1- Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
Why is that necessarily true? You made an assertion, can you prove it?
2- The universe began to exist.
Again, you stated the above as if it is a fact. Why is that so? Is there data to prove beyond any doubt that (I suppose you are talking about 'our' universe) this universe began to exist at some point in time?
3- Therefore, the universe has a cause.
3 follows from 1 and 2. Problem is that 1 and 2 are assertions you yet have to prove.
4- This cause is the God of Classical Theism, and is a personal being, because He chose to create the universe.
OP is obviously a homosexual and a communist.
If everything that began to exist has a cause then who created god?
If god's existence doesn't need a cause then assertion that everything that began to exist needs a cause is false. But because the previous assertion must be true it logically follows that god doesn't exist.
Btw 'everybody' knows that "the creative power of the universe is not a personal being; it is Buddha. The one who sees, and the one who hears, is not this eye or ear, but the one who is this consciousness. This One is Buddha. This One appears in every mind - This One is common to all sentient beings."
Personally I lean towards the explanation (backed by solid scientific evidence as presented in the Gospel) that universe was created by a
non-personal being called FSM that
did not chose to create the universe. It was a simple, honest mistake. You see FSM was out partying, he got drunk and stoned (the exact details of what happened are a bit hazy) but when he woke up in the following afternoon (with a massive hangover) the universe was just there.
Obviously we shouldn't discard the possibility that everything was created by a celestial non-detectable non-personal non-sentient teapot either.