What if it was an Ex-Muslim, now a White Supremacist? Should we also treat them more gently in the spirit of "ex-Islamic brotherhood"?
I guess that's a good point.
But white supremacism isn't a religion. If we had, say, an anti-Semite here, even an atheist, I'm sure he wouldn't be treated with kiddy gloves. But Christianity is directly related to rejecting Islam. Consider these two scenarios, caricaturized as they might be, and tell me what you picture CEMB, in its best state, as:
A: Hey everyone! I'm an ex-Muslim now. I have been touched by the love of Jesus Christ, and I am now a Christian!
CEMBer: Hey, A! Welcome to CEMB! Have a wonderful time here! *lovey dovey Alcoholics Anonymous stuff*
Second scenario:
A: Blah blah Jesus!
CEMBer: But isn't that just switching one barbaric cult with another? Why are you a Christian? [Insert gay Jesus joke].
Consider that Christianity's appeal to the Christian ex-Muslims I have encountered is highly, highly emotional. The themes of love and salvation are appealing. It is not necessarily the cold, rational assessment of facts that led most of us (or at least that is what some claim) to abandoning theism. Therefore, they are probably not very well equipped to defend their faith on intellectual grounds. Is it fair to crush them to the ground or chase them away when their faith isn't necessarily as harmful (or offensive) as racism?
I hate sounding so patronizing!
Anyway, what I really want is an active, intelligent Christian ex-Muslim CEMBer who can make Christian newcomers feel welcomed and not alone on "enemy territory". It would be silly for infighting to prevent us from presenting a common front against Islamic attitudes towards apostasy.