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 Topic: ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…

 (Read 3563 times)
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  • ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…
     OP - July 31, 2011, 03:58 PM

    …but I will try to do more ‘proper’ posts more often! Pertinent posts (so you do not have to trawl through all the fluff and diversions):

    Wisdom of the Sphinx — a collection of aphorisms that hone philosophical teachings to their core.

    Islam takes from Persian beliefs.

    Blogging the Qur’an, an introduction.

    Blogging the Qur’an — Surah 1.

    Blogging the Qur’an — Surah 2.

    A Treatise Against the Punishment and Execution of Apostates.

    Rant Against Racism.

    Islam copies from Persians again.

    A link to AC Grayling’s piece against religion.

    On how each ‘new’ Abrahamic monotheism breaks away from the old.
  • Re: ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…
     Reply #1 - July 31, 2011, 04:07 PM

    Hmm.. Kodanshi.....Rascaduanok..   huh !  Rascaduanok?? RASCA??

    what kind of names are these??   Blame Persia for everything and blame Bush for everything..  

    That .Rascaduanok sounds like RASCAL to me Kodanshi .. and welcome to CEMB.. So once upon a time you were Shia??  

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…
     Reply #2 - July 31, 2011, 04:22 PM

    Hi! kodanshi  parrot

    "Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom." - Viktor E. Frankl

    'Life is just the extreme expression of complex chemistry' - Neil deGrasse Tyson
  • Re: ?Rascaduanok? ? a very irregularly updated blog?
     Reply #3 - July 31, 2011, 05:00 PM

    Nope. Born and brought up in a Sunni family, part of a Sunni community. Rascaduanok, by the way, can mean whatever you want it to mean — within certain pre–defined, but never revealed, parameters. A bit like ‘allah’ I suppose! Cheesy

    ‘Kodanshi’ comes from Japanese and means ‘fine and handsome fellow/lady–killer’ thnkyu.

    Hey stardust, and how do you do?
  • Re: ?Rascaduanok? ? a very irregularly updated blog?
     Reply #4 - September 11, 2011, 09:33 AM

    My latest post on my blog, a tribute to the unfortunate who died and lost their loved ones and livelihoods ten years ago:

    September the 11th 2001.
  • Re: ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…
     Reply #5 - September 11, 2011, 11:47 AM

    So I casually read through some of  Kodanshi blogs/writings. Here in Islam takes from Persian beliefs.  Kodanshi writes
       The ancient Iranians believed that the first created was Mithra (Mehr), the reflection of Being, the essence of light, in the water of life; so the creation was the synthesis of these two, named Mehrab. Mehrab later became the sacred  place of worship in mosques among Moslems.  It is noteworthy that the same letters are used in the words Abraham (ABRHM), Bahram (BHRAM), and Brahma (BRHMA).

    That is an interesting observation.. The question is how do we prove all these words "Abraham (ABRHM), Bahram (BHRAM), and Brahma (BRHMA)" are related and one & the same?  I mean it is like as if the Koran/Quran  is originated from the land of Koristhan. Any ways in the analysis of Surah-2 at   Blogging the Qur’an — Surah 2. Kodanshi  writes

     2:263–4 — A kind word followed by magnanimity is better than charity followed by rudeness… O believers, nullify not your alms–giving by demanding gratitude or  causing offence, like one who spends his wealth in order to flaunt it.
    I give the above passage a five star rating! In terms of its message, this represents the best thing I’ve encountered in the Qur’ân so far. It says, in other words, when you do a good deed, don’t take the piss! Don’t help someone out and then keep reminding them of it, making yourself out as some awesome hero. Better to give a kind word and then treat the other person graciously. Why don’t more passages like this appear more often in the Qur’ân?

    Indeed they are very kind and humane words   and it is true we can find such good words/statement a here and there sprinkled in Quran.  But we must let the readers know That having few good words in it doesn't mean Quran is word of god. On that note I say such good indeed a problem for Quran if they also appear in other religious texts.  It in fact proves Quran is a copy/pasted book  that  is put together by different people and some ruler /Caliph  asked some guys to collate it.  Let me put those complete verses here
    [2:263] They who spend their wealth for the cause of Allah, then follow not up what they have spent with taunt or injury, for them is their reward with their Lord, and they shall have no fear, nor shall they grieve.Looking in to those verses a bit more detail

    [2:264] A kind word and forgiveness are better than charity followed by injury. And Allah is Self-Sufficient, Forbearing.

    And similar/same sayings are found in the Quotes of Buddhist preachings for .e.g  in that book of The Buddhist "Cause and Condition"  you will see
    2) Kind Encouragement鏆hen others are frustrated, a word of encouragement can bring them immense hope. When others are disappointed, a word of praise can give them a positive outlook on life. There is a saying that, “A kind word is more valuable than the gift of royal attire; a harsh word is more severe than the fall of the axe.” There are times that a few kind words can bring great joy and peace to everyone.

    and we will find plenty   of such good  quotes from  that Chinese philosopher Conscious  literally 1000 years before Quran.   for e.g
    A blemish may be removed from a diamond by careful polishing, but evil words once spoken cannot be effaced.

    A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.

    Act with kindness, but do not expect gratitude.

    He, who wishes to secure the good of others, has already secured his own.

    Humility is the solid foundation of all the virtues.

    What I mean to say is, we can find plenty of such good words in saying of others much more than that you see in Quran. but they don't claim that those words are from Allah/god.   that is the basic problem of Quran and Islam.

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: ?Rascaduanok? ? a very irregularly updated blog?
     Reply #6 - September 11, 2011, 12:03 PM

    Aye. Never once have I declared, since my apostasy, the qur’an to be divine or divinely–inspired.
  • Re: ‘Rascaduanok’ — a very irregularly updated blog…
     Reply #7 - September 11, 2011, 12:12 PM

    Aye. Never once have I declared, since my apostasy, the qur’an to be divine or divinely–inspired.

     lol... I didn't mean to say that you assumed/said   "the qur’an to be divine or divinely–inspired."  I am pretty sure even when you were good Muslim you had doubt on Quran the moment you read it...  lol..

    What all I mean to say was., we need to stress in every blog/discussion  "That No word and no book is from allah/god or divinely inspired  So Quran is no exception to that rule. "  that was ther reason to write that post.. not for you but for readers..

    with best regards

    Do not let silence become your legacy.. Question everything   
    I renounced my faith to become a kafir, 
    the beloved betrayed me and turned in to  a Muslim
  • Re: ?Rascaduanok? ? a very irregularly updated blog?
     Reply #8 - September 11, 2011, 12:17 PM

    Point well made!

    And thanks for your discussion on the similarity of words not necessarily pointing to a single origin. I simply thought it interesting to point it out and allow others to draw their own conclusions on this.
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