Yeah, you can't be hungry for tangible knowledge in this world without some soft twat accusing you of "blindly swallowing science"
You can't be awestruck and energised by the universe, or intrigued and excited by the discoveries in physics, or have an amateur interest in stargazing, or be in love with the natural world and desperate to uncover it's secrets, without some pedestrian dime-a-dozen 'intellectual' who Googled a bit of philosophy telling you you're irrational.
We should actually make science a proper religion just to give them something real to shit themselves about.
You're better than this ishina. Why do you resort to ad hominen insults? Philosophers may be dime-a-dozen but what is under discussion here is not the worth of the speaker but of what is being spoken about. For instance, the post below:
ummm I was talking about the people who dismiss anything that is not empirically verifiable and confuse empiricism with rationalism as if they where not two completely different schools of thought. I am just saying that logical positivism sucks , you cant go around calling everyone who lives there life according to some fantasy, liars.
No. I am just questioning presuppositions of knowledge, the process of acquisition of knowledge and how e can label something as purely 'objective' for example take global warming. Some of it may be true it but has evolved into a narrative corrupted by political power games. science itself is not flawless. We can improve on our current model of science also once technology such as computers is involved, science faces a paradigm shift where it is no longer from the human point of view, its no longer aligned to us humans. This can be viewed as a positive thing but it can also be viewed as science taking a wrong turn
I agree completely with this post. Science is a human pursuit with human faults. Empiricism is a poor epistemological position. These are all uncontroversial positions.
Verificationism is very easy to refute - just ask somebody that wants verification for every single thing if the principle of verificationism itself can be verified and you will see an incurable fault appear in the entire process.