you but what was said indeed to the apostles before you; surely your Lord is the Lord of forgiveness and the Lord of painful retribution.

    44. And if We had made it a Quran in a foreign tongue, they would certainly have said: Why have not its communications been made clear? What! a foreign (tongue) and an Arabian! Say: It is to those who believe a guidance and a healing; and (as for) those who do not believe, there is a heaviness in their ears and it is obscure to them; these shall be called to from a far-off place.

    45. And certainly We gave the Book to Musa, but it has been differed about, and had not a word already gone forth from your Lord, judgment would certainly have been given between them; and most surely they are in a disquieting doubt about it.

    46. Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against it; and your Lord is not in the least unjust to the servants.

    47. To Him is referred the knowledge of the hour, and there come not forth any of the fruits from their coverings, nor does a female bear, nor does she give birth, but with His knowledge; and on the day when He shall call out to them, Where are (those whom you called) My associates? They shall say: We declare to Thee, none of us is a witness.

    48. And away from them shall go what they called upon before, and they shall know for certain that there is no escape for them.

    49. Man is never tired of praying for good, and if evil touch him, then he is despairing, hopeless.

    50. And if We make him taste mercy from Us after distress that has touched him, he would most certainly say: This is of me, and I do not think the hour will come to pass, and if I am sent back to my Lord, I shall have with Him sure good; but We will most certainly inform those who disbelieved of what they did, and We will most certainly make them taste of hard chastisement.

    51. And when We show favor to man, he turns aside and withdraws himself; and when evil touches him, he makes lengthy supplications.

    52. Say: Tell me if it is from Allah; then you disbelieve in it, who is in greater error than he who is in a prolonged opposition?

    53. We will soon show them Our signs in the Universe and in their own souls, until it will become quite clear to them that it is the truth. Is it not sufficient as regards your Lord that He is a witness over all things?

    54. Now surely they are in doubt as to the meeting of their Lord; now surely He encompasses all things.

    well those are the 54 verses of surah 61 ..   Surah Ha Mim As Sajdah aka  Surath Fussilat., let me read them again that Literature of that super intelligent Literati..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #283 - January 18, 2022, 06:52 AM

    well new year .. let me get back to the BOOK, QURAN  with this video

    That is from Matthew Baker.,  Hunter College  - City University of New York., it is a good one to learn about the Quran the book... NOT THE QURAN  MANUSCRIPTS

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #284 - February 17, 2022, 12:38 PM

    well the last time I read Quran in this folder in the REVELATION ORDER was    surah 61 and in the book it is surah  41, whose name is  Fussilat  and has 54 verses in it.  and you can read that at

    that is a funny revelation ., So Let me read Tafisr on that surah from that Indian Muslim Uncle from Central India  Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi ...

    41. Surah Ha Mim As Sajdah, also known as Surah Fussilat (Explained in Detail)


    The name of this Surah is composed of two words, Ha-Mim and As-Sajdah, which implies that it is a Surah which begins with Ha-Mim and in which a verse requiring the performance of sajdah (prostration) has occurred.

    Period of Revelation

    According to authentic Traditions, it was sent down after the affirmation of the Faith by Hadrat Hamzah and before the affirmation of the Faith by Hadrat Umar. Muhammad bin Ishaq, the earliest biographer of the Holy Prophet, has related on the authority of Muhammad bin Ka'b al-Qurzi, the famous follower of the Companions, that one day some of the Quraish chiefs were sitting in their assembly in the Masjid al-Haram, while in another corner of the Mosque there was the Holy Prophet sitting by himself. This was the time when Hadrat Hamzah had already embraced Islam and the people of the Quraish were feeling upset at the growing numbers of the Muslims. On this occasion, Utbah bin Rabi'ah (the father-in-law of Abu Sufyan) said to the Quraish chiefs: "Gentlemen, if you like I would go and speak to Muhammad (upon whom be Allah's peace and blessings) and put before him some proposals; maybe that he accepts one of them, to which we may also agree, and so he stops opposing us." They all agreed to this, and Utbah went and sat by the Holy Prophet. When the Holy Prophet turned to him, he said: "Nephew, you know the high status that you enjoy in the community by virtue of your ancestry and family relations, but you have put your people to great trouble: you have created divisions among them and you consider them to be fools: you talk ill of their religion and gods, and say things as though all our forefathers were pagans. Now listen to me and I shall make some suggestions. Consider them well: maybe that you accept one of them." The Holy Prophet said: "Abul Walid, say what you want to say and I shall listen to you." He said, "Nephew, if by what you are doing, you want wealth, we will give you enough of it so that you will be the richest man among us; if you want to became an important man, we will make you our chief and will never decide a matter without you; if you want to be a king, we will accept you as our king; and if you are visited by a jinn, whom you cannot get rid of by your own power, we will arrange the best physicians and have you treated at our own expense." 'Utbah went on speaking in this strain and the Holy Prophet went on listening to him quietly. Then he said, "Have you said, O Abul Walid, what you had to say?" He replied that he had. The Holy Prophet said: "Well, now listen to me."Then pronouncing Bismilah ir Rehman-ir-Raihm he began to recite this very Surah, and Utbah kept on listening to it, putting his hands behind his back and leaning on them as he listened. Coming to the verse of prostration (v. 38) the Holy Prophet prostrated himself; then raising his head, said, "This was my reply, O Abul Walid, now you may act as you please." then Utbah arose and walked back towards the chiefs, the people saw him from afar, and said: "By God! Utbab's face is changed. He does not look the same man that he was when he went from here." Then, when he came back and sat down, the people asked, "What have you heard?" He replied, "By God! I have heard something the like of which I had never heard before. By God, it's neither poetry, nor sorcery, nor magic. O chiefs of the Quraish, listen to what I say and leave this man to himself. I think what he recites is going to have its effect. If the other Arabs overcome him, you will be saved from raising your band against your brother, and the others will deal with him. But if he overcame Arabia, his sovereignty would be your sovereignty and his honor your honor." Hearing this the chiefs spoke out:"You too, O father of Walid, have been bewitched by his tongue." Utbah replied, "I have given you my opinion; now you may act as you please." (Ibn Hisham, vol. I, pp. 313-314).

    This story has been narrated by several other traditionists also on the authority of Hadrat Jabir bin Abdullah in different ways, with a little variation in wording. In some traditions it has also been related that when during the recitation the Holy Prophet had come to verse 13, viz."If they turn away, say to them: I warn you of a thunderbolt the like of which had visited the Ad and the Thamud,"Utbah had spontaneously placed his hand on the Holy Prophet's mouth, and said: "For God's sake, have mercy on your people." Afterwards he justified his action before the Quraish chiefs, saying: "You know that whatever Muhammad says is always fulfilled; therefore, I feared lest a torment should descend on us." (For details, see Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. IV, pp. 90- 91; Al Bidayah wan-Nihayah, vol. III, p. 62).

    Theme and Subject Matter

    In the discourse that Allah sent down in response to what Utbah said, no attention whatever was paid to the absurd proposals that he had made to the Holy Prophet. For what he had said was, in fact, an attack on the Holy Prophet's intention and his intellect. His assumption was that as there was no possibility of his being a Prophet and the Quran being Allah's Revelation, inevitably the motive of his invitation must either be the desire to obtain wealth and political power, or, God forbid, he had lost his reason. In the first case, he wanted to make a bargain with the Holy Prophet; in the second, he was insulting him when he said that the Quraish chiefs would have been cured of his madness at their own expense. Obviously, when the opponents come down to such absurd things, no gentleman would like to answer them, but would ignore them and say what he himself had to say.

    Therefore, ignoring what Utbah said, this Surah makes antagonism its subject of discussion, which the unbelieving Quraish were showing stubbornly and wickedly in order to defeat the message of the Qur'an. They would say to the Holy Prophet, "You may try however hard you try: we would not listen to you. We have put coverings on our hearts and we have closed our ears. There is a wall between you and us, which would never let us meet together."

    They had given a clear notice to the Holy Prophet to the effect: "You may continue your mission of inviting the people to yourself, but we would go on opposing you as hard as we can to frustrate your mission."

    For this object they had devised the following plan: Whenever the Holy Prophet or a follower of his would try to recite the Qur'an before the people, they would at once raise such a hue and cry that no one could bear anything.

    They were desperately trying to misconstrue the verses of the Qur'an and spread every kind of misunderstanding among the people. They misconstrued everything and found fault even with the straightforward things. They would isolate words and sentences from their right context, from here and there, and would add their own words in order to put new meanings on them so as to mislead the people about the Quran and the Messenger who presented it.

    They would raise strange objections a specimen of which has been presented in this Surah. They said, "If an Arab presents a discourse in Arabic, what could be the miracle in it? Arabic is his mother tongue. Anyone could compose anything that he pleased in his mother tongue and then make the claim that he had received it from God. It would be a miracle if the person would suddenly arise and make an eloquent speech in a foreign tongue which he did not know. Then only could one say that the discourse was not of his own composition but a revelation from God."

    Here is a resume of what has been said in answer to this deaf and blind opposition:

    The Qur'an is most certainly the Word of God, which He has sent down in Arabic. The ignorant people do not find any light of knowledge in the truths that have been presented in it plainly and clearly, but the people of understanding are seeing this light as well as benefiting by it. It is surely Allah's mercy that He has sent down this Word for the guidance of man. If a person regarded it as an affliction, it would be his own misfortune. Good news is for those who benefit by it and warning for those who turn away from it.

    If you have put coverings on your hearts and have made yourselves deaf, it is none of the Prophet's job to make the one hear who does not want to hear, and the one who does not want to understand understand forcibly. He is a man like you; he can make only those to hear and understand, who are inclined to hear and understand.

