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 Topic: Cake and catharsis - my blog

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  • Cake and catharsis - my blog
     OP - July 11, 2011, 10:43 PM


    Feeling pretty shit right now so I'm unable to think clearly or write anything of note, not that I think anything I write will be of note.
    But... funny I chose a low time to start a blog. I guess I'm thinking I need it. I need lots of things it seems.  Roll Eyes

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #1 - July 11, 2011, 10:45 PM

    Whassup peppermint?   Cry

    Why you feeling so low?

    *blog watch

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #2 - July 11, 2011, 10:48 PM

    far away hug

    hugs parrot bunny parrothugs

     far away hug

    "Many people would sooner die than think; In fact, they do so." -- Bertrand Russell

    Baloney Detection Kit
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #3 - July 11, 2011, 11:03 PM

    Talk, woman.  grin12
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #4 - July 11, 2011, 11:19 PM

    Talk, woman.  grin12

    That is such a sexist thing to say.  Telling her to talk like a woman.  As if women must talk one way.

    Sexist misogynist. 


    I've always wanted to read a blog written by 2 minty flavoured boobies.   dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #5 - July 11, 2011, 11:28 PM

    Life sucks for women. Why do we always have to be ones to bear the grunt of everyones shit?! So fucking unfair, you men have it so easy .. Yeah you Prince 001_tongue

    What's wrong PT? hugs
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #6 - July 11, 2011, 11:40 PM

    My emotions are highly unstable right now, don't think I should even be here...

    But I'm needy. Like the little fucking sad, pathetic girl I was at 5 years old.

    You know, it's ironic because I feel so little today, so sensitive and pathetic (too many personal things I won't go into).
    But I feel like as a child, I was stronger. It seems the older I get, the weaker I am.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #7 - July 11, 2011, 11:50 PM

    Oh babe, I wish there was something I could say to help you feel better but I've been on the receiving end too many times to know how difficult and impossible it is to actually say something that does bring you out through the other end of the tunnel. So all I'm going to give you is a tight reassuring hug hugs and a firm shoulder you can turn to when you feel like talking. Trust me I'm a great listener Smiley

    Wow its so alien to be comforting someone rather than being comforted.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #8 - July 11, 2011, 11:59 PM

    My emotions are highly unstable right now, don't think I should even be here...

    But I'm needy. Like the little fucking sad, pathetic girl I was at 5 years old.

    You know, it's ironic because I feel so little today, so sensitive and pathetic (too many personal things I won't go into).
    But I feel like as a child, I was stronger. It seems the older I get, the weaker I am.

    As a child you were naive, innocent, idealistic, not necessarily stronger.  Some things in childhood mess you up enough that it would be impossible to go on and maintain that naivity, and in general most people lose that anyway.

    As a child I was a rebel.  I argued over everything with my dad.  He used to beat me all the time, but I wouldn't stop arguing.  I would tell him that no man would ever tell me what to do, that when i grew up I would be the man and my husband could sty home and clean for me. 

    I was so delusional.  He asked me later on in life what happened to that little girl, that out of all of his daughters he did not ever expect to see me allow a man to abuse me.

    My reply?  "What do you expect, you taught me that abuse = loves"

    It is not that you are no longer strong, you are.  You are infact stronger and wiser than you were as a child.

    Whatever has triggered this low feeling today, well try not to let it get you all down to the point where you start idealising a former part of you, when the real you is worth idealising instead.  hugs

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #9 - July 12, 2011, 12:28 AM

    As a child you were naive, innocent, idealistic, not necessarily stronger.  Some things in childhood mess you up enough that it would be impossible to go on and maintain that naivity, and in general most people lose that anyway.

    As a child I was a rebel.  I argued over everything with my dad.  He used to beat me all the time, but I wouldn't stop arguing.  I would tell him that no man would ever tell me what to do, that when i grew up I would be the man and my husband could sty home and clean for me. 

    I was so delusional.  He asked me later on in life what happened to that little girl, that out of all of his daughters he did not ever expect to see me allow a man to abuse me.

    My reply?  "What do you expect, you taught me that abuse = loves"

    It is not that you are no longer strong, you are.  You are infact stronger and wiser than you were as a child.

