What changes can we expect, anyway^
The stuff you guys will actually see.............
New site theme, obviously, coz I expect the old one is boring everybody to pieces by now. It's certainly boring the staff, even if it was good for its day. As well as cooler looks it'll have a better menu system (jQuery of course).
WYSIWYG editor for posts and PM's, as an option. I'm not keen on it myself and prefer the standard BBC editor, but for those who want WYSIWYG it'll be available.
The option to save PM's as conversations, so all the replies to and from one person are posted together in order. TBH, I think this is one of the best features in the new version. It makes keeping track of PM's a hell of a lot more convenient.
A mod to allow saving drafts of posts (handy for long WIP stuff).
Links to topics within the forum will automatically show the thread title instead of the url.
Might add a mod for inline attachments (ie: positioning attached images within posts).
OP preview on mouseover for the index pages.
All of that stuff is either standard or already available as mods.
May add some extra options to profiles. Not sure about that yet as the exisitng mods aren't that great and/or need updating, so some custom coding would be required.
Might do something for better organisation of smileys.
Also, I want the advanced quick reply (with bbc buttons and smileys, etc) for PM's as well as for posts, but I'll have to custom code that myself from scratch. Shouldn't be too bad. I'm trying to convince the lead dev to make it a default feature in the next version too.