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  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #60 - August 20, 2011, 02:29 AM

    i'm a generous guy, i love giving... But any gifts from you would be most appreciated my dear, oh i hope your cousin is as cool as me, since because i hope that on his birthday you will inadvertently project your attraction of me onto him.
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #61 - August 20, 2011, 02:50 AM

    ... care to elaborate on what is so "obvious"? Huh?

     Was wondering the same thing Tongue
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #62 - August 20, 2011, 06:41 AM

    Glad to hear that Zabe, great news!

    Look forward to reading about your subsequent antics here. Tongue
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #63 - August 20, 2011, 02:55 PM

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #64 - August 25, 2011, 12:47 AM

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #65 - August 25, 2011, 06:38 AM

    Just pretend you're happy which might confuse your id into believing you really are happy!

    Or do something that makes you happy. What makes you happy? I love to watch and read fantasy fiction and scifi- they always give me warm fuzzy happy joy feelings. I particularly love reading fantasy fiction where the protagonist is a super cool female, then I imagine I'm her and it's so fun! I have a vivid imagination so it really is super