    Whether you close down your eyes and ears and put coverings on your hearts, the fact, however, is that your God is only One God, and you are not the servant of any one else. Your stubbornness cannot change this reality in any way. If you accept this truth and correct your behavior accordingly you will do good only to yourselves, and if you reject it, you will only be preparing your own doom.

    Do you have any understanding as to whom you disbelieve and with whom you associate others in divinity? It is with regard to that God Who has created this limitless universe, Who is the Creator of the earth and heavens, from Whose blessings you are benefiting on the earth, and on Whose provisions you are being fed and sustained. You set up His mean creatures as His associates and then you are made to understand the truth you turn away in stubbornness.

    If you still do not believe, then be aware that a sudden torment is about to visit you, the like of which had visited the Ad and the Thamud, and this torment also will not be the final punishment of your crimes, but there is in addition the accountability and the fire of Hell in the Hereafter.

    Wretched is the man who gets as company such satans from among men and jinn, who show him nothing but green and pleasant, who make his follies seem fair to him, who neither let him think aright himself nor let him hear right from others. But on the Day of Reckoning when their doom overtakes them, each one of them will say that if he happened to get hold of those who had misled and deceived him in the world, he would trample them under his foot.

    This Quran is an unchangeable Book. You can not defeat it by your machinations and falsehoods. Whether falsehood comes from the front or makes a secret and indirect attack from behind, it cannot succeed in refuting it.

    Today when this Quran is being Presented in your own language so that you may understand it, you say that it should have been sent down in some foreign tongue. But had We sent it in a foreign tongue for your guidance, you would yourselves have called it a joke, as if to say, "What a strange thing! The Arabs are being given guidance in a non- Arabic language, which nobody understands." This means that you, in fact, have no desire to obtain guidance. You are only inventing ever new excuses for not affirming the faith.

    Have you ever considered that if it became established that the Qur'an was really from Allah, then what fate you would meet by denying it and opposing it so vehemently as you do?

    Today you do not believe but soon you will see with your own eyes that the message of this Qur'an had pervaded the whole world and you have yourselves been overwhelmed by it. Then you will come to know that what you were being told was the very truth.

    Besides giving these answers to the opponents, attention has been paid to the problems which the believers and the Holy Prophet himself were facing in that environment of active resistance. Not to speak of preaching the message to others, the believers were even finding it difficult to follow the way of the Faith. Any one about whom it became known that he had become a Muslim, life would become an agony. As against the dreadful combination of the enemy and its all pervading power, they were feeling utterly helpless and powerless. In this state, in the first place, they were consoled and encouraged, as if to say: "You are not, in fact, helpless and powerless, for any person who believes in God as his Lord and adheres to this belief and way of life resolutely, God's angels descend on him and help and support him at every stage, from the life of this world till the Hereafter." Then they were encouraged with the consolation: "The best man is be who does good, invites others to God and proclaims firmly that he is a Muslim."

    The question that was vexing the Holy Prophet at that time was as to how be should carve out a way of preaching his message when he had to face such heavy odds on every side. The solution he was given to this question was: "Although apparently the obstacles seem to be insurmountable, the weapon of good morals and character can smash and melt them away. Use this weapon patiently, and whenever Satan provokes you and incites you to use some other device, seek refuge in Allah."

    WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??   well that is what that Indian Muslim Uncle says on that surah 61..  You have to pull all hair out of your head to connect the above story with those verses I read in that surah .. This story teller of that surah Fussilat basically copying Tafsir from Tafsir Ibn Kathir, vol. IV,  and adding more his own imagination to write all that above rubbish., well    May  be  I could write different story .. different Tafsir on that surah 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #285 - February 17, 2022, 01:15 PM

    well that is what that Indian Muslim Uncle says on that surah 61..  You have to pull all hair out of your head to connect the above story with those verses I read in that surah ..  May  be  I could write different story .. different Tafsir on that surah

    that is what I said on that surah Fussilat .. surah 61 ., So let me read through surah 62 in the revelation order which surah 42 in THE BOOK.. that is based upon compilation order .. The surah name is Ash-Shura  and it has  53 verses.,

    1. Ha Mim.

    2. Ain Sin Qaf.

    3. Thus does Allah, the Mighty, the Wise, reveal to you, and (thus He revealed) to those before you.

    4. His is what is in the heavens and what is in the earth, and He is the High, the Great.

    5. The heavens may almost rend asunder from above them and the angels sing the praise of their Lord and ask forgiveness for those on earth; now surely Allah is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

    6. And (as for) those who take guardians besides Him, Allah watches over them, and you have not charge over them.

    7. And thus have We revealed to you an Arabic Quran, that you may warn the mother city and those around it, and that you may give warning of the day of gathering together wherein is no doubt; a party shall be in the garden and (another) party in the burning fire.

    8. And if Allah had pleased He would surely have made them a single community, but He makes whom He pleases enter into His mercy, and the unjust it is that shall have no guardian or helper.

    9. Or have they taken guardians besides Him? But Allah is the Guardian, and He gives life to the dead, and He has power over all things.

    10. And in whatever thing you disagree, the judgment thereof is (in) Allah's (hand); that is Allah, my Lord, on Him do I rely and to Him do I turn time after time.

    11. The Originator of the heavens and the earth; He made mates for you from among yourselves, and mates of the cattle too, multiplying you thereby; nothing like a likeness of Him; and He is the Hearing, the Seeing.

    12. His are the treasures of the heavens and the earth; He makes ample and straitens the means of subsistence for whom He pleases; surely He is Cognizant of all things.

    13. He has made plain to you of the religion what He enjoined upon Nuh and that which We have revealed to you and that which We enjoined upon Ibrahim and Musa and Isa that keep to obedience and be not divided therein; hard to the unbelievers is that which you call them to; Allah chooses for Himself whom He pleases, and guides to Himself him who turns (to Him), frequently.

    14. And they did not become divided until after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves; and had not a word gone forth from your Lord till an appointed term, certainly judgment would have been given between them; and those who were made to inherit the Book after them are most surely in disquieting doubt concerning it.

    15. To this then go on inviting, and go on steadfastly on the right way as you are commanded, and do not follow their low desires, and say: I believe in what Allah has revealed of the Book, and I am commanded to do justice between you: Allah is our Lord and your Lord; we shall have our deeds and you shall have your deeds; no plea need there be (now) between us and you: Allah will gather us together, and to Him is the return.

    16. And (as for) those who dispute about Allah after that obedience has been rendered to Him, their plea is null with their Lord, and upon them is wrath, and for them is severe punishment.

    17. Allah it is Who revealed the Book with truth, and the balance, and what shall make you know that haply the hour be nigh?

    18. Those who do not believe in it would hasten it on, and those who believe are in fear from it, and they know that it is the truth. Now most surely those who dispute obstinately concerning the hour are in a great error.

    19. Allah is Benignant to His servants; He gives sustenance to whom He pleases, and He is the Strong, the Mighty.

    20. Whoever desires the gain of the hereafter, We will give him more of that gain; and whoever desires the gain of this world, We give him of it, and in the hereafter he has no portion.

    21. Or have they associates who have prescribed for them any religion that Allah does not sanction? And were it not for the word of judgment, decision would have certainly been given between them; and surely the unjust shall have a painful punishment.

    22. You will see the unjust fearing on account of what they have earned, and it must befall them; and those who believe and do good shall be in the meadows of the gardens; they shall have what they please with their Lord: that is the great grace.

    23. That is of which Allah gives the good news to His servants, (to) those who believe and do good deeds. Say: I do not ask of you any reward for it but love for my near relatives; and whoever earns good, We give him more of good therein; surely Allah is Forgiving, Grateful.

    24. Or do they say: He has forged a lie against Allah? But if Allah pleased, He would seal your heart; and Allah will blot out the falsehood and confirm the truth with His words; surely He is Cognizant of what is in the breasts.

    25. And He it is Who accepts repentance from His servants and pardons the evil deeds and He knows what you do;

    26. And He answers those who believe and do good deeds, and gives them more out of His grace; and (as for) the unbelievers, they shall have a severe punishment.

    27. And if Allah should amplify the provision for His servants they would certainly revolt in the earth; but He sends it down according to a measure as He pleases; surely He is Aware of, Seeing, His servants.

    28. And He it is Who sends down the rain after they have despaired, and He unfolds His mercy; and He is the Guardian, the Praised One.

    29. And one of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth and what He has spread forth in both of them of living beings; and when He pleases He is all-powerful to gather them together.

    30. And whatever affliction befalls you, it is on account of what your hands have wrought, and (yet) He pardons most (of your faults).

    31. And you cannot escape in the earth, and you shall not have a guardian or a helper besides Allah.

    32. And among His signs are the ships in the sea like mountains.

    33. If He pleases, He causes the wind to become still so that they lie motionless on its back; most surely there are signs in this for every patient, grateful one,

    34. Or He may make them founder for what they have earned, and (even then) pardon most;

    35. And (that) those who dispute about Our communications may know; there is no place of refuge for them.

    36. So whatever thing you are given, that is only a provision of this world's life, and what is with Allah is better and more lasting for those who believe and rely on their Lord.

    37. And those who. shun the great sins and indecencies, and whenever they are angry they forgive.

    38. And those who respond to their Lord and keep up prayer, and their rule is to take counsel among themselves, and who spend out of what We have given them.

    39. And those who, when great wrong afflicts them, defend themselves.

    40. And the recompense of evil is punishment like it, but whoever forgives and amends, he shall have his reward from Allah; surely He does not love the unjust.

