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 Topic: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]

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  • 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     OP - July 22, 2011, 09:35 PM

     All my reasons are ignoring the base argument "Well Allah commanded us to" I'll save that for my 100th reason when I get to it because I don't want this to be an argument about whether or not Allah exists. I'm going to  make a video of this sometime. I'm trying to make my reasons as neutral as possible and I'm not trying to actively dissuade women from wearing one but re-evaluate their reasons.

    Why am I doing this? This lady  finmad
    Made me really upset and I make this video in defense of women who are non-believers and for women who are Muslim but do not wear hijab, or niqab.

    So this is what I have so far:

    100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab

    1. I am not a diamond, pearl or precious gem to be hidden.
    To call me those things is an insult as those are material items, man gives value to then fight and kill each other over. To call me that is not flattery. May other things in life are beautiful that are not covered, like flowers, the stars, the sunset. No one fights or dies over those things.

    2. I have male friends who look out for me. In the society I grow up in, most men have
    appropiate manners and know how to treat all ladies with respect hijab or not. The ones
    that don't get their asses kicked by the latter. If I wore a hijab I admit that it's my fault how a man acts towards me, unfairly shifting all the blame.  No thanks, little boys should grow up knowing how to treat their mamas and sisters better.

    3. I'm smart enough to choose not to follow social trends that encourage women to
    excessively flaunt their bodies. I dress for comfort not to belong to a group. Stop blaming society for your own actions. Think for yourself.

    4. To avoid religious arrogance. I don't want to flaunt how devote I am or  look down on other women who don't follow suit.

    5. [Imagine the stereotypical slutty American woman portrayed here]  Not all Western women dress like this. Stop using extreme cases to promote your point.
    I as a Western woman find women who dress like this obnoxious as well and I don't have any friends who dress like this.

    6. What is a proper hijab or not? Niqab, just head scarf, can't let your ears show, or your neck show, can't wear colors it attracts men like bees, over the chest, not over the chest is fine. What? There is a debate over this I don't wish to be caught up in.

    7. Clothes that go with the hijab. I rather just wear what's comfortable, especially when it's hot. In some cultures you can be subjected to punishment or community scorn when you don't oblige. Why?

    8. I like pants, I can run fast when there is trouble. Even long dresses seem restricting since I can't move my legs far.

    9. Apparently I can do anything I want in a hijab, doesn't mean I won't be reprimanded for it later. (Like riding a bike) Wearing a hijab is a symbolic responsibility and you must act according. No thanks

    10.  Self defense is better for protection and pepper-spray. Cloth doesn't offer any protection if a man is really desperate all that will just come right off. Now, fighting back and getting help that will fight for your side, is better. What I was wearing does not become an issue.

    11 I am accepted by society as dressing  modestly in a jeans and t-shirt, no need to cover my hair too

    12.   In my society hardly anyone stares at me for what I wear, now if I were to wear a head scarf, I'm going to get extra unwanted attention. I don't need anyone questioning me if I am oppressed or not. And even if I was in a society which accepted it, I don't want to appear like a push-over.

    13. My hair itself a non-issue, I decide whether or not I wish to spend a lot of time on it. No one forces me to. Today I'll just brush it a little and ties it back. Quick and simple. Covering it up for the purpose of not worrying about it makes no difference for me.

    14. Covering myself doesn't stop some men from mentally undressing me in their minds. Just as sick. Whenever I catch any man looking at me, I give them the eye and they cast their gaze down knowing that they are the one doing wrong. On the same token most men walk right past me not even caring.

    15. I don't understand the argument that if a woman has the right to wear a bikini as a right to wear niqab. Bikinies were created for practical reasons for the use of swimming so women don't drown wearing heavy clothing like they use to. The exposure of skin is for easier swimming. Some women take a step further but most of us just want to swim. You don't wear a bikini in public where there is no water around that is just silly.

    16. Both Hijab and Non-Hijab women can get raped and have been. There is no clear discretion. Also you can't argue that non-hijab women get raped more. In my society non-consual sex, or any kind of sexual assualt is rape, even if it's from your own husband. Marriage dos not equal rape immunity. We should avoid this by being educated, smart and careful and looking for the signs of a possibly abusive men.

    17. I'm an indiviual responsible for my own actions. A hijab does not technically stop me from doing anything what would be considered immoral. I don't wear one and I can and do make smart choices to avoid negative consequences basised on being educated.

