I'm not sure about the gene thing, but I seen a similar thing on a bbc documentary (I think it was bbc) studies showed that a part of the brain was more active when an individual was 'feeling more spiritual' or in a spritual from of mind, like during a prayer etc - goes to show spiritual experiences are just down to brain chemistry
So it does sort of make sense that your brain activity in certain areas can be affected by certain chemicals (e.g happy pills can help a depressed person happier by stimulating that particular part of the brain that causese pleasure/happy feelings) etc etc so hmm not too far out to think there maybe something to reduce the 'hyper spiritualness' and that attachment to religion etc by something targeting that area of the brain :/
Hmm I suppose the particular brain activity/strengths in certain areas are down to genes somewhat (for example intelligence I think is somewhat down to genes plus some environmental factors - nuturing)