    41. And whoever defends himself after his being oppressed, these it is against whom there is no way (to blame).

    42. The way (to blame) is only against those who oppress men and revolt in the earth unjustly; these shall have a painful punishment.

    43. And whoever is patient and forgiving, these most surely are actions due to courage.

    44. And whomsoever Allah makes err, he has no guardian after Him; and you shall see the unjust, when they see the punishment, saying: Is there any way to return?

    45. And you shall see them brought before it humbling themselves because of the abasements, looking with a faint glance. And those who believe shall say: Surely the losers are they who have lost themselves and their followers on the resurrection day. Now surely the iniquitous shall remain in lasting chastisement.

    46. And they shall have no friends to help them besides Allah; and-- whomsoever Allah makes err, he shall have no way.

    47. Hearken to your Lord before there comes the day from Allah for which there shall be no averting; you shall have no refuge on that day, nor shall it be yours to make a denial.

    48. But if they turn aside, We have not sent you as a watcher over them; on you is only to deliver (the message); and surely when We make man taste mercy from Us, he rejoices thereat; and if an evil afflicts them on account of what their hands have already done, then-surely man is ungrateful.

    49. Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; He creates what He pleases; He grants to whom He pleases daughters and grants to whom He pleases sons.

    50. Or He makes them of both sorts, male and female; and He makes whom He pleases barren; surely He is the Knowing, the Powerful.

    51. And it is not for any mortal that Allah should speak to him except by revelation or from behind a veil, or by sending a messenger and revealing by His permission what He pleases; surely He is High, Wise.

    52. And thus did We reveal to you an inspired book by Our command. You did not know what the Book was, nor (what) the faith (was), but We made it a light, guiding thereby whom We please of Our servants; and most surely you show the way to the right path:

    53. The path of Allah, Whose is whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth; now surely to Allah do all affairs eventually come.

    well those are 53 statements of that surah 62., let me read them again as story.. as a moral story.. as song/sonnet or even as a Revelation to Prophet of Islam

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #286 - October 03, 2022, 10:00 AM

    well today I wrote to my good friend Akay

    Roots of Islam in Indian subcontinent are shaking dear akay  ..  So let us read Quran and hadith ...... not watch silly videos .............................


    Although I read Quran quite often but I did not write anything on that book for few months in this folder which is about reading Quran w.r.t Prophet of Islam., So let me read Quran the next chapter surah 63 in the revelation order which surah 43 in THE BOOK.. that is based upon compilation order.   Suran 63(aka 43 of the book). Az-Zukhruf has  89 verses and it was allegedly revealed to Prophet of Islam in Mecca,    Well let me add those 89 verses here

    1. Ha Mim.

    2. I swear by the Book that makes things clear:

    3. Surely We have made it an Arabic Quran that you may understand
    4. And surely it is in the original of the Book with Us, truly elevated, full of wisdom.

    5. What! shall We then turn away the reminder from you altogether because you are an extravagant people?

    6. And how many a prophet have We sent among the ancients.

    7. And there came not to them a prophet but they mocked at him.

    8. Then We destroyed those who were stronger than these in prowess, and the case of the ancients has gone before,

    9. And if you should ask them, Who created the heavens and the earth? they would most certainly say: The Mighty, the Knowing One, has created them;

    10. He Who made the earth a resting-place for you, and made in it ways for you that you may go aright;

    11. And He Who sends down water from the cloud according to a measure, then We raise to life thereby a dead country, even thus shall you be brought forth;

    12. And He Who created pairs of all things, and made for you of the ships and the cattle what you ride on,

    13. That you may firmly sit on their backs, then remember the favor of your Lord when you are firmly seated thereon, and say: Glory be to Him Who made this subservient to us and we were not able to do it

    14. And surely to our Lord we must return.

    15. And they assign to Him a part of His servants; man, to be sure, is clearly ungrateful.

    16. What! has He taken daughters to Himself of what He Himself creates and chosen you to have sons?

    17. And when one of them is given news of that of which he sets up as a likeness for the Beneficent Allah, his face becomes black and he is full of rage.

    18. What! that which is made in ornaments and which in contention is unable to make plain speech!

    19. And they make the angels-- them who are the servants of the Beneficent Allah-- female (divinities). What! did they witness their creation? Their evidence shall be written down and they shall be questioned.

    20. And they say: If the Beneficent Allah had pleased, we should never have worshipped them. They have no knowledge of this; they only lie.

    21. Or have We given them a book before it so that they hold fast to it?

    22. Nay! they say: We found our fathers on a course, and surely we are guided by their footsteps.

    23. And thus, We did not send before you any warner in a town, but those who led easy lives in it said: Surely we found our fathers on a course, and surely we are followers of their footsteps.

    24. (The warner) said: What! even if I bring to you a better guide than that on which you found your fathers? They said: Surely we are unbelievers in that with which you are sent.

    25. So We inflicted retribution on them, then see how was the end of the rejecters.

    26. And when Ibrahim said to his father and his people: Surely I am clear of what you worship,

    27. Save Him Who created me, for surely He will guide me.

    28. And he made it a word to continue in his posterity that they may return.

    29. Nay! I gave them and their fathers to enjoy until there came to them the truth and an Apostle making manifest (the truth).

    30. And when there came to them the truth they said: This is magic, and surely we are disbelievers in it.

    31. And they say: Why was not this Quran revealed to a man of importance in the two towns?

    32. Will they distribute the mercy of your Lord? We distribute among them their livelihood in the life of this world, and We j have exalted some of them above others in degrees, that some of them may take others in subjection; and the mercy of your Lord is better than what they amass.

    33. And were it not that all people had been a single nation, We would certainly have assigned to those who disbelieve in the Beneficent Allah (to make) of silver the roofs of their houses and the stairs by which they ascend.

    34. And the doors of their houses and the couches on which they recline,

    35. And (other) embellishments of gold; and all this is naught but provision of this world's life, and the hereafter is with your Lord only for those who guard (against evil).

    36. And whoever turns himself away from the remembrance of the Beneficent Allah, We appoint for him a Shaitan, so he becomes his associate.

    37. And most surely they turn them away from the path, and they think that they are guided aright:

    38. Until when he comes to Us, he says: O would that between me and you there were the distance of the East and the West; so evil is the associate!

    39. And since you were unjust, it will not profit you this day that you are sharers in the chastisement.

    40. What! can you then make the deaf to hear or guide the blind and him who is in clear error?

    41. But if We should take you away, still We shall inflict retribution on them;

    42. Rather We will certainly show you that which We have promised them; for surely We are the possessors of full power over them.

    43. Therefore hold fast to that which has been revealed to you; surely you are on the right path.

    44. And most surely it is a reminder for you and your people, and you shall soon be questioned.

    45. And ask those of Our apostles whom We sent before you: Did We ever appoint gods to be worshipped besides the Beneficent Allah?

    46. And certainly We sent Musa with Our communications to Firon and his chiefs, so he said: Surely I am the apostle of the Lord of the worlds.

    47. But when he came to them with Our signs, lo! they laughed at them.

    48. And We did not show them a sign but it was greater than its like, and We overtook them with chastisement that they may turn.

    49. And they said: O magician! call on your Lord for our sake, as He has made the covenant with you; we shall surely be the followers of the right way.

    50. But when We removed from them the chastisement, lo! they broke the pledge.

    51. And Firon proclaimed amongst his people: O my people! is not the kingdom of Egypt mine? And these rivers flow beneath me; do you not then see?

    52. Nay! I am better than this fellow, who is contemptible, and who can hardly speak distinctly:

    53. But why have not bracelets of gold been put upon him, or why have there not come with him angels as companions?

    54. So he incited his people to levity and they obeyed him: surely they were a transgressing people.

    55. Then when they displeased Us, We inflicted a retribution on them, so We drowned them all together,

    56. And We made them a precedent and example to the later generations.

    57. And when a description of the son of Marium is given, lo! your people raise a clamor thereat.

    58. And they say: Are our gods better, or is he? They do not set it forth to you save by way of disputation; nay, they are a contentious people.

    59. He was naught but a servant on whom We bestowed favor, and We made him an example for the children of Israel.

    60. And if We please, We could make among you angels to be successors in the land.

    61. And most surely it is a knowledge of the hour, therefore have no doubt about it and follow me: this is the right path.

    62. And let not the Shaitan prevent you; surely he is your open enemy.

    63. And when Isa came with clear arguments he said: I have come to you indeed with wisdom, and that I may make clear to you part of what you differ in; so be careful of (your duty to) Allah and obey me:

    64. Surely Allah is my Lord and your Lord, therefore serve Him; this is the right path:

    65. But parties from among them differed, so woe to those who were unjust because of the chastisement of a painful day.

    66. Do they wait for aught but the hour, that it should come! upon them all of a sudden while they do not perceive?

    67. The friends shall on that day be enemies one to another, except those who guard (against evil).

    68. O My servants! there is no fear for you this day, nor shall you grieve.

    69. Those who believed in Our communications and were submissive:

    70. Enter the garden, you and your wives; you shall be made happy.

    71. There shall be sent round to them golden bowls and drinking-cups and therein shall be what their souls yearn after and (wherein) the eyes shall delight, and you shall abide therein.

    72. And this is the garden which you are given as an inheritance on account of what you did.

    73. For you therein are many fruits of which you shall eat.

    74. Surely the guilty shall abide in the chastisement of hell.

    75. It shall not be abated from them and they shall therein be despairing.

    76. And We are not unjust to them, but they themselves were unjust.

    77. And they shall call out: O Malik! let your Lord make an end of us. He shall say: Surely you shall tarry.

    78. Certainly We have brought you the truth, but most of you are averse to the truth.

    79. Or have they settled an affair? Then surely We are the settlers.

    80. Or do they think that We do not hear what they conceal and their secret discourses? Aye! and Our apostles with them write down.