    18. Respect isn't something you just feel it's something you receive from others. I don't wear a hijab and I get respect from both men and women. Why because I'm intelligent and treat them with respect as well, not because of what I wear.  You can get respect both with a hijab and without one, at least in my country.

    19. "People who are friends with you because of the way you look aren't real friends. And people who judge you by your personality are true friends, because people can change looks but they don't really change personalities." Argument presented by a pro-hijab woman.

    Then why is it that women who are Muslim who decide not to wear a hijab are ostracized. Her personality hasn't changed? But she is still judged, based on what she wears and possibly punished. Hypocritical.

    20. Internal modesty is more important external modesty. Don't need a hijab for that.

    21. Aparently high divorce rates in the West are used as an argument for hijab. Why is divorce used as an argument? Is it aparently entirely a woman's fault if she gets a divorce or is left a single-parent? It takes two people to make a good marriage, not one. Hijab is not going to help me to have a happy marriage if my partner is not going make a commitment as well.

    22.Prevents pre-maritial sex. Your commitment to your faith, beliefs and self-control ultimately prevents pre-martial sex not what you wear. Women have upheld this belief without hijab or what she wears, but more by what she does.

    23. Sex symbol, Well those women chose to live that sort of life. I don't agree with it any more than you do. However I do not believe that by not wearing a hijab automatically makes me a sex symbol. That is just as extreme as saying a woman who wears a hijab is oppressed.

    24. On the topic of Opression. Aparently a hijab is freedom while western women are enslaved to society. Some women choose to be a slave to society, some of us with a brain don't, no one forces us to think in a certain way we have the option to ignore it if we wish. However, if you ask a woman to remove her hijab she cannot for many reasons. The word Freedom should not be thrown around lightly if it can't be followed through.

    25. Nuns wear one too.  Nuns are a small minority in the Christian community who decide not at childhood, or puberty to wear a habit but, as an adult who is aware of their decision to devote themselves to God. I haven't been approached by any nun who wants me to dress like her, and she shows me and everyone love and respect still. This is frequently not the case the hijab since it is an expectation not choice.

    26.  It is my understanding that if you wear a hijab you are frowned upon for not getting married and staying at home to raise your children. I really respect and admire housewives, but I do not think that women should not be expected to if they do not wish to. I don't want any expectations based on what I wear.

    27. Prevents lust. We all have lust, men a little more than women. . Clothing does help yes, like a top and pants, but not  necessarily a hijab specifically. In my society due to understanding and education, there are ways to avert this lust so that it does not develop into something harmful.  If you are a man watching this I encourage you to turn to education and science for understanding and of controlling lust instead of the supernatural and blaming women.

    28. Covering my face. Inconvient for seeing, and eating both which are important.

    29. Hijab does not garunantee a lasting marriage. Happiness and mutual respect does. What's the point if a wife wears a hijab and the husband is fooling around with other women, or is abusive emotionally or physically. It takes two to make a good marriage not the commitment of one.

    30. I couldn't wear a hijab and then watch as other women are punished or beaten for not wearing one, or not dressing appropiately with one on. That is cause for concern. Women aren't beaten or punished for what they wear in my society.

    31. 75% of the worlds's women do not belong to the religion or cultures which wear one, so why should I? It's been this way for years.

    32. I like swimming on the beach. You can argue that their are full coverings which enable me to swim but they aren't functionally effective. And even those are still not widely accepted.

    33. Men can still grope you through clothing. Naive to think other wise. I've read the stories.

    34. I don't want men to immediately look at me as a potential wife just because I look pious and nothing more beyond that.

    35. If hijabis get so much respect, why is it so hard for a woman in a hijab to be respected enough to become a leader. Rarely will a hijab woman give orders to men. I don't think wearing a hijab is going to get me anymore respect beyond secondary roles. I have a  better chance becoming a leader without a hijab than in one. I want true respect to the point that both men and women will look to me for inspiration and guidance.

    36. If wearing  hijab immediately has an effect of making you humble and withdrawn and quiet. It's the same thing as being succumbing to being servient. I'm loud, outgoing, I speak my mind and I don't want  that to be suppressed. You put things on restraints on animals to calm them down and control them, not people.

    37. A majority of my male friends say even though they might be attracted to specific women, they want someone they are compatible with and share the same interests. I keep a look out for these type of guys and I steer clear of the ones that don't think like that. Hijab doesn't help me distinct between the good guys and the bad guys.

