I'm not Christian either but I can see why and would promote Muslims converting to a religion that is reformed and drops violent verses in the Old Testament. Modern, decent Christianity, is really the opposite of Islam as a faith: positivity, love, unity and emotional well being and still allowing a person to question, even God himself. I'd much rather if people need a faith, be part of one that is progressive and keep them open to the idea of becoming an atheist rather than one which completely goes against any questioning of a silly book or deity. And don't give me the Quran burning pastor rubbish - I mean the very good Christians who say things like, "I'll pray for you" when they mean they care for you. This is what makes certain religions a virtue. Islam is not, even per se it is not.
Oh I'll give you the Quran burning pastor rubbish cause that's the kind of Christianity I was raised around (but luckily not under). Live in the Southern US for a while or even Western Pennsylvania, or, even worse, Africa, and tell me Christianity is reformed, modernized, and all that lovey-dovey bullshit.
There's all sorts of shit in the Old Testament, but the Christianity I was brought up with (and strangely never believed in) was all about the New Testament. Love thy neighbour, turn the other cheek, prodigal son, that sort of stuff. All good.
The Old Testament was like a kind of Grimm's fairy tales, full of excellent, gruesome stories, but not really what it was all about.
See above sir. I grant you in Europe Christianity is tamed, but that is not necessarily the case in the Americas and Africa. Just look at the Uganda legislation to make homosexuality a capital crime-- that's being pushed by Christians largely.
And while I do understand that in your neck of the world it's the Muslim crazies who are a threat to secular society and institutions, in mine it's the Christian crazies. I wish you limeys would stop for a second to consider there's a world beyond your little island and even the boundaries of Europe and that's where most of the people in it live.
This comes from a person who has been through it all.She's an ex-Christian and an ex-Muslim so she was an insider who is now indulging in a kind of OBE.
Just because she put it politely doesn't make it PC.
Though modern Christianity has been defanged, at the theological level there's very little to differentiate between the two. Both are full of supremacist BS. Probably Christianity does it more subtly. Whether they preach love or hate the stink of exclusivism is always in the background.The way most of the modern churches seem to function is a big blasphemy in itself!It's all about money and politics!
Christian fundies can be as rabid as the Islamists!
^^^This. JNT lives in a rural part of the US and has seen how shitty fundamentalist Christianity can be too. So she's got experience on the insanity of both religions that most here don't have.