    81. Say: If the Beneficent Allah has a son, I am the foremost of those who serve.

    82. Glory to the Lord of the heavens and the earth, the Lord of power, from what they describe.

    83. So leave them plunging into false discourses and sporting until they meet their day which they are threatened with.

    84. And He it is Who is Allah in the heavens and Allah in the earth; and He is the Wise, the Knowing.

    85. And blessed is He Whose is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, and with Him is the knowledge of the hour, and to Him shall you be brought back.

    86. And those whom they call upon besides Him have no authority for intercession, but he who bears witness of the truth and they know (him).

    87. And if you should ask them who created them, they would certainly say: Allah. Whence are they then turned back?

    88. Consider his cry: O my Lord! surely they are a people who do not believe.

    89. So turn away from them and say, Peace, for they shall soon come to know

    well those are 89 statements/verses  of that surah 63.,  and our IPA uncle Abul Ala Maududi: CHANGED  the existentialist history of Indian subcontinent by writing tons of stuff on Islam through his   Quran Tafsir., he writes on this  Surah Az Zukhruf (The Ornaments of Gold)...

    It is derived from the word zukhruf-an which occurs in verse 33 of this Surah.

    Period of Revelation
    It could not be known from any authentic tradition, but a study of its subject matter shows that this Surah also was sent down in the same period in which the Surahs Al-Mumin, As-Sajdah and Ash-Shura, were sent down. It appears that the revelation of this series of the Surahs began when the disbelievers of Makkah were planning to put an end to the Holy Prophet's life. Day and night they were holding consultations in their assemblies as how to eliminate him, and even an attack on his life also had been made as has been clearly referred to in vv. 79-80.


    well that is what he says  well what a guy

    that is The young Maududi in1927 .. that picture is from India when he was in college

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #287 - October 05, 2022, 05:57 AM

    ha ! look at that verse  32  in that surah 62  aka surah 42 of the book 
    t ...... let me read through surah 62 in the revelation order which surah 42 in THE BOOK.. that is based upon compilation order .. The surah name is Ash-Shura  and it has  53 verses.,
    well those are 53 statements of that surah 62., let me read them again as story.. as a moral story.. as song/sonnet or even as a Revelation to Prophet of Islam ..........

    32. And among His signs are the ships in the sea like mountains.

    Ha ! stupid man made ships  that look like mountains in the sea  are signs of Allah .,   A floating Ice berg would have been a better word instead of silly ships  AS SIGN OF ALLAH

    I guess Quran author's Allah did not know the existence  of Icebergs in the ocean.. Anyway  lt me read next Surah., So it is Surah-64 and that is surah-44 in the book ., well on that Surah-64    Surah Ad Dukhan (The Smoke)   OUR UNCLE Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi who was born in central India ruined present Pakistan and died in AMRIKA THE SHAITAN OF ISLAM says
    44. Surah Ad Dukhan (The Smoke)

    The Surah takes its name from the word dukhan which occurs in verse 10.

    Period of Revelation
    Its period of revelation also could not be determined from any authentic tradition, but the internal evidence of the subject matter shows that this Surah too was sent down in the same period in which Surah Zukhruf and a few other earlier Surahs had been revealed. However, this Surah was sent down somewhat later. Its historical background is this: When the disbelievers of Makkah became more and more antagonistic in their attitude and conduct, the Holy Prophet prayed: O God, help me with a famine like the famine of Joseph......  YADA..YADA,,YADA,,,

      ..WHATEVER .....  So   Surah Ad Dukhan  has 59 verses in it.. well let me put them here

    1. Ha Mim!

    2. I swear by the Book that makes manifest (the truth).

    3. Surely We revealed it on a blessed night surely We are ever warning--

    4. Therein every wise affair is made distinct,

    5. A command from Us; surely We are the senders (of apostles),

    6. A mercy from your Lord, surely He is the Hearing, the Knowing,

    7. The Lord of the heavens and the earth and what is between them, if you would be sure.

    8. There is no god but He; He gives life and causes death, your Lord and the Lord of your fathers of yore.

    9. Nay, they are in doubt, they sport.

    10. Therefore keep waiting for the day when the heaven shall bring an evident smoke,

    11. That shall overtake men; this is a painful punishment.

    12. Our Lord! remove from us the punishment; surely we are believers.

    13. How shall they be reminded, and there came to them an Apostle making clear (the truth),

    14. Yet they turned their backs on him and said: One taught (by others), a madman.

    15. Surely We will remove the punishment a little, (but) you will surely return (to evil).

    16. On the day when We will seize (them) with the most violent seizing; surely We will inflict retribution.

    17. And certainly We tried before them the people of Firon, and there came to them a noble apostle,

    18. Saying: Deliver to me the servants of Allah, surely I am a faithful apostle to you,

    19. And that do not exalt yourselves against Allah, surely I will bring to you a clear authority:

    20. And surely I take refuge with my Lord and your Lord that you should stone me to death:

    21. And if you do not believe in me, then leave me alone.

    22. Then he called upon his Lord: These are a guilty people.

    23. So go forth with My servants by night; surely you will be pursued:

    24. And leave the sea intervening; surely they are a host that shall be drowned.

    25. How many of the gardens and fountains have they left!

    26. And cornfields and noble places!

    27. And goodly things wherein they rejoiced;

    28. Thus (it was), and We gave them as a heritage to another people.

    29. So the heaven and the earth did not weep for them, nor were they respited.

    30. And certainly We delivered the children of Israel from the abasing chastisement,

    31. From Firon; surely he was haughty, (and) one of the extravagant.

    32. And certainly We chose them, having knowledge, above the nations.

    33. And We gave them of the communications wherein was clear blessing.

    34. Most surely these do say:

    35. There is naught but our first death and we shall not be raised again.

    36. So bring our fathers (back), if you are truthful.

    37. Are they better or the people of Tubba and those before them? We destroyed them, for surely they were guilty.

    38. And We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them in sport.

    39. We did not create them both but with the truth, but most of them do not know.

    40. Surely the day of separation is their appointed term, of all of them

    41. The day on which a friend shall not avail (his) friend aught, nor shall they be helped,

    42. Save those on whom Allah shall have mercy; surely He is the Mighty the Merciful.

    43. Surely the tree of the Zaqqum,

    44. Is the food of the sinful

    45. Like dregs of oil; it shall boil in (their) bellies,

    46. Like the boiling of hot water.

    47. Seize him, then drag him down into the middle of the hell;

    48. Then pour above his head of the torment of the boiling water:

    49. Taste; you forsooth are the mighty, the honorable:

    50. Surely this is what you disputed about.

    51. Surely those who guard (against evil) are in a secure place,

    52. In gardens and springs;

    53. They shall wear of fine and thick silk, (sitting) face to face;

    54. Thus (shall it be), and We will wed them with Houris pure, beautiful ones.

    55. They shall call therein for every fruit in security;

    56. They shall not taste therein death except the first death, and He will save them from the punishment of the hell,

    57. A grace from your Lord; this is the great achievement.

    58. So have We made it easy in your tongue that they may be mindful.

    59. Therefore wait; surely they are waiting.

    well let me  read it again and  edit it  so one can read it easily

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #288 - December 04, 2022, 07:51 PM

    Anyway  lt me read next Surah., So it is Surah-64 and that is surah-44 in the book .,   ......So   Surah Ad Dukhan  has 59 verses in it.. well let me put them here

    well let me  read it again and  edit it  so one can read it easily

     well I read that surah-64 in revelation order up & down inside out here &  there  and everywhere ., In those 59 verses of  surah-64  Ad Dukhan., There is very little on Prophet of Islam., in fact there is hardly any revelation in it ., it is all about Firon story of old testament  and some boiling water in the throats of those who did not follow the rules of OT god., anyways let me go to next surah .. Surah-65 in so-called revelation order and that is surah 45. Al-Jaathiya with  37 verses .,   

    Surah  Al-Jaathiya _37 verses _ Crouching _ Meccan surah

    1. Ha Mim.

    2.The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

    3. Most surely in the heavens and the earth there are signs for the believers.

    4. And in your (own) creation and in what He spreads abroad of animals there are signs for a people that are sure;

    5. And (in) the variation of the night and the day, and (in) what Allah sends down of sustenance from the cloud, then gives life thereby to the earth after its death, and (in) the changing of the winds, there are signs for a people who understand.

    6. These are the communications of Allah which We recite to you with truth; then in what announcement would they believe after Allah and His communications?

    7. Woe to every sinful liar,

    8. Who hears the communications of Allah recited to him, then persists proudly as though he had not heard them; so announce to him a painful punishment.

    9. And when he comes to know of any of Our communications, he takes it for a jest; these it is that shall have abasing chastisement.

    10. Before them is hell, and there shall not avail them aught of what they earned, nor those whom they took for guardians besides Allah, and they shall have a grievous punishment.

    11. This is guidance; and (as for) those who disbelieve in the communications of their Lord, they shall have a painful punishment on account of uncleanness.

    12. Allah is He Who made subservient to you the sea that the ships may run therein by His command, and that you may seek of His grace, and that you may give thanks.

    13. And He has made subservient to you whatsoever is in the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth, all, from Himself; most surely there are signs in this for a people who reflect.

    14. Say to those who believe (that) they forgive those who do not fear the days of Allah that He may reward a people for what they earn.