    38. In the West women fought hard for equal rights to do simple things just like leaving the home unattended, going to universities and running businesses. If you live in the West you enjoy these opportunities by women who did not wear hijabs, but instead traded their long skirts and head coverings for pants. I am proud of these women and I do the same.

    39. Wearing a hijab would be an insult to those same women who fought for women to be seen by men as equals first and women second. You say a hijab doesn't stop you from doing things, your right it doesn't. But you only enjoy those privileges because of efforts made by women in history who did not.

    40. If I'm worried about guys looking at my hair, or people judging me based on my hair I can just cut it. Or wear a hat which are enjoyed by both men and women, with no religious or symbolic attachment. Why wear a hijab with such a heavy burden and expectations.

    41. If you are worried about how society thinks about you, aim to change society  not yourself. By wearing a hijab you are running away from the problem not solving. Let's teach our boys to treat all girls with respect, and teach girls that they are not judged based on what they wear, hijab or  not they will be loved and accepted regardless.

    42. A hijab to me seems no different from putting a paper bag over your face.  I would not wear a paper bag over my face. So why should I wear a fabric bag over my face

    43. Men in modern society are attracted to women for other reasons besides their hair. That's an old fashion attraction from thousands of years ago.

    44. I don't want men pretending to act all nice and polite because of what I wear. I appreciate men who act polite all the time period, and if they only act polite in the presence of a hijab what they really are like? I don't like men who act nice to some women and then abuse others, based solely on what they wear. It's just as shallow.

    45. Hijab ensures a woman's fidelity... but not a man's. Is this anything to be proud of? Divorces in my country also happen because the men are caught in a moment of weakness and cheat. Western women don't like being shared or abused. We value ourselves more than saving face in the eyes of society.  

    46. I feel good about myself everyday thanks to all the love I've received and learning about confidence and self-esteem. The women used for sex and dress for sex appeal usually suffer from a lack of love, attention and self-esteem not because of what they choose to wear.

    47. Hijabs was not a woman's idea, but a man's idea. Also there are many men push for women to wear the hijab. Suspicious?

    48. We don't walk around naked because it makes others uncomfortable, so why should you wear something which makes the people around you uncomfortable. It's the same common courtesy. I've learnt to be considerate towards people, even make some compromises  this is how we ensure peace. I'd do the same if I was in a country where I had to wear a hijab, but by being truly free I can remove it once I return home without problem or debate.

    49. Hijab is not the only way to fight society's expectations for women to be beautiful. In the West there were and are movements where women do not cover themselves and hide, but instead dress in a way to defy the stereotype, such as hair dying, wearing different styles of clothes that do not seek to gain attention in a sexual manner but aim to counter high fashion. I prefer to fight using these styles than cloaking myself.

    50. Men are not bees and are not attracted to women who wear bright colors.

    51. I don't believe in being at fault simply because of what I wear. It is not right that a woman who is raped, sexual abused or even killed is blamed simply did not cover her hair. It is a sad lack of basic human empathy and compassion. A non-hijabi woman  would feel sympathy for her while some hijabi woman lack any kind of compassion based on her feelings of justice.

    52. Wearing one to not worry about bad hair days... Being lazy is fine but that is not a reasonable argument. You could wear a hat.

    53. Hide from the public and not be noticed. Well you can hide conceal your idenity by wearing sunglasses as well. In fact I can argue that sunglasses work better than hijabs because they hide your expressions and your eyes. So technically when you talk to someone they are not looking directly into your eyes. Also sunglasses hide your identity from the general public if you wish to go unnoticed.

    54. Where ever you live blending into the crowd is a good way to go unnnoticed.

    55. Modesty comes in many forms, not just a headscarf and long dresses. If you live in the West it is accepted by both men and women that dressing in simple clothes can be considered modest. You can't impose your views on what is and isn't modest here just like we can't impose what is and isn't modesty in other countries. This depends on the collective ideas of a community not an individual.

    56. Humans have a natural instinct to do what is necessary to survive, like eating, sleeping, finding shelter etc. There is no natural human instinct that compels a woman to cover her hair. This is something that is taught and what is widely accepted depending on where you grow up. Many women who have never seen or heard of covering her hair would never even bother had it not been taught. No divine insight or intervention. In fact some tribes women go bare breasted which goes hardly noticed by the men who are use to it.

    57. Everything we need to live is found in nature. Hijabs aren't natural but are produced by man to serve puposes besides protecting the skin and staying warm like regular clothes.

