Some guy named "Wormhole" has been hounding my "Speed of light" video for some time now trying to convince me that I am wrong and the Quran does contain the speed of light.
I stated that the sum in the video is not an equation because slowing the Moon down by 50% should result in 50% of the speed of light but it doesn't. He just replied with the following...
"For example slowing the moon down by half should result in half of the speed of light." That's not true. The moon only slows down if ocean friction transfers Earth's rotational kinetic energy to the moon. The moon would recede and Earth day would increase but the ratio Lunar Orbits/ Earth Day remains unchanged.
He thinks that the rotational momentum of the Earth being transferred to the Moon via tides would slow the Moon down - the fact that the Earth rotates more often than the Moon orbits the Earth has obviously escaped him, and too the fact that this phenomenon has already been cited as the cause for the Moon speeding up AND for the number of hours in an Earth day getting longer over time.
Wow, what utter ignorance!