    15. Whoever does good, it is for his own soul, and whoever does evil, it is against himself; then you shall be brought back to your-- Lord.

    16. And certainly We gave the Book and the wisdom and the prophecy to the children of Israel, and We gave them of the goodly things, and We made them excel the nations.

    17. And We gave them clear arguments in the affair, but they did not differ until after knowledge had come to them out of envy among themselves; surely your -Lord will judge between them on the day of resurrection concerning that wherein they differed.

    18. Then We have made you follow a course in the affair, therefore follow it, and do not follow the low desires of those who do not know.

    19.  Surely they shall not avail you in the least against Allah; and surely the unjust are friends of each other, and Allah is the guardian of those who guard (against evil).

    20. These are clear proofs for men, and a guidance and a mercy for a people who are sure.

    21. Nay! do those who have wrought evil deeds think that We will make them like those who believe and do good-- that their life and their death shall be equal? Evil it is that they judge.

    22. And Allah created the heavens and the earth with truth and that every soul may be rewarded for what it has earned and they shall not be wronged.

    23. Have you then considered him who takes his low desire for his god, and Allah has made him err having knowledge and has set a seal upon his ear and his heart and put a covering upon his eye. Who can then guide him after Allah? Will you not then be mindful?

    24. And they say: There is nothing but our life in this world; we live and die and nothing destroys us but time, and they have no knowledge of that; they only conjecture.

    25.  And when Our clear communications are recited to them, their argument is no other than that they say: Bring our fathers (back) if you are truthful.

    26. Say: Allah gives you life, then He makes you die, then will He gather you to the day of resurrection wherein is no doubt, but most people do not know.

    27. And Allah's is the kingdom of the heavens and the earth; and on the day when the hour shall come to pass, on that day shall they perish who say false things.

    28. And you shall see every nation kneeling down; every nation shall be called to its book: today you shall be rewarded for what you did.

    29. This is Our book that speaks against you with justice; surely We wrote what you did,

    30. Then as to those who believed and did good, their Lord will make them enter into His mercy; that is the manifest achievement.

    31. As to those who disbelieved: What! were not My communications recited to you? But you were proud and you were a guilty people.

    32. And when it was said, Surely the promise of Allah is true and as for the hour, there is no doubt about it, you said: We do not know what the hour is; we do not think (that it will come to pass) save a passing thought, and we are not at all sure.

    33.  And the evil (consequences) of what they did shall become manifest to them and that which they mocked shall encompass them.

    34. And it shall be said: Today We forsake you as you neglected the meeting of this day of yours and your abode is the fire, and there are not for you any helpers:

    35. That is because you took the communications of Allah for a jest and the life of this world deceived you. So on that day they shall not be brought forth from it, nor shall they be granted good will.

    36. Therefore to Allah is due (all) praise, the Lord of the heavens and the Lord of the earth, the Lord of the worlds.

    37. And to Him belongs greatness in the heavens and the earth, and He is the Mighty, the Wise.

    well that is 37 verses of Surah-65  and next let me read through that tafsir of this surah from  uncle Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #289 - December 04, 2022, 08:05 PM

    well this is our uncle  Maududi   tafsir  on that Surah-65
      45. Surah At Jathiya (The Kneeling)


    It is derived from the sentence wa tartt kullu ummat- in jathiyat-un of verse 28, implying thereby that it is the Surah in which the word jathiyah has occurred.

       Period of Revelation
    The period of the revelation of this Surah also has not been mentioned in any authentic tradition, but its subject matter clearly shows that it was revealed consecutively after Surah Ad Dukhan. The close resemblance between the contents of the two Surahs makes them look like the twin Surahs.

      Subject Matter and Topics

    It answers the doubts and objections of the disbelievers of Makkah about Tauhid and the Hereafter and warns them for their attitude that they had adopted against the message of the Qur'an.

    The discourse begins with the arguments for Tauhid. In this connection, reference has been made to the count- less Signs that are found in the world, from man's own body to the earth and heavens, and it is pointed out that everywhere around him man finds things which testify to Tauhid which he refuses to acknowledge. If man sees carefully the variety of animals, the day and night, the rainfall and the vegetation thereby, the winds and his own creation, and ponders over them intelligently, without prejudice, he will find these Signs sufficiently convincing of the truth that this universe is not Godless, nor under the control of many gods, but it has been created by One God, and He alone is its Controller and Ruler. However, the case of the person who is determined not to acknowledge and wants to remain involved in doubts and suspicions is different. He cannot be blessed with the faith and conviction from anywhere in the world.

    A little below, in the beginning of the second section, it has been reiterated that the things man is exploiting in the world, and the countless forces and agencies that are serving his interests in the universe, did not come into being just accidentally, nor have they been provided by the gods and goddesses, but it is One God alone, Who has supplied and subjected these to him from Himself. If only a person uses his mind properly and rightly, his own intellect will proclaim that God alone is man's real Benefactor and He alone deserves that man should pay obeisance to Him.

    After this, the disbelievers of Makkah have been taken to task and reproved for their stubbornness, arrogance, mockery and insistence on disbelief with which they were resisting the invitation of the Qur'an they have been warned that this Qur'an has brought the same blessing which had been granted to the children of Israel before, by virtue of which they became distinguished above all the people of the world. Then, when they failed to recognize the true worth of this blessing and disputed their religion and lost it, this blessing now has been sent to them. This is such a code of guidance which shows the clear highway of Religion to man. The people who would turn it down by their own folly, would only prepare for their own doom, and only such people would become worthy of God's succour and mercy who would adopt obedience to it and lead a life of piety and righteousness.

    In this connection, the followers of the Holy Prophet have been instructed that they should forbear and pardon the absurd and foolish behavior towards them of the people fearless of God, for if they showed patience God Himself would deal with their opponents and would reward them for their fortitude.

    Then, there is a criticism of the erroneous ideas that the disbelievers hold about the Hereafter. They said that life was only this worldly life there was no life hereafter. Man dies in the course of time just as a watch stops functioning suddenly. The body is not survived by any soul, which might be seized and then breathed again into the human body some time in the future. In this regard, they challenged the Holy Prophet, saying: "If you lay a claim to this, then raise our dead forefathers back to life." In answer to this, Allah has given the following arguments:

     WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??  damn uncle Maududi tafsir is longer than surah itself .. well let me  read the surah as well as tafsir again

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #290 - December 16, 2022, 01:44 PM

    well this is our uncle  Maududi   tafsir  on that Surah-65  WHAT THE HELL IS THAT??  damn uncle Maududi tafsir is longer than surah itself .. well let me  read the surah as well as tafsir again

    well that is what I said on that 65th surah revelation order and that is 45th surah in the so-called compilations order (or in the present BOOK)  and there is nothing specifically about prophet of Islam in its verses., So let me go next surah and that is Surah 66 aka surah 46 of the book named as surah  Al-Ahqaf  with 35 verses in it and allegedly revealed in Mecca ...

    Surah 66. Al-Ahqaf (surah_46 of the book)

    1. Ha Mim.

    2. The revelation of the Book is from Allah, the Mighty, the Wise.

    3. We did not create the heavens and the earth and what is between them to save with truth and (for) an appointed term; and those who disbelieve turn aside from what they are warned of.

    4. Say: Have you considered what you call upon besides Allah? Show me what they have created of the earth, or have they a share in the heavens? Bring me a book before this or traces of knowledge, if you are truthful.

    5. And who is in greater error than he who calls besides Allah upon those that will not answer him till the day of resurrection and they are heedless of their call?

    6. And when men are gathered together they shall be their enemies, and shall be deniers of their worshipping (them).

    7. And when Our clear communications are recited to them, those who disbelieve say with regard to the truth when it comes to them: This is clear magic.

    8. Nay! they say: He has forged it. Say: If I have forged it, you do not control anything for me from Allah; He knows best what you utter concerning it; He is enough as a witness between me and you, and He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

    9. Say: I am not the first of the apostles, and I do not know what will be done with me or with you: I do not follow anything but that which is revealed to me, and I am nothing but a plain warner.

    10. Say: Have you considered if it is from Allah, and you disbelieve in it, and a witness from among the children of Israel has borne witness of one like it, so he believed, while you are big with pride; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people.

    11. And those who disbelieve say concerning those who believe: If it had been a good, they would not have gone ahead of us therein. And as they do not seek to be rightly directed thereby, they say: It is an old lie.

    12.And before it the Book of Musa was a guide and a mercy: and this is a Book verifying (it) in the Arabic language that it may warn those who are unjust and as good news for the doers of good.

    13. Surely those who say, Our Lord is Allah, then they continue on the right way, they shall have no fear nor shall they grieve.

    14. These are the dwellers of the garden, abiding therein: a reward for what they did.

    15. And We have enjoined on man doing of good to his parents; with trouble did his mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth; and the bearing of him and the weaning of him was thirty months; until when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says: My Lord! grant me that I may give thanks for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases Thee and do good to me in respect of my offspring; surely I turn to Thee, and surely I am of those who submit.

    16. These are they from whom We accept the best of what they have done and pass over their evil deeds, among the dwellers of the garden; the promise of truth which they were promised.

    17. And he who says to his parents: Fie on you! do you threaten me that I shall be brought forth when generations have already passed away before me? And they both call for Allah's aid: Woe to you! believe, surely the promise of Allah is true. But he says: This is nothing but stories of the ancients.

    18. These are they against whom the word has proved true among nations of the jinn and the men that have already passed away before them; surely they are losers.

    19. And for all are degrees according to what they did, and that He may pay them back fully their deeds and they shall not be wronged.