    58. I don't believe in fear or any kind. Fear is a negative emotion, it makes you feel bad and is associated with oppression. Fear is nothing to be proud of. You fear things that are bad and harmful for you. You fear things you don't fully understand. Science, education and knowledge has cured man's fear of many things and will continue to do so.

    59. Women don't rape themselves. Therefore the burden cannot be solely on them to prevent it.

    60.  In other religions emphasis is focused on what you do, not how you appear. Therefore by not wearing one,  should not be a big deal. Most religious attire is mostly seen as a formality not as a necessity to prove one's self or be accepted. UNLESS you are in a specific religious role but it is not imposed as a follower.

    61. Why do you keep picking on the West. No one talks about countries like Japan or China whose women don't support covering up either. Their divorce and rape rates are lower than the US. You can't use a single country for your arguments when there are many others with the same ideologies and different statistics.

    62.  Clothes sole purpose were invented to protect ones self from the natural elements. Human instinct. Other than we are born naked, and without shame until pointed by others. This is proven by old tribes living today who wear the bare amount of clothing without shame or concern. I couldn't imagine the logic in an article of clothing beyond that.

    63. I've actually read all the arguments of why I should wear one and I don't think they are a logical and have little reasoning. Some points are good but, they also are not friendly for everyone and the strongest reason is based on inner belief and some misinformation on psychology, not science or the real world where it is implemented.  

    64. It's disputed as a cultural practice not a religious practice. If it were a religious practice it would be consistent like a nun's habit, however it is not and is worn depending on where you live.

    65. Just because a woman shows her hair does not mean she wants to show off. Just as I don't assume a woman who wears a hijab is forced to wear one, she has no right to tell me I show my hair to get attention from boys.

    66. Not all men or boys are even capable of rape based on their conscious and human empathy. If all men were sex-crazed maniacs and dangerous it would be logical to put them under control, not women who would be the victims.

    67. Contraceptives prevent pregnancies better than hijabs. They cover the more important parts. Hair doesn't get you pregnant.

    68. Family honor is a non issue in my society. We live like this because most believe every individual is responsible for his/her action and others are not to carry the burden. Therefore whether I wear a hijab or not I bring no shame to anyone because no one in my society cares. When no one cares, well no one cares and it no longer becomes an issue.

    69. In my society women who are considered dirty and are unclean can always have a second chance to live differently without persecution.  The hijab is there to protect because once you are considered unclean and dirty once you can almost never recover in the eyes of society, forever ostracized and never forgiven without some kind of severe punishment.

    70. Even men here will give 'tainted' women a second chance for better or for worst. Having a pure virgin woman is no longer a male fantasy or dire concern here, mostly just personality. She doesn't need to wear a hijab or a appear pious to be wanted.

    71. Colors are associated with happiness while dark colors imply and promote negative feelings. Basic psychology and color theory look it up. Some coverings don't allow for colors, which I believe promotes a negative mood for those around you.

    72. Some women cannot wear one for medical reasons.

    73. If a man wants my attention I just tell them straight out NO NOT INTERESTED! I don't need a hijab to speak for me when I have a tongue for talking and a strong voice.

    74.  Hijab does not prevent women from being lesbians and those can be sexual encounters as well. Women can be watched lustfully by other women. It'd be naive to think otherwise.

    75. I can choose not to like a hijab aestheically just as much as I choose I don't like wearing shorts, or some other article of clothing. This is based on purely personal preferences and aesthics. Aesthics which can include dressing modestly in other ways.

    76. Just because women who dress in skimpy outfits or expose their skin does not mean they are beautiful.Not every man considers a woman in skimpy clothing more attractive and wants to jump her skin. This is a common misconception from lack of understanding of the opposite gender. You can be almost naked and just..honestly not attractive in the eyes of some men. Most actually men don't care about what women wear. The ones that do are just shallow and obviously look for nothing more beyond how a woman controls her sex appeal, hidden or not.

    77. Women cheat because they are unhappy and seek happiness elsewhere not because of what they wear. You must wear a hijab for your husband. Any man who gives me this lame excuse is going to be too lazy to make me happy enough to want to stay with them. Shame on men promoting hijabs to avoid actually working to make their partners happy, even though their partners work hard to make them happy.  

    78. I don't wear hijab, nor do I wear make up.  I always believed natural beauty is best, so does suddenly that make me better than a women in head covering with lipstick and eyeshadow. No. But I'm mentioning two different sides of demonstrating natural beauty and modesty. Which proves it's choice not what you wear over your hair.

