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 Topic: The Seventh Sanctum

 (Read 10320 times)
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  • The Seventh Sanctum
     OP - July 31, 2011, 02:17 PM

     Okay... heres the rules for this game.

    1.  Get a name from here:

    2. Bold you name at the top of the post,  then continue the story from
    the person above you.

    I will go first:

    The Fourth Unknown Courtesan in the Atrocity

    There were hundreds of us, captured by the heinous Mo-Thar, to serve
    in his court and forced to entertain his every whim.  This repulsive creature
    squandered our wealth, and abused our beings day and night.  There seemed
    to be no end to his perverse pleasure in expolting each one of us.

    These were the ancient times, when giants roamed the earth, mighty
    creatures of valor and strength.  Rulers of the middle kingdoms far below
    the realm of Mo-Thar. 

    I am the eighth child of one of these giants, the only daughter.  and whilst
    I was the center of my fatherthe king's universe, i lived in a golden guilded,
    jewel encrusted tower.  My only knowledge of the outside world was a small
    window, that when I stepped on my chamber pot, could just see out.

    One day, while struggling to see the auburn skies and lavender hills, I saw
    a creature I had never seen before.  He was beautiful, and I gasped as I
    struggled to hang onto the cold stone window sill.

    I knew my father and brothers were entertaining potential suitors for me.
    And my quickened pulse gave away my hopes that this beautiful creature would
    be deemed worthy by my father and brothers as a suitor.

    It was my 300th birthday, and in the distance, could hear the excitement of
    the servants and slaves making preparations for my celibration.  It was one
    of those rare events that I was allowed out of my tower and get to see my
    father's subjects. 

    Inspite of my jeweled imprisonment, when my father an brothers would go off
    to far lands, they always came home with precious and rare gifts for me. My
    favorite of these was a small cube, which had a small universe within.  I
    would reach my hand in, and when I pulled it out, the most beautiful stars
    would glitter on my hand, and I would stroke my long hair with these stars,
    making myself irrisitably sparkly! 

    I also treasured the harp my eldest brother brought
    back one day.  It had been carved out of a single pearl, and its strings
    were spun by the golden orb spiders, who would magickally gift the
    owner of their instruments with a magickal voice that could melt even
    the coldest of hearts. 

    Suddenly, I started to rouse, and realized it was just me dreaming again,
    in this cold, dark and dank prison cell, one foot chained to the floor.
    Curse that Mo-Thar!  I wondered if any of my brothers and father were still
    alive.  The beautiful song from the pearl harp suddenly transformed back
    to the whimpers and howls of pain from the other captives of Mo-Thar in the
    dungeon.  Luckily, as heinous as he was, he allowed me to bring ONE treasure
    with me after capturing me.  I chose the harp, as I knew one day, it would
    be my saving grace.

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #1 - July 31, 2011, 04:46 PM

     Cheesy Cheesy  You have an amazing imagination JnT.  Love it.

    Soon as I finished cooking dinner I am doing this.   dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #2 - July 31, 2011, 05:52 PM

    Sorry, I'm not inspired by the start, so I'm off....

    Religion is organized superstition
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #3 - July 31, 2011, 05:56 PM

    The Third Twisted Priest with Locks of Fire

    Brakkar was the 3rd of the 5, in the order of the Twisted Priests, charged with sacrfices and blood offerings in service of Mo-thar.  He did not particularly like his job, but people did not work for Mo-thar, they slaved for him if they wanted to live and Brakkar wanted to live more than most.  He needed to live in order to escape and find his family.

    He had been taken in a raid on his village when he had just been a boy.  He could still remember the day it happened, the day the skies blackened with the army of Mo-thar, thundering over riding huge leathery beasts he had never seen in his life.  He knew now that they were dragons, a myth of his childhood reborn in monstruous reality, to reign down destruction upon the free world.

    Standing there on his 8th naming down, he had watched as the beasts charged towards them, carrying Mo-thar and his darkness.  His guilt plagued and tormented him, unable to forgive himself for standing there as one beast had grabbed his sister and ripped off her head as he watched.  He had been so scared that everything, every muscle, and ligament in his body had solidified into rakarrian marble as she screamed and then screamed no more.  He didn't run as the priests with burning hair, such as he now had and had come to learn was captured for, grabbed him and set him in chains.  He shunned that memory, as he shunned the memory of her.  Too painful to face.

    His parents had been away though, and to them he longed for the day he could find away to escape.  Escape the faces of the people he was forced to kill in the spells that Mo-thar needed.  Spells to strenghen his army, to heal their wounds and reign terror on the world as Mo-thar crept ever southward in his desire for conquer.  Everyday more pleading faces swum before his eyes, whether he closed them or slept, the faces of accusation looked at him.  He couldn't take their eyes anymore as their throats were slit and their life poured out from them.

    Mo-thar liked to play with his captives, allowing them to feel hope by holding a treasured possession.  It meant nothing to Mo-thar, it just added potency to the blood magic he needed, and Brakkar's job was to ensure he had it.

    He looked through the iron grill at the captive inside, the beautiful sad girl who was about to taste his knife.  She held her one possession, the harp she had clung to as they dragged her in.  What would her eyes say to him he wondered...

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #4 - July 31, 2011, 06:27 PM

    oo00oo berbs! *clapping gleefully!*  This is fun!  Well if
    noone else wants to play, we can play without them if you like  Smiley

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #5 - July 31, 2011, 06:51 PM

    Lol they suck. 