    20. And on the day when those who disbelieve shall be brought before the fire: You did away with your good things in your life of the world and you enjoyed them for a while, so today you shall be rewarded with the punishment of abasement because you were unjustly proud in the land and because you transgressed.

    21. And mention the brother of Ad; when he warned his people in the sandy plains,-- and indeed warners came before him and after him-- saying Serve none but Allah; surely I fear for you the punishment of a grievous day.

    22. They said: Have you come to us to turn us away from our gods; then bring us what you threaten us with, if you are of the truthful ones.

    23. He said: The knowledge is only with Allah, and I deliver to you the message with which I am sent, but I see you are a people who are ignorant.

    24. So when they saw it as a cloud appearing in the sky advancing towards their valleys, they said: This is a cloud which will give us rain. Nay! it is what you sought to hasten on, a blast of wind in which is a painful punishment,

    25. Destroying everything by the command of its Lord, so they became such that naught could be seen except their dwellings. Thus do We reward the guilty people.

    26. And certainly We had established them in what We have not established you in, and We had given-- them ears and eyes and hearts, but neither their ears, nor their eyes, nor their hearts availed them aught, since they denied the communications of Allah, and that which they mocked encompassed them.

    27. And certainly We destroyed the towns which are around you, and We repeat the communications that they might turn.

    28. Why did not then those help them whom they took for gods besides Allah to draw (them) nigh (to Him)? Nay! they were lost to them; and this was their lie and what they forged.

    29. And when We turned towards you a party of the jinn who listened to the Quran; so when they came to it, they said: Be silent; then when it was finished, they turned back to their people warning (them).

    30. They said: O our people! we have listened to a Book revealed after Musa verifying that which is before it, guiding to the truth and to a right path:

    31. O our people! accept the Divine caller and believe in Him, He will forgive you of your faults and protect you from a painful punishment.

    32. And whoever does not accept the-Divine caller, he shall not escape in the earth and he shall not have guardians besides Him, these are in manifest error.

    33. Have they not considered that Allah, Who created the heavens and the earth and was not tired by their creation, is able to give life to the dead? Aye! He has surely power over all things.

    34. And on the day when those who disbelieve shall be brought before the fire: Is it not true? They shall say: Aye! by our Lord! He will say: Then taste the punishment, because you disbelieved.

    35. Therefore bear up patiently as did the apostles endowed with constancy bear up with patience and do not seek to hasten for them (their doom). On the day that they shall see what they are promised they shall be as if they had not tarried save an hour of the day. A sufficient exposition! Shall then any be destroyed save the transgressing people?

    well let me re-read them carefully and reedit the post to make it in proper format .. well reading and reading those 35 statements that has nothing about the man .. The prophet of Islam but this statement in verse 15  is funny...

    15. And We have enjoined on man doing of good to his parents; with trouble did his mother bear him and with trouble did she bring him forth; and the bearing of him and the weaning of him was thirty months; until when he attains his maturity and reaches forty years, he says: My Lord! grant me that I may give thanks for Thy favor which Thou hast bestowed on me and on my parents, and that I may do good which pleases Thee and do good to me in respect of my offspring; surely I turn to Thee, and surely I am of those who submit.

    what is so special about that age 40 years?? any relation with  that number 40  and 1st revelation??

    no wonder  when kids read Quran day & night like this without understanding a single statement

    their brain gets fried and everything will become numb and dumb if they go one reading Quran like that until they reach the age of 40 and then they end up as Quran preachers without understanding a single statement in the book

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #291 - December 18, 2022, 11:13 AM

    .............. Surah 66 aka surah 46 of the book named as surah  Al-Ahqaf  with 35 verses in it and allegedly revealed in Mecca ...

    their brain gets fried and everything will become numb and dumb if they go one reading Quran like that until they reach the age of 40 and then they end up as Quran preachers without understanding a single statement in the book

    well that is what i said about that surah 66 and there is nothing in it on Prophet of Islam let us move on to Surah-67 and apparently that is Surah_51 of the book   and it s named as 51. Adh-Dhaariyat | with some 60 verses in it apparentlt revealed in  Mecca ..

    Surah-67  aka Surah_51 of the book  Adh-Dhaariyat 

    1.  I swear by the wind that scatters far and wide,

    2.  Then those clouds bearing the load (of minute things in space).

    3.  Then those (ships) that glide easily,

    4 Then those (angels who) distribute blessings by Our command;

    5.  What you are threatened with is most surely true,

    6.  And the judgment must most surely come about.

    7.  I swear by the heaven full of ways.

    8.  Most surely you are at variance with each other in what you say,

    9.  He is turned away from it who would be turned away.

    10.  Cursed be the liars,

    11.  Who are in a gulf (of ignorance) neglectful;

    12.  They ask: When is the day of judgment?

    13.  (It is) the day on which they shall be tried at the fire.

    14.  Taste your persecution! this is what you would hasten on.

    15.  Surely those who guard (against evil) shall be in gardens and fountains.

    16.  Taking what their Lord gives them; surely they were before that, the doers of good.

    17.  They used to sleep but little in the night.

    18.  And in the morning they asked forgiveness.

    19.  And in their property was a portion due to him who begs and to him who is denied (good).

    20.  And in the earth there are signs for those who are sure,

    21.  And in your own souls (too); will you not then see?

    22.  And in the heaven is your sustenance and what you are threatened with.

    23.  And by the Lord of the heavens and the earth! it is most surely the truth, just as you do speak.

    24.  Has there come to you information about the honored guests of Ibrahim?

    25.  When they entered upon him, they said: Peace. Peace, said he, a strange people.
    26.  Then he turned aside to his family secretly and brought a fat (roasted) calf,

    27.  So he brought it near them. He said: What! will you not eat?

    28.  So he conceived in his mind a fear on account of them. They said: Fear not. And they gave him the good news of a boy possessing knowledge.

    29.  Then his wife came up in great grief, and she struck her face and said: An old barren woman!

    30.  They said: Thus says your Lord: Surely He is the Wise, the Knowing.

    31.  He said: What is your affair then, O apostles!

    32.  They said: Surely we are sent to a guilty people,

    33.  That we may send down upon them stone of clay,

    34.  Sent forth from your Lord for the extravagant.

    35.  Then We brought forth such as were therein of the believers.

    36.  But We did not find therein save a (single) house of those who submitted (the

    37.  And We left therein a sign for those who fear the painful punishment.

    38.  And in Musa: When We sent him to Firon with clear authority.

    39.  But he turned away with his forces and said: A magician or a mad man.

    40.  So We seized him and his hosts and hurled them into the sea and he was blamable.

    41.  And in Ad: When We sent upon them the destructive wind.

    42.  It did not leave aught on which it blew, but it made it like ashes.

    43.  And in Samood: When it was said to them: Enjoy yourselves for a while.

    44.  But they revolted against the commandment of their Lord, so the rumbling overtook them while they saw.

    45.  So they were not able to rise up, nor could they defend themselves-

    46.  And the people of Nuh before, surely they were a transgressing people.

    47.  And the heaven, We raised it high with power, and most surely We are the makers of things ample.

    48.  And the earth, We have made it a wide extent; how well have We then spread (it) out.

    49.  And of everything We have created pairs that you may be mindful.

    50.  Therefore fly to Allah, surely I am a plain warner to you from Him.

    51.  And do not set up with Allah another god: surely I am a plain warner to you from Him.

    52.  Thus there did not come to those before them an apostle but they said: A magician or a mad man.

    53.  Have they charged each other with this? Nay! they are an inordinate people.

    54.  Then turn your back upon them for you are not to blame;

    55.  And continue to remind, for surely the reminder profits the believers.

    56.  And I have not created the jinn and the men except that they should serve Me.

    57.  I do not desire from them any sustenance and I do not desire that they should feed Me.

    58.  Surely Allah is the Bestower of sustenance, the Lord of Power, the Strong.

    59.  So surely those who are unjust shall have a portion like the portion of their companions, therefore let them not ask Me to hasten on.

    60.  Therefore woe to those who disbelieve because of their day which they are threatened with.

    well those 60 little statements are alleged allah god words that come out of Prophetof Islam . so let me  re read and re-edit them to see any thing on Prophet .. well you read those swearing verses along with group of folks like this

    you will never understand Quran and the reason for such verses.. in fact the brain gets numb

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #292 - May 17, 2023, 08:36 AM

    Well., I left the den on Dec 20th 2022 and the last post from me was Dec18th 2022., Now I am back to the den., Summers are hot in south Asia., So where was I?? I wrote   above
    well those 60 little statements are alleged allah god words that come out of Prophetof Islam . so let me  re read and re-edit them to see any thing on Prophet .. well you read those swearing verses along with group of folks like this

    you will never understand Quran and the reason for such verses.. in fact the brain gets numb

    And that was about Surah-67 in the revelation order and that is Surah_51 of the book  allegedly revealed in Mecca ., So let me go and read Surah-68 in the revelation order and it is supposed to be  surah Al-Ghaashiya  ((The Overwhelming)) , The Sura in the book is chapter 88 with some   26 verses or so in it. So here are the verses
    1. Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity?

    2. (Some) faces on that day shall be downcast,

    3. Laboring, toiling,

    4. Entering into burning fire,

    5. Made to drink from a boiling spring.

    6. They shall have no food but of thorns,

    7. Which will neither fatten nor avail against hunger.

    8. (Other) faces on that day shall be happy,

    9. Well-pleased because of their striving,

    10. In a lofty garden,

    11. Wherein you shall not hear vain talk.

    12. Therein is a fountain flowing,

    13. Therein are thrones raised high,

    14. And drinking-cups ready placed,

    15. And cushions set in a row,

    16. And carpets spread out.

    17. Will they not then consider the camels, how they are created?

    18. And the heaven, how it is reared aloft,

    19. And the mountains, how they are firmly fixed,

    20. And the earth, how it is made a vast expanse?

    21. Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder.