    79. Women in the west usually value their happiness and comfort first. I'm not sorry if this seems like a horrible horrible thing. If we are unhappy with something, we don't do it. No need to seek to guidance from someone to convince us that something will make us happy. You seek usually guidance when you are unhappy, not the other way around.

    80. The history of where the hijab and niqabs orginated from. A pagan tradition from before Islam. This is never discussed,  talked about or even researched sadly. After investigating its history I've come to certain conclusions, that it is not even religious but cultural trend that was adopted and passed down.

    81. I don't wear a hijab because every woman is my sister, not just because of what she wears.

    82. I don't want to wear a hijab because that is one less thing to fight about in my case.

    83. You argue that the countries with women who don't wear hijab have high rapes. Well at least in those countries women can get  justice if they get raped and not shunned. The societies where women fall victim to rape in a hijab or not do not get justice or sympathy. That's nothing to be proud of.  Blaming the victim is considered heartless in my culture.

    84. Aparently, any misfortune that comes to a woman who does not wear a hijab is deserved. Any misfortune to a woman in a hijab is a test she must past. A logical fair person like myself cannot accept these terms.

    85. Hijab is a choice. The definition of choice is between two things, therefore by claiming it is a choice you cannot argue with those who decide for the second option of opting out of a hijab. If not wearing a hijab is not an option then it no longer becomes a choice but compulsion.

    86. Hijab is a right. Rights are also not enforced, therefore is also my right to NOT to wear one.

    87. Wearing a hijab is like being a walking religious billboard. Some people like myself do not wish to announce his or her beliefs to the world. So we do it out of privacy and respect to others who do not share our views.

    88.  Women in the West use to wear head coverings, then we got rid of them for a reason. I believe in the course of history, it's important to look at history so we don't repeat the same mistakes in the future, and remember why we changed our way of thinking.

    89. Pointing to the US with high rape. The only reason why you can point to the US with their high rape statistics is that women are not afraid to come forward report being abused by a man, unlike in other countries it cannot be  reported because the woman will be punished for it instead. Punishment for reporting rape in Saudi Arabia is lashing. Nothing to be proud of. Reporting a rape in the US is confidentiality and genuine help by both men and women. Numbers and pride aren't our priority, the victims are.

    90. Children without fully developed womenly features get raped. When this is the case  what good is a hijab and excessive covering for female parts that aren't developed yet. Are little girls responsible for men lusting for them too?

    91. Western women rather carry a sword to fight, not a shield to hide.

    92. In the West handsome men are also shown off in magazines and advertising to sell products as well, should they wear hijab too? You can't argue equality when women have a physical hijab and men have only comply with a mental hijab.

    93. Improving moral character of society as a whole. If that is your concern, it is done by what  you do not by what you wear.

    94. A hijab improves a woman's worth. You give worth to gold, and money not people. I am not a commodity to be assigned a worth.

    95. I've listened to both sides of the aruguement of why women should wear one and why they shouldn't. And I've come to agree with the latter bcause it works with the society I live in and my beliefs. It is my understanding that women who 'choose' to wear one can only listen to one source and ignore the other in order to decide.

    96. Whether women act like men or not makes no difference in this society because that is the meaning of being equal. In my society very little is considered male only therefore, what would be considered male behaviour is now ignored.

    97. Liberated definition - " Showing freedom from social conventions or traditional ideas." Hijab is a social tradition. If one decides not to wear one is that not considered liberation? You can't argue a women is liberated from traditional ideas, BY a traditional idea.

    98.  There are other more dangerous sins other than Lust. Such as Gluttony, Greed, Wrath, Envy Vanity and yes even Pride which is associated with the hijab. The desire to appear more important than others. I am a non-believer aren't I?

    99. Because that girl was killed for not wearing a hijab. I'm not going to wear something proudly when people are killed in a dispute over it.

    100. 'Because Allah told us to and it is written in the Qu'ran'

    Well with my 100th point you have won. Because once something is written in a Holy book it cannot be disputed or questioned not even by science. Everyone has a right to believe in what they wish to believe in, but if you must prove a point with spiritual reasons, I will make a  case against it.

    Someone help me find some disputable quotes fro the Qu'ran as well as where they are found, to go at the end.


    So yeahh  Roll Eyes If you disagree with something or want to provide a stronger argument, let know so I can strengthen my point and anticipate possible backlash.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #1 - July 22, 2011, 10:35 PM

    50. Men are not bees and are not attracted to women who wear bright colors.

    Best.  Cheesy I've heard that so many times - my mom wondering if she should wear a bright color of hijab or even clothes. Sometimes she'll say "fuck it" (well she won't say that but ya know what i mean Grin) but most of the time she avoids the brights.