    Whatever has triggered this low feeling today, well try not to let it get you all down to the point where you start idealising a former part of you, when the real you is worth idealising instead.  hugs

    Yeah I was just going to say that but berbs got there before me Roll Eyes .. iJoke hugs
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #10 - July 13, 2011, 05:39 AM

    Thanks ladies. I don't know what the fuck happened the other day but it was strange as fuck. I freaked.

    Anyway hugs I'll update this when I have time/things to say.  Smiley

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #11 - July 20, 2011, 10:14 PM


    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #12 - August 24, 2011, 09:22 AM

    What I long for scares me.

    It doesn't help when I listen to beautiful pieces of music like this,
    but I love it anyway.

    But the feelings, ideas and pictures it gives me..
    yet at the same time, I wouldn't trade it for anything. This is the only thing I have, for me. No one can take it away... music stays in your head and your heart even if you can't listen to it anymore. (heyo shawshank redemption)

    You know, my mom always wonders why I stay up so much. Why I like it and why I do it. There are a lot of reasons I think... It's quiet... I can listen to amazing music like that and have some peaceful moments. I can reflect on my days and my life as a whole, and forget the world outside - because I can't hear it.

    And for some reason, a lot of the music I like tends to be best listened to either in the evening or when it rains. I gravitate towards those soothing and special tunes.

    Not quite sure where I was going with this.. I've got a hazy mind.
    But, I guess that's all I have to say for now. It's one of those nights...

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #13 - August 24, 2011, 09:28 AM

    I stay up late for the same reasons.  Think about it, I stay on here sometimes until the sun rises but I know for a fact I have kids to look after the next day.  That is because that night time is the only time where I can shut myself away for real and do as you said, just think things through, listen to music, talk on here without multi tasking like a mad woman.

    It's just my time in the night, for me and me alone.

    I don't know where you were going with your hazy post either, but I can tell you, your journey led past my house, which is why I added my "not going anywhere" agreement.  hugs

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #14 - September 27, 2011, 04:09 AM

    Do you guys ever feel like anything you say doesn't matter?

    Well, maybe that's not the best way to phrase it...

    I mean, not even caring to say anything at all.

    Does the world need to hear my opinion? No. Then why would it be relevant? Everything's been said and done before.... and we're all insignificant little shits..  Cheesy

    I just don't see the point to any of it. I'm not only talking about discussing trivial matters, but even important ones... it's not that I don't have any self-worth or that I think my opinions have no value... but, in the grand scheme of things, do I really need to voice this or that?

    I'm annoyed. At being human. Apathetic and cynical.

    Maybe a dumb example, but since it's in the context of this forum... if I had something to share in the "Random Thought" thread.. I'd go to it and about to type, but then I'd be like "Fuck this. What's the point?" when I think about it a little more. I guess I over-think everything. But if it's not absolutely meaningful to me, I just refrain. I feel it's a waste of time to contribute in... a lot of things. In ANYTHING, ANYWHERE that is asking me for MY OPINION.....

    Fuck my opinion.

    I guess I have an issue in that I see that any time I state an opinion, a signal is sent to my brain that that automatically means I think I'm special somehow, or better than anyone else (even when this is not true)- and I don't want to feel that way!!!! Because I'm not. But I can't see past this, even though I know I shouldn't feel like that just for stating an opinion...

    That's how I feel these days... some sort of extreme humble shit.. Grin
    Actually, I think I've long felt like that... and a lot of times it would be mistaken for low confidence. But I never cared.

    Also, another thing is I feel that because I internalize things so much, I can't externalize. I have so much going on in my head and my "heart" that even if I try to externalize it, it just won't come out right. That might sound like a cop out to some people... but this is how I truly feel. They're deeply private and complex... they overpower me, and in my mind they make sense - not boggled, but when I verbalize they sound boggled and stupid. So I end up sounding stupid - but I'm not. It's frustrating.