    22. You are not a watcher over them;

    23. But whoever turns back and disbelieves,

    24. Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.

    25. Surely to Us is their turning back,

    26. Then surely upon Us is the taking of their account.

    well what is there in those 26 little statements??  Can I make some sonnets? some rap songs?  Let us see.. errrr....   delete the words in those brackets as they are added in to verses  by the translator  and let me watch this video


    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #293 - May 20, 2023, 05:29 PM

    So reading the   above  Surah-68   surah Al-Ghaashiya  ((The Overwhelming)) , aka Sura 88 in the book ..     let me rewrite the same 26 statements/verses as sonnets/stanzas or  some rap songs?   
    Verses 1 to 7

    Has not there come to you the news of the overwhelming calamity?
    faces on that day shall be downcast,
    Laboring, toiling,
    Entering into burning fire,
    Made to drink from a boiling spring.
    They shall have no food but of thorns,
    Which will neither fatten nor avail against hunger.

    Verses 8 to 16

    faces on that day shall be happy,
    Well-pleased because of their striving,
    In a lofty garden,
    Wherein you shall not hear vain talk.
    Therein is a fountain flowing,
    Therein are thrones raised high,
    And drinking-cups ready placed,
    And cushions set in a row,
    And carpets spread out.

    Verses 17 to 20

    Will they not then consider the camels, how they are created?
    And the heaven, how it is reared aloft,
    And the mountains, how they are firmly fixed,
    And the earth, how it is made a vast expanse?

    Verses 21 to 26

    Therefore do remind, for you are only a reminder.
    You are not a watcher over them;
     But whoever turns back and disbelieves,
    Allah will chastise him with the greatest chastisement.
     Surely to Us is their turning back,
    Then surely upon Us is the taking of their account.

    well that is how one should read Quran ... those 26 verses of Al-Ghaashiya   can be made as a preacher/story teller/Quram writer/s telling  the  followers/listeners on what happens to the three groups of folks..

    Grroup-1 being those who question   Quranic Statements (verses 1to 7)

    Grroup-2  being those who follow Quranic Statements (Verses 17 to 20)

    Grroup-3  being those who followed Quran but  turns back and become disbelievers of Quranic faith ,(Verses 21 to 26)

    apart from those three groups of statements which one will find in many many surahs., one will also find another group of statements and they are about Allah creations..  such  are  the verses we read in   verses  17 to 20., well we can write zillion such statements as word of allah/god

    1). Will they not then consider the camels, how they are created?

    2). who created  heaven, how it is reared aloft,

    3). how about  the mountains, how they are firmly fixed,?

    5). And the earth, how it is made a vast expanse..

    6). How about your nose you breath through and waste that goes out of you? who created all that??

    7). who created, electron, proton, neutrons??  and who created all 114 or so elements of periodic table??

    Cool. YOU NON-BELIEVING FOOL .. do you not see the power Allah??

      one can write zillion such silly statements ., in fact anyone , a high school kid can write those silly statements  in any language ., Funny thing is such words  are repeated in many different surahs ., Any way., I consider such words are nothing to do with Allah/God but they are from writers of Quran of that time..

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #294 - May 21, 2023, 08:26 PM

      one can write zillion such silly statements ., in fact anyone , a high school kid can write those silly statements  in any language ., Funny thing is such words  are repeated in many different surahs ., Any way., I consider such words are nothing to do with Allah/God but they are from writers of Quran of that time..

      That is what I wrote on that Quranic statements of Surah   Al-Ghaashiya  ((The Overwhelming))   the Surah-68 in the revelation order which is supposed to be Sura 88 in the book.,

    Any ways ., let us go and read Surah_69  and is supposed to be Surah  18    Kahf  of the book  with some 110 verses in it   and was allegedly revealed in  Macca  of Prophet's time .

    Surah 69 in revelation order aka Surah_18. of the book  Al-Kahf |with  110 verses _The Cave _ Meccan surah

    1. (All) praise is due to Allah, Who revealed the Book to His servant and did not make in it any crookedness.

    2. Rightly directing, that he might give warning of severe punishment from Him and give good news to the believers who do good that they shall have a goodly reward,

    3. Staying in it for ever;

    4. And warn those who say: Allah has taken a son.

    5. They have no knowledge of it, nor had their fathers; a grievous word it is that comes out of their mouths; they speak nothing but a lie.

    6. Then maybe you will kill yourself with grief, sorrowing after them, if they do not believe in this announcement.

    7. Surely We have made whatever is on the earth an embellishment for it, so that We may try them (as to) which of them is best in works.

    8. And most surely We will make what is on it bare ground without herbage.

    9. Or, do you think that the Fellows of the Cave and the Inscription were of Our wonderful signs?

    10. When the youths sought refuge in the cave, they said: Our Lord! grant us mercy from Thee, and provide for us a right course in our affair.

    11. So We prevented them from hearing in the cave for a number of years.

    12. Then We raised them up that We might know which of the two parties was best able to compute the time for which they remained.

    13. We relate to you their story with the truth; surely they were youths who believed in their Lord and We increased them in guidance.

    14. And We strengthened their hearts with patience, when they stood up and said: Our Lord is the Lord of the heavens and the earth; we will by no means call upon any god besides Him, for then indeed we should have said an extravagant thing.

    15. These our people have taken gods besides Him; why do they not produce any clear authority in their support? Who is then more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah?

    16. And when you forsake them and what they worship save Allah, betake yourselves for refuge to the cave; your Lord will extend to you largely of His mercy and provide for you a profitable course in your affair.

    17. And you might see the sun when it rose, decline from their cave towards the right hand, and when it set, leave them behind on the left while they were in a wide space thereof. This is of the signs of Allah; whomsoever Allah guides, he is the rightly guided one, and whomsoever He causes to err, you shall not find for him any friend to lead (him) aright.

    18. And you might think them awake while they were asleep and We turned them about to the right and to the left, while their dog (lay) outstretching its paws at the entrance; if you looked at them you would certainly turn back from them in flight, and you would certainly be filled with awe because of them.

    19. And thus did We rouse them that they might question each other. A speaker among them said: How long have you tarried? They said: We have tarried for a day or a part of a day. (Others) said: Your Lord knows best how long you have tarried. Now send one of you with this silver (coin) of yours to the city, then let him see which of them has purest food, so let him bring you provision from it, and let him behave with gentleness, and by no means make your case known to any one:

    20. For surely if they prevail against you they would stone you to death or force you back to their religion, and then you will never

    21. And thus did We make (men) to get knowledge of them that they might know that Allah's promise is true and that as for the hour there is no doubt about it. When they disputed among themselves about their affair and said: Erect an edifice over them-- their Lord best knows them. Those who prevailed in their affair said: We will certainly raise a masjid over them.

    22. (Some) say: (They are) three, the fourth of them being their dog; and (others) say: Five, the sixth of them being their dog, making conjectures at what is unknown; and (others yet) say: Seven, and the eighth of them is their dog. Say: My Lord best knows their number, none knows them but a few; therefore contend not in the matter of them but with an outward contention, and do not question concerning them any of them.

    23. And do not say of anything: Surely I will do it tomorrow,

    24. Unless Allah pleases; and remember your Lord when you forget and say: Maybe my Lord will guide me to a nearer course to the right than this.

    25. And they remained in their cave three hundred years and (some) add (another) nine.

    26. Say: Allah knows best how long they remained; to Him are (known) the unseen things of the heavens and the earth; how clear His sight and how clear His hearing! There is none to be a guardian for them besides Him, and He does not make any one His associate in His Judgment.

    27. And recite what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord, there is none who can alter His words; and you shall not find any refuge besides Him.

    28. And withhold yourself with those who call on their Lord morning and evening desiring His goodwill, and let not your eyes pass from them, desiring the beauties of this world's life; and do not follow him whose heart We have made unmindful to Our remembrance, and he follows his low desires and his case is one in which due bounds are exceeded.

    29. And say: The truth is from your Lord, so let him who please believe, and let him who please disbelieve; surely We have prepared for the iniquitous a fire, the curtains of which shall encompass them about; and if they cry for water, they shall be given water like molten brass which will scald their faces; evil the drink and ill the resting-place.

    30. Surely (as for) those who believe and do good, We do not waste the reward of him who does a good work.

    31. These it is for whom are gardens of perpetuity beneath which rivers flow, ornaments shall be given to them therein of bracelets of gold, and they shall wear green robes of fine silk and thick silk brocade interwoven with gold, reclining therein on raised couches; excellent the recompense and goodly the resting place.

    32. And set forth to them a parable of two men; for one of them We made two gardens of grape vines, and We surrounded them both with palms, and in the midst of them We made cornfields.

    33. Both these gardens yielded their fruits, and failed not aught thereof, and We caused a river to gush forth in their midst,

    34. And he possessed much wealth; so he said to his companion, while he disputed with him: I have greater wealth than you, and am mightier in followers.

    35. And he entered his garden while he was unjust to himself. He said: I do not think that this will ever perish

    36. And I do not think the hour will come, and even if I am returned to my Lord I will most certainly find a returning place better than this.

    37. His companion said to him while disputing with him: Do you disbelieve in Him Who created you from dust, then from a small seed, then He made you a perfect man?