    Rather be forgotten than remembered for giving in.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #2 - July 22, 2011, 10:37 PM

    51. I'm a guy.

    19:46   <zizo>: hugs could pimp u into sex

    Quote from: yeezevee
    well I am neither ex-Muslim nor absolute 100% Non-Muslim.. I am fucking Zebra

  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #3 - July 22, 2011, 11:17 PM

    Great thread!  Afro

  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #4 - July 22, 2011, 11:32 PM

    What GING said.

    Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West. bunny
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #5 - July 23, 2011, 12:16 AM

    Wow you need 50 or 100 reasons... I have one reason only, I just don't want it.

    I believe everyone should be free to wear or not to wear what they like, so if girls want to experiment with hijab (without being forced into it) then let them.. what's the big deal, its just a scarf...

    I experimented with head covers... but the honest truth I did it because I didn't want to deal with bad hair days  Cheesy   but I grew out of that phase. 

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #6 - July 23, 2011, 12:19 AM

    I find this thread amusing, if only i can find a muslimah that doesnt like wearing a hijab in my area. Thinking hard

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #7 - July 23, 2011, 01:04 AM

    Wow you need 50 or 100 reasons... I have one reason only, I just don't want it.

    I believe everyone should be free to wear or not to wear what they like, so if girls want to experiment with hijab (without being forced into it) then let them.. what's the big deal, its just a scarf...

    I experimented with head covers... but the honest truth I did it because I didn't want to deal with bad hair days  Cheesy   but I grew out of that phase. 

     Afro this!
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #8 - July 23, 2011, 01:13 AM

    Good point Fara, simply not wanting it. Although of course to make my case I need to evaluate myself on why I don't want it. Then present those reasons to counter claims that hijabs solve all these things and western women are a bad influence to Muslim women. Why 100 reasons, to prove that there are more reasons why it is not necessary than why it is.... beyond the argument Allah said so. Roll Eyes At the end of my argument I'm going to quote all the negative verses about women and false science such as the world is oval shaped then sarcastically claim that what is in the Qu'ran cannot be disputed and that they have won their case.

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #9 - July 23, 2011, 01:44 AM

    But on a serious note, keep up the work, im enjoying this. Sakura02

    By the way, its Farah, not fara. Fara means Mouse. Smiley

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #10 - July 23, 2011, 02:31 AM

    Fun fact. My middle name is Modesty  Cheesy  I'm not even kidding.

    Oh sorry Farah ;A; I typoed Wait fara is mouse? in what language?

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #11 - July 23, 2011, 02:41 AM

    Arabic lesson to you all

    Fara= mouse
    Farah or Fara7 = celebration  party!

    so never call me Fara....

    In KT's diary thread. Lol

    "I'm standing here like an asshole holding my Charles Dickens"

    "No theory,No ready made system,no book that has ever been written to save the world. i cleave to no system.."-Bakunin
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #12 - July 23, 2011, 05:16 AM

    A year ago, I used to go to a school in Malaysia called IMAS (International Modern -modern, my ass!- Arabic School). It was originally a Yemeni school. Hijab there was mandatory. So I wore it just for that school year. Oh. I almost went crazy. So okay, I didn't know how to wear the scarf properly, so my hair always showed. The teachers thought that I was showing off my hair to attract the ugly boys at school. I was shocked as more than one teacher came up to me and told me to cover up and stop showing off. Jerks. I hated them so much! They made me angry, because seriously, they always have lewd thoughts! Not just that. They even divided us into a boys' classroom, and a girls' classroom because the first classroom was crowded (not really) and they feared that if a teacher is absent one day, the boys will rape the girls or worse. WHAT THE HELL?! Even one teacher was so sure she keeps saying "I won't be surprised if a girl from this school will one day come with a big tummy". I was so naive at that time; was barely 15 years old, I never knew what the filthy stuff she said meant. At the end of that school year, I swore I'm never gonna wear a piece of rag on my head ever again!