    The deepest things can't be expressed verbally anyhow, I suppose... they would definitely manifest more successfully in artistic form. Too bad I'm not much of an artist these days either.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #15 - September 28, 2011, 07:03 AM

    Touch happen child bitter never only
    alone young boy strawberry superficial trumpet hands play drinks faith strip new park quotations leaving shopping trip friends show face brown belt first time conversation wet walking music and pain.


    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #16 - September 28, 2011, 07:03 AM

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who sometimes likes writing thoughts in a random string of words. Should do it more often.

  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #17 - September 28, 2011, 07:41 AM

    Well.. I do that too, but this time it's just keeping something very specific and private, private - while still fulfilling my need to express it so that I don't go crazy.  Smiley

    The elementary words and hints to what the topic might be is done on purpose.... because no matter what, no one can decode it and I somehow take sick joy in that.  dance

    (Not that people are lining up, desperate to hear my personal stories Grin)

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #18 - September 28, 2011, 07:49 AM

    I think I got it... kinda...

    Anyway, I don't believe in keeping anything to myself. I'm just too self-expressive, I find that impossible.

    I met a girl once and the topic turned towards drugs and she said I seem like someone who drops acid 'cause I'm very open. I was flattered. Grin
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #19 - September 28, 2011, 07:55 AM

    Anything, though?

    Honestly, it's pathetic, but a lot of the stuff I keep private is only because it's... well, sad, pathetic, embarrassing - etc - if known (and I guess I care what people think of me more than I care to admit  Tongue) - which I generally have no problem sharing with people I'm close to and trust...

    But other people - I'd just get too annoyed and uncomfortable with them having that information.

    I'm too fucking neurotic for that shit.

    Yeah - nice compliment that girl gave you. Grin

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #20 - September 28, 2011, 08:06 AM

    I don't tell everything to everyone, obviously, but if I like and trust you, there isn't much I would hide from you. There's hardly anything that no one else knows about me.

    I hate not telling the truth, because if a person doesn't like who I truly am, I feel that I shouldn't even be with them. I would only be deceiving myself if I hid stuff from them because of a fear of them liking me any less.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #21 - September 28, 2011, 08:39 AM

     far away hug Tits...

    There's not much I can say except for, you're not alone Smiley

    قل للمليحة في الخمار الأسود
    مـاذا فـعــلت بــناسـك مـتـعـبد

    قـد كـان شـمّر لــلـصلاة ثـيابه
    حتى خـطرت له بباب المسجد

    ردي عليـه صـلاتـه وصيـامــه
    لا تـقــتـلــيه بـحـق ديــن محمد
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #22 - November 14, 2011, 08:53 AM

    From my position in the car:
    in my peripheral vision I mistake the parking lot light as the moon. Sitting in the car, slouched, taking in auditory beauty that consistently stuns and stimulates my heart and mind. Thinking about you and you, and you. I do this a lot lately. I've always done it. I sit in too many parking lots and listen to too much music and think too many thoughts and drink too much coffee and feel too many emotions. I do all of this alone. [when i do it with other people, it doesn't feel right anyway.] I don't have enough conversations, enough intimacy, enough connection or enough hugs. The last being most normal to me only among those who I've been romantic with. I could blame my family for this, because none of us seem to hug each other almost.. ever.. But I think it's also just me since my mom wants to hug me sometimes and I'm so fucking strange and awkward about it.

    Well anyway, detours are that. My life is a detour and I'm not sure if I've passed it yet. Still think I'm driving. Or maybe I'm always taking these breaks in parking lots.

    I have a lot to celebrate and a lot to lament.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #23 - November 14, 2011, 08:55 AM

    that's really good.

    i can definitely empathize.

     far away hug
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #24 - November 21, 2011, 08:47 PM

    Abood, thanks. hugs

    bleak times. but somehow i keep moving on throughout it all. i have a nephew now who depends on me (when my sister needs me to babysit) and i never realized how much work a baby could be. knowing it is different than experiencing it. and she is going back to work soon so will depend on me even more, when i'm not working or doing school next sem. anyway, i guess things like that are the only reason to even keep going on when you think about how pointless life is and that none of this matters - at least there's this.

    and keep on being an illusion... everything is an illusion.