    I don't mind playing though, lets see what we can make of a story inspired by a generator.   dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #6 - July 31, 2011, 06:57 PM

    I really do want to play, but I have a shitty imagination and I won't be able to keep up with you laydeez  mysmilie_977
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #7 - July 31, 2011, 06:57 PM

    Do the sex scenes.   Cheesy

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #8 - July 31, 2011, 06:59 PM

    No no, actually don't.

    Brakker is not a frakker in this story. 

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #9 - July 31, 2011, 07:04 PM

    Do the sex scenes.   Cheesy

    You know I would as well! Cheesy

    No no, actually don't.

    Brakker is not a frakker in this story. 

    What's a frakker?! wacko
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #10 - July 31, 2011, 07:12 PM

    You need to watch battlestar galactica.  If you don't you're not cool anymore Tongue

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #11 - July 31, 2011, 07:16 PM

    k.. you mean like incorporating new places/characters from the generator?

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #12 - July 31, 2011, 07:24 PM

    Yeah, we could, or if you want to return to a character you have already developed you can.  If you feel it serves the purpose of the story best. 

    When you think its time to introduce a new character, then use the generator.

    This might just be kinda epic.   dance

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #13 - July 31, 2011, 08:30 PM

    Chapter 3
    Marquis of the Ruby Scyth and
    The Courageous Marquessa

    As I slipped back into unconsciousness, I found myself back to when I was a
    small child.  My mother, who before she wed my father was known as
    The Courageous Marquessa  whose family governed and operated
    the mines of Jade of the Monolith.  She was named such as when she
    was born, because she could charm even the most sinister of souls, and
     never showed any fear when danger was afoot.  I remember seeing portraits
    of her throughout the castle, a stately woman, with beauty beyond comprihension
    and eyes the color of jade.  No wonder my father fell so deeply in love with her! 

    Their marriage had been arranged as a merger encompassing all the jade and ruby mines,
    creating a very large kingdom in the middle realms.  My father, the
    Marquis of the Ruby Scyth, (so named because of his skills in warfare and
    weaponry), was a robust, yet a very handsome youth when they first were betrothed.

    I cherished the times I was allowed to leave my guilded tower as my father walked
    with me up and down the never ending halls, with portraits of our ancestors on each
    side. He would tell me about each one, telling me that I carry my ancestors within
    me, and to call on them if I should ever need their assistance.  Each had their own
    story, their own claims to fame, and virtue.  "Shakana, this is your great great
    grandmother, The Ninth Emperess That Watches the Walker.  She is the
    watcher of your dreams.  Call on her when you need wisdom!" 

    One by one, as we walked the great halls, he shared their special abilities, magick
    and powers.  And to NEVER forget that I could calll on those powers, but only for
    the good of others, and only if in dire harm's way.

    My father wasn't trying to be cruel in limiting my access to the wonders of our
    castle.  But since my  mother had died in childbirth, went to every length to ensure
    nothing ever happened to me.  My tower was not small by any means! I had chambers
    upon chambers, grand rooms, and even some secret passage ways that I was told to
    only use in times of duress.  If only I had remembered to use them when the evil
    Mo-Thar brought his hords of evil doers!

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #14 - July 31, 2011, 08:41 PM

    When is something going to happen? I can't wait   Wink

    Religion is organized superstition
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #15 - July 31, 2011, 08:59 PM

    The Ancient Traitor

    Rumour has it that the Ancient Traitor was the reason for the collapse of the Kingdom of the Giants. Some say he was seduced by the power offered by Mo-Thar, others say he was forced by Mo-Thar under the false pre-tense that he wouldn't destroy the Kingdom. However, it is certain that the fall of the Kingdom was due to him, his once mighty position amoung the council of Gods was ruined within a day when Mo-Thar's hoard washed through out, destroying and killing anything and everything.

    After the massacre, he was all but forgotten... he vanished within the same day never to be seen again. Recently, news has been spreading that he is the Overlord of the Twisted Priests, sending out these gruesome death mongers by the whim of his command he channels the energy of the slain to the Dark Lord Mo-Thar.

    The events that followed on the horrific day marked the end of a prosperous time. He engaged with Mo-Thar beyond the dark portal into the world of the Nether. As he opened the the gates of the hellish Nether, he saw in horror the evil he had brought through. Terrified for his life, the coward ran for high ground... and as he watched his people slaughtered without warning he could not stop but think the consequences of his foolish action. As the twilight fell over the remenants of the Kingdom, he vanished, along with five of his followers.

    His escape wasn't for long, however. Mo-Thar relentlessly sent his minions to track down the traitor. He and his companions were outnumbered and were finally forced to surrender to the will and dominance of the Dark Lord. Now known as The Profane Warden, he and his followers stop at nothing to hound at the energy that the innocent harbour.

    07:54 <harakaat>: you must be jema
    07:54 <harakaat>: considering how annoying you are
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #16 - July 31, 2011, 09:18 PM

    oh, yeah fombles!! REALLY good!! *giggles and claps some more*

    When one door of happiness closes, another opens; but often we look so long at the closed door that we do not see the one which has been opened for us.
    Helen Keller
  • Re: The Seventh Sanctum
     Reply #17 - July 31, 2011, 09:20 PM

    Gonna get this ball rolling JnT! Afro

    07:54 <harakaat>: you must be jema
    07:54 <harakaat>: considering how annoying you are
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