    In my opinion, Islam is a very sexist religion; men are always preferred to women. Why is it that women should avoid men from gazing at them by covering up? Aren't men supposed to cover up from the eyes of gazing women too? It would be fair this way. And stupid. If you're a good Muslim and not a hypocrite, then you should be able to control yourself. Covering up has NOTHING to do with that.
    Anyways, I agree with your 50 reasons. I also believe that hijab/niqab/burka ALL = oppression. Don't fall for "I fear Allah that's why I don't take it off"or other similar lame excuses.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #13 - July 23, 2011, 08:32 AM

    i recently read something the other day (and i wish i could recall the source.. im sorry but i cant!!) that said some muslim countries such as Tunisia actually banned the hijab because it was not a muslim practise but arrived from a foreign culture that was counter to Tunisian culture..

    Thought id throw it out there anyways..

    damn, i really need to keep track of sources..

    dont know if this helps you at all..

    Beyonce was right; If you like it then you probably should put a ring on it. Tongue
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #14 - July 23, 2011, 09:50 AM

    Its ugly loooool ( well one of my reason for taking it oFf)

    "its fashionable to be an ex Muslim these days"
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab.
     Reply #15 - July 23, 2011, 10:50 AM

    Good post Sakura.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #16 - July 24, 2011, 01:45 AM

    Muwhahaha Cheesy I have completed it.. 100 freaking reasons phew* while attempting to avoid redundancies.. and without disputing religion until the end. Tongue Now to make this into a video. and post it on Youtube

    Although I am still missing some debatable verses from the Qu'ran to briefly counter the last argument

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #17 - July 24, 2011, 03:12 AM

    This thread is just great. I wish we could subscribe to or save our favorite threads so I could keep it available all the time.  Afro

    "I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want."
    Muhammad Ali
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #18 - July 24, 2011, 03:20 AM

    You could bookmark it from the options at the top/bottom or click notify to receive an email when someone posts here...
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #19 - July 24, 2011, 05:28 AM

    bravo, sakura!!! The first thing that hit me in that video was she said,
    "....because i FEAR allah"  theres that fear thing going on again  Roll Eyes

    Also, she needs to stop trying to justify her prejudices and bigotry.
    I HATE IT when they say, "oh, its not americans i hate..."  SCREW
    HER!  BIGOT! lol

    I am getting soooooo sick and tired of people, especially those who
    have never even been to the states, claim to know so much about
    the american people, AND that a woman's virtue is questionable,
    JUST BECAUSE ONE IS AMERICAN!!!   finmad finmad

    The next person that pm's me and keeps trying to get
    me to "admit" i was less than virtuous as a xian AND a muslim (and even
    now for that matter lol), i am going to post your pm PUBLICALLY!!!!
     *read and heed, you know who you are and you have been warned*

    I thought the whole dispute about the hijab was cuz it was in the ahadiths,
    not in the koran.

    Any person, who will NOT stand in solidarity with a woman who was
    killed because she refused to wear a piece of cloth on her head is SICK!
    or totally brainwashed.  Or very scared of allah, AND mo!

    I better stop, im getting pissed off thinking about it, and Hassan may
    have to come here and calm me down  bunny

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #20 - July 24, 2011, 05:47 AM

    The next person that pm's me and keeps trying to get
    me to "admit" i was less than virtuous as a xian AND a muslim (and even
    now for that matter lol), i am going to post your pm PUBLICALLY!!!!
     *read and heed, you know who you are and you have been warned*

    What kind of pms have you been getting JnT?  wacko
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #21 - July 24, 2011, 07:40 AM

    3. I'm smart enough to choose not to follow social trends that encourage women to
    excessively flaunt their bodies
    . I dress for comfort not to belong to a group. Stop blaming society for your own actions. Think for yourself.

    5. [Imagine the stereotypical slutty American woman portrayed here]  Not all Western women dress like this. Stop using extreme cases to promote your point.
    I as a Western woman find women who dress like this obnoxious as well and I don't have any friends who dress like this.

    LOL  what teh fuck?  Smart enough?  but smart how?

    So if I choose to wear a mini skirt and litle top I am not smart because I am asking for it?   Roll Eyes

    So basically we are no longer defending our right to dress however we want, instead we are arguing that WE don't dress like this at all?

    Fuck that.

    I dress like a slut according to some assholes interpretation of what a slut dresses like, I refuse to argue that I don't dress like that.

    I would rather defend my rights, than sit back and say...............oh but I don't quite dress like a slut, so stop judging me.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #22 - July 24, 2011, 07:49 AM


    I'm more of a jeans and t shirt type of girl myself, but when I go out for the night dressed in a short skirt or low cut top, who's business is it?  I reckon non-muslim women should stop being so defensive in the face of such ignorance, its our right to dress however we damn well please without some puritanical busybody calling us names.