    if only we could see into each other's souls, i think that might solve a lot of problems... conflicts and misunderstandings with friends, being an ex-muslim to muslim parents who will never understand me that way, etc. and at least this way people would know the truth and if you're genuine or not about something, because they can see you in.... and you wouldn't have to explain yourself to them because they would just know.

    i'm rambling now, but i just came here because since this is my space i wanted to post these lyrics of frighteningly relatable song for me (and i'm sure a lot of us) by david bazan.

    he was an evangelical christian raised by evangelicals, now turned skeptic and agnostic. he was the lead singer of a christian indie rock band called pedro the lion, but now is a solo musician.

    david bazan
    "hard to be"

    You've heard the story
    You know how it goes
    Once upon a garden
    We were lovers with no clothes

    Fresh from the soil
    We were beautiful and true
    In control of our emotions
    'Til we ate the poison fruit

    And now it's hard to be
    Hard to be
    Hard to be a decent human being

    Wait just a minute
    You expect me to believe
    That all this misbehaving
    Grew from one enchanted tree?

    And helpless to fight it
    We should all be satisfied
    With this magical explanation
    For why the living die

    And why it's hard to be
    Hard to be
    Hard to be a decent human being

    Childbirth is painful
    We toil to grow our food
    Ignorance made us hungry
    Information made us no good
    Every burden misunderstood

    So I swung my tassel
    To the left side of my cap
    Knowing after graduation
    There would be no going back

    And no congratulations
    From my faithful family
    Some of whom are already fasting
    To intercede for me

    Because it's hard to be
    Hard to be
    Hard to be a decent human being

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #25 - November 21, 2011, 08:57 PM

    I've always wished I could read people's minds/see into their souls.  Can never tell who is genuine like you said and bad experiences make the effort of taking a risk too much sometimes.

    It's kind of depressing though isn't it?  the "at least there is this" for the circle of life, as pointless as it ultimately is.  That life narrows down to a point of surviving one day at a time and defeatedly saying, well at least there is this.  I know how you feel though, my life is in that narrow limit, maybe it was placed in those confines by me, or maybe it's depression, not my fault, and bound to lift eventually.  Can never really tell.  That's why trying to cheer some motivational life coaching "there is so much more to life" right now, is going a bit wrong in this post.

    But I should say it, "life is more than well at least there is this".....even though I feel the way you do everyday, hard to trust, often defeated and tired of the game, I hold on to the belief deep down that there is more.

    I think you do too pt, I think you keep getting up and smiling and offering your goodness to people (non sexually) because like me, deep down, you refuse to shake the idea that life must be more.

    It's so complex though.  So many twists and turns that confuse, and hurt, feel wrong, lead nowhere, what I wouldn't give for a roman road of emotions sometimes. 

    If I could peer into your soul pt, it wouldn't change the view I have of you, and that is that you have always been genuine, and real.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #26 - November 21, 2011, 09:59 PM

    misunderstandings are part of the beauty of life.
    the existential isolation of language and different experiences.
    yes it's infinitely hard
    sometimes you just want to be one with a person
    and really know them
    but it's also a beautiful struggle.

    brilliant song.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #27 - November 21, 2011, 10:25 PM

    Thank you guys.  Cry hugs

    And you're right Berbs, I do believe there is more to it. I gotta. But not just out of necessity for survival, but because I feel it... and for this, feelings are important, and perhaps serve their purpose.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #28 - November 21, 2011, 10:30 PM

    I think you do too pt, I think you keep getting up and smiling and offering your goodness to people (non sexually) because like me, deep down, you refuse to shake the idea that life must be more.

    lol Cheesy You're the best.

    I realized only a couple of years ago that if I put more humour in my life that I might be a slightly cheerier person. Grin Those are the people that get on with life the best - keeping comedy in their lives in even the darkest times. It's so important. A little goes a long way. I'm happy to say that while I'm still a serious person by nature, I have lightened up a lot. Now to just try that weed, how many more wonders it would do... Grin

    Oh and I found the song in case anyone is interested in hearing it  Afro

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: Cake and catharsis - my blog
     Reply #29 - November 25, 2011, 03:02 PM


    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
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