    38. But as for me, He, Allah, is my Lord, and I do not associate anyone with my Lord.

    39. And wherefore did you not say when you entered your garden: It is as Allah has pleased, there is no power save in Allah? If you consider me to be inferior to you in wealth and children,

    40. Then maybe my Lord will give me what is better than your garden, and send on it a thunderbolt from heaven so that it shall become even ground without plant,

    41. Or its waters should sink down into the ground so that you are unable to find it.

    42. And his wealth was destroyed; so he began to wring his hands for what he had spent on it, while it lay, having fallen down upon its roofs, and he said: Ah me! would that I had not associated anyone with my Lord.

    43. And he had no host to help him besides Allah nor could he defend himself.

    44. Here is protection only Allah's, the True One; He is best in (the giving of) reward and best in requiting.

    45. And set forth to them parable of the life of this world: like water which We send down from the cloud so the herbage of the earth becomes tangled on account of it, then it becomes dry broken into pieces which the winds scatter; and Allah is the holder of power over all things.

    46. Wealth and children are an adornment of the life of this world; and the ever-abiding, the good works, are better with your Lord in reward and better in expectation.

    47. And the day on which We will cause the mountains to pass away and you will see the earth a levelled plain and We will gather them and leave not any one of them behind.

    48. And they shall be brought before your Lord, standing in ranks: Now certainly you have come to Us as We created you at first. Nay, you thought that We had not appointed to you a time of the fulfillment of the promise.

    49. And the Book shall be placed, then you will see the guilty fearing from what is in it, and they will say: Ah! woe to us! what a book is this! it does not omit a small one nor a great one, but numbers them (all); and what they had done they shall find present (there); and your Lord does not deal unjustly with anyone.

    50. And when We said to the angels: Make obeisance to Adam; they made obeisance but Iblis (did it not). He was of the jinn, so he transgressed the commandment of his Lord. What! would you then take him and his offspring for friends rather than Me, and they are your enemies? Evil is (this) change for the unjust.

    51. I did not make them witnesses of the creation of the heavens and the earth, nor of the creation of their own souls; nor could I take those who lead (others) astray for aiders.

    52. And on the day when He shall say: Call on those whom you considered to be My associates. So they shall call on them, but they shall not answer them, and We will cause a separation between them.

    53. And the guilty shall see the fire, then they shall know that they are going to fall into it, and they shall not find a place to which to turn away from it.

    54. And certainly We have explained in this Quran every kind of example, and man is most of all given to contention.

    55. And nothing prevents men from believing when the guidance comes to them, and from asking forgiveness of their Lord, except that what happened to the ancients should overtake them, or that the chastisement should come face to face with them.

    56. And We do not send apostles but as givers of good news and warning, and those who disbelieve make a false contention that they may render null thereby the truth, and they take My communications and that with which they are warned for a mockery.

    57. And who is more unjust than he who is reminded of the communications of his Lord, then he turns away from them and forgets what his two hands have sent before? Surely We have placed veils over their hearts lest they should understand it and a heaviness in their ears; and if you call them to the guidance, they will not ever follow the right course in that case.

    58. And your Lord is Forgiving, the Lord of Mercy; were He to punish them for what they earn, He would certainly have hastened the chastisement for them; but for them there is an appointed time from which they shall not find a refuge.

    59. And (as for) these towns, We destroyed them when they acted unjustly, and We have appointed a time for their destruction.

    60. And when Musa said to his servant: I will not cease until I reach the junction of the two rivers or I will go on for years.

    61. So when they had reached the junction of the two (rivers) they forgot their fish, and it took its way into the sea, going away.

    62. But when they had gone farther, he said to his servant: Bring to us our morning meal, certainly we have met with fatigue from this our journey.

    63. He said: Did you see when we took refuge on the rock then I forgot the fish, and nothing made me forget to speak of it but the Shaitan, and it took its way into the river; what a wonder!

    64. He said: This is what we sought for; so they returned retracing their footsteps.

    65. Then they found one from among Our servants whom We had granted mercy from Us and whom We had taught knowledge from Ourselves.

    66. Musa said to him: Shall I follow you on condition that you should teach me right knowledge of what you have been taught?

    67. He said: Surely you cannot have patience with me

    68. And how can you have patience in that of which you have not got a comprehensive knowledge?

    69. He said: If Allah pleases, you will find me patient and I shall not disobey you in any matter.

    70. He said: If you would follow me, then do not question me about any thing until I myself speak to you about it

    71. So they went (their way) until when they embarked in the boat he made a hole in it. (Musa) said: Have you made a hole in it to drown its inmates? Certainly you have done a grievous thing.

    72. He said: Did I not say that you will not be able to have patience with me?

    73. He said: Blame me not for what I forgot, and do not constrain me to a difficult thing in my affair.

    74. So they went on until, when they met a boy, he slew him. (Musa)
    said: Have you slain an innocent person otherwise than for manslaughter? Certainly you have done an evil thing.

    75. He said: Did I not say to you that you will not be able to have patience with me?

    76. He said: If I ask you about anything after this, keep me not in your company; indeed you shall have (then) found an excuse in my case.

    77. So they went on until when they came to the people of a town, they asked them for food, but they refused to entertain them as guests. Then they found in it a wall which was on the point of falling, so he put it into a right state. (Musa) said: If you had pleased, you might certainly have taken a recompense for it.

    78. He said: This shall be separation between me and you; now I will inform you of the significance of that with which you could not have patience.

    79. As for the boat, it belonged to (some) poor men who worked on the river and I wished that I should damage it, and there was behind them a king who seized every boat by force.

    80. And as for the boy, his parents were believers and we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them:

    81. So we desired that their Lord might give them in his place one better than him in purity and nearer to having compassion.

    82. And as for the wall, it belonged to two orphan boys in the city, and there was beneath it a treasure belonging to them, and their father was a righteous man; so your Lord desired that they should attain their maturity and take out their treasure, a mercy from your Lord, and I did not do it of my own accord. This is the significance of that with which you could not have patience.

    83. And they ask you about Zulqarnain. Say: I will recite to you an account of him.

    84. Surely We established him in the land and granted him means of access to every thing.

    85. So he followed a course.

    86. Until when he reached the place where the sun set, he found it going down into a black sea, and found by it a people. We said: O Zulqarnain! either give them a chastisement or do them a benefit.

    87. He said: As to him who is unjust, we will chastise him, then shall he be returned to his Lord, and He will chastise him with an exemplary chastisement:

    88. And as for him who believes and does good, he shall have goodly reward, and We will speak to him an easy word of Our command.

    89. Then he followed (another) course.

    90. Until when he reached the land of the rising of the sun, he found it rising on a people to whom We had given no shelter from It;

    91. Even so! and We had a full knowledge of what he had.

    92. Then he followed (another) course.

    93. Until when he reached (a place) between the two mountains, he found on that side of them a people who could hardly understand a word.

    94. They said: O Zulqarnain! surely Gog and Magog make mischief in the land. Shall we then pay you a tribute on condition that you should raise a barrier between us and them

    95. He said: That in which my Lord has established me is better, therefore you only help me with workers, I will make a fortified barrier between you and them;

    96. Bring me blocks of iron; until when he had filled up the space between the two mountain sides, he said: Blow, until when he had made it (as) fire, he said: Bring me molten brass which I may pour over it.

    97. So they were not able to scale it nor could they make a hole in it.

    98. He said: This is a mercy from my Lord, but when the promise of my Lord comes to pass He will make it level with the ground, and the promise of my Lord is ever true.

    99. And on that day We will leave a part of them in conflict with another part, and the trumpet will be blown, so We will gather them all together;

    100. And We will bring forth hell, exposed to view, on that day before the unbelievers.

    101. They whose eyes were under a cover from My reminder and they could not even hear.

    102. What! do then those who disbelieve think that they can take My servants to be guardians besides Me? Surely We have prepared hell for the entertainment of the unbelievers.

    103. Say: Shall We inform you of the greatest losers in (their) deeds?

    104. (These are) they whose labor is lost in this world's life and they think that they are well versed in skill of the work of hands.

    105. These are they who disbelieve in the communications of their Lord and His meeting, so their deeds become null, and therefore We will not set up a balance for them on the day of resurrection.

    106. Thus it is that their recompense is hell, because they disbelieved and held My communications and My apostles in mockery.

    107. Surely (as for) those who believe and do good deeds, their place of entertainment shall be the gardens of paradise,

    108. Abiding therein; they shall not desire removal from them.

    109. Say: If the sea were ink for the words of my Lord, the sea would surely be consumed before the words of my Lord are exhausted, though We were to bring the like of that (sea) to add

    110. Say: I am only a mortal like you; it is revealed to me that your god is one Allah, therefore whoever hopes to meet his Lord, he should do good deeds, and not join any one in the service of his Lord.

      So what is there in those 110 verses of surah_69  Al-Kahf??    let me re_read them and put them in to those usual 4 categories   that essentially 90% of Quran verses can be put in to those 4 sections. 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #295 - November 04, 2023, 03:31 AM

    well  bad days are here  again  so let me start reading Quran from theeeee  boooook  and start with this nice  comprehensive  video of  Jay Smith

    he explains wonderfully on the life of Prophet of Islam  and origins of Quran 

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Reading Quran And Inquiring in to Prophet Muhammad's Life from Quran
     Reply #296 - January 13, 2024, 06:26 AM

    Adam seeker  who is ex-muslim from Pakistan along with Sahil ex-Muslim of India is the recent internet sensation on educating folks about Islam,  in this video they discuss the subject of - Early Life of Prophet Muhammad - Creation of Universe per Quran  so let us watch it

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
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