Note how you dodge my question and state no evidence whatsoever for the claims you made, e.g. "all hadith were written around 100yrs after Muhammad's death".
I'm sick of these stupid comments from muslims (not just you)- If you want evidence then go find it yourself! Why should I do the work? I did my research and found my answers, clearly you're still searching since you don't know about this! It's common knowledge how the history of islam was passed down orally for over a hundred years after muhammeds death. If you are so learned on islam you should know this, that you don't highlights the severe lack in your knowledge of the religion you are trying to teach US about!
You muslims who argue your religion is fact constantly throw this comment 'evidence' You deman rock solid evidence yet expect us to accept your flimsy assertions! It's so foolish. You want evidence of what? Of how muslims interpret quran in so many different ways each contradictory? This is a well known fact and the very evidence you request is in your own statements making assertions to ignore hadit. Muslims follow hadith, muslims follow different hadiths, different imaams, different schools of thought, etc. If you require evidence of this it's as stupid as asking me to give you evidence that the sun provides light!
As for the rest, read the quran since you CLEARLY have not or you would know where there is 'evidence' of slavery in the quran and sex with slaves (rape!)
Qur'an (33:50) - "O Prophet! We have made lawful to thee thy wives to whom thou hast paid their dowers; and those (slaves) whom thy right hand possesses out of the prisoners of war whom Allah has assigned to thee"
Qur'an (23:5-6) - "..who abstain from sex, except with those joined to them in the marriage bond, or (the captives) whom their right hands possess..."
Qur'an (4:24) - "And all married women (are forbidden unto you) save those (captives) whom your right hands possess."
Evidence that islam regards women as intellectually inferior and under the care of men (men are boss)
Quran 2:228 . . . Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally known principles. Of course, men are a degree above them in status . . . (Sayyid Abul A’La Maududi, the Meaning of the Qur’an, vol. 1, p. 165)
Quran 4:34... Men are managers of the affairs of women because Allah has made the one superior to the other. (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 329)
Quran 4:11 ... The share of the male shall be twice that of a female . . . . (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 311) (See Sura 4:176.)
Quran 2:282 ... And let two men from among you bear witness to all such documents [contracts of loans without interest]. But if two men be not available, there should be one man and two women to bear witness so that if one of the women forgets (anything), the other may remind her. (Maududi, vol. 1, p. 205).
Evidence that in the quran it says women have no right to refuse sex and must provide it instantly upon request:
Qur'an (2:223) - "Your wives are as a tilth unto you; so approach your tilth when or how ye will..."
Or perhaps you want evidence of the scientific errors in the quran:
Q. 2:22... WHO made the earth a bed for you, and the heaven a roof, and caused water to come down from the clouds and therewith brought forth fruits for your sustenance; so do not set up equals to ALLAH, while you know. Sher Ali
i.e the earth is flat
"It is Allah Who has created seven heavens, and earths as many ..." S. 65:12, F. Malik's translation
Quran 13:3... And He it is Who spread out the earth and placed therein firm hills and flowing streams, and of all fruits He placed therein two spouses (male and female). He covereth the night with the day. Lo! herein verily are portents for people who take thought. (Pickthall)
This is again a fallacy- neither all organisms nor all fruits are paired!
In addition: talking animals (the donkey, the ants to Solomon), Muhammed's winged horse, a parrallel invislible world of Jinn, Giants, and other rediculous tales!
I can't be asked going on, although I could, since ignorant people will ignore the facts and believe what makes them feel good. That's up to you but don't try pulling others into your insanity. The quran is a book that is made up of ideas of a man/a group of men to improve the society. This man/men used the idea that they were god's words to force people to follow. On numerous occasions the quran demands belief, demands worship, demands that it is true, threatens those who disbelief- makes god come accross rather desperate tbh!
The writer(s) used knowledge of other nations, namely the neighbouring 'enlightened' civilisations of the greeks and egyptians. It's laughable how muslims assert the truth of islam using these 'proofs' of science when they are in fact stolen from the pagans so in fact the muslims are arguing that since these people knew these things then their deities must have been real!
If one is to assume Muhammed wrote the quran (by proxy) then muslims are in awe that this must be divine since he was illiterate- first there is no evidence of this, but let's assume that it's true. Homer was illiterate too and he wrote some of the greatest literature known to man (Homer was blind therefore illiterate). In addition, the 'knowledge' in the quran is not in depth or scientific at all, rather a vague rambling of overheard things, much the same as what a thick person of today could tell you of gravity, or the universe, etc. Also, illiterate doesn't mean thick- there is no doubt muhammed was smart, he created this book using fear, manipulation, stolen knowledge from Greeks/Egyptians and convinced people to follow. I don't believe this was to be evil, it seems he did it for the betterment of his people. However, to assert that the ideas of a man 1400 yrs ago are to be adhered to for the betterment of all people for all time are perposterous and arcane! Even Hitler had some good ideas, doesn't mean they're all great as we know!