    And btw,  when you see women out for the night, dressed "sluttty" and acting obnoxious, its not their clothes making them act that way, its the fact that they've drunk too much.  So its kinda missing the point to start equating morality with clothes, telling people, women AND men, not to binge drink would be far more pertinent.

    "Befriend them not, Oh murtads, and give them neither parrot nor bunny."  - happymurtad's advice on trolls.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #23 - July 24, 2011, 08:39 AM

    I 100% agree that everyone should have the right to dress any way they like, I personally really don't like judging anyone the way they dress.  

    In reality, I found that its sensible not to challenge the whole society with making loud statements with one’s clothes, you will not be taken seriously and your career may suffer.  e.g. imagine a female  teacher or a doctor woman going to work with a mini skirt and fishnet tight and a vest, or a male Dr/Teacher going to work with lycra cycling shorts cuz they are comfy,  of course they are free to do so, but unfortunately this is not going to be a smart move, a teacher's pupils and a Dr's patient do not want to see their teachers/Drs looking like that, they want a figure to feel comfortable with and feel at ease/safe to be with.

    If one is going clubbing etc, then yes, it’s your own business, no one else’s.
    So what am saying I support dress freedom, but a socially smart person will have some sense in how they dress and consider other people around him as well.  
    Just  my 2p
    , please don't hate me for it Smiley

    Teach us to care and not to care / Teach us to sit still.
    What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other
    You are the music while the music lasts.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #24 - July 24, 2011, 08:44 AM

    I have a tattoos on my hands fara7, which means I have already chosen to dress/appear in a way that could affect my career choices.

    But honestly, I don't care.  I am not aiming to fit into a new set of rules, I am simply trying to be me.

    It is true that some of my choices will impact certain areas of my life by making them harder, but then so be it.

    It might be "socially smart", but social smarts are not the only smarts in the world.

    I would rather struggle harder, and be more free, than give in again.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #25 - July 24, 2011, 01:58 PM

    Ohhh you give a good point BerbaBella, since I never specified what "Slutty is"and while I may not personally agree with it for everyday use, clubbing of course is something else  Roll Eyes HaHa. However, then I will dig myself into a hole and I have argue to conservatives why clubbing and intermingling is not a big deal (I'm trying to leave as little room for debate as possible).  'Slutty' is subjective just as modesty is.  I think I'll reword my statement to argue your case.

    @ Farah
    I address this in 48. Being considerate to the comfort of others around you. This is why in the workplace we have certain dressing standards to make sure every client who walks in will comfortable in your presence out of courtesy. Now being judged, at least to me is wearing something everyday, and having people who don't know you or have to interact with you, point and talk.  

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #26 - July 24, 2011, 03:48 PM

    Ohhh you give a good point BerbaBella, since I never specified what "Slutty is"and while I may not personally agree with it for everyday use, clubbing of course is something else  Roll Eyes HaHa. However, then I will dig myself into a hole and I have argue to conservatives why clubbing and intermingling is not a big deal (I'm trying to leave as little room for debate as possible).  'Slutty' is subjective just as modesty is.  I think I'll reword my statement to argue your case.

    I think you shouldn't worry about that too much.  It's not even a debate, it's pure control and judgement.

    In wording it carefully to try to avoid this, you are in many ways still being controlled by them, since your admitting to agreeing somewhat with what they say.

    I say fuck that.  If they want to come at me and say my clothes are slutty, far be it for me to even care. 


    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #27 - July 24, 2011, 04:49 PM

    i just heard another thing she said.  "Islam does not judge how someone looks,
    this is salam, this is peace"  what planet does she live on?   Cheesy

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #28 - July 24, 2011, 09:32 PM

    Is it okay if I link to CEMB when I make my video?

    ***~Church is where bad people go to hide~***
  • Re: 100 reasons why I don't wear a hijab. [Completed]
     Reply #29 - July 16, 2012, 05:22 PM

    SALAM:D  :thnkyu:Thanks for your view. I wish more muslims think like this. I am not an ex-muslim, rather opposite I chose to follow Islam....and what is the point of wearing a hijab or burka when you can hide the unattractive things about your body and just show your pretty make-uped eyes?! Not saying all women that wear burka, niqab, and headscarves are ugly but alot of these women prob. look better with these cloakes and headcovers on.. and thats why these women say that it is in the quran(which it isnt). PEOPLE CAN BE SO RIDICULOUSLY INSANE!!
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