I'm afraid to say that my schooling has failed me Wahhabist, as you've managed to go over my head yet again!
You think too highly of my randomness as it falsely tries to pass itself as eclecticism.
Never take me seriously, my dear, because in the alcohol of my usual woes there’s too much fluidity and perfidy, and I’m likely to let you down more often than not.
It is my getting lost to everything in the very moment I should appear faithful to just one thing that might have made you doubt your education, for there couldn’t have been any direct causal link between what I said and you had said. No, nothing causal but there’s meagre logic to me running with the idea of gentleness, as it is claimed by impersonal men, in the direction of the undeniably gentler, humane sex.
A lady is gentle per norm whereas men, the noun, needs to be prefixed with the adjective to somehow bring it out of us. Further, I must’ve been fairly prejudiced against men when the word <gentle> in <gentlemen> suddenly struck me as mirroring and rhyming with <kennel> with the flapped T in General American; <gentlemen> as <kennelmen> if you please, in the same way <winter> regularly becomes identical with <winner> in this speech.
I love you, asbie, and that’s all you need to trust and know when I'm drunk.
P.S. Has my tourist visa on this thread well and truly expired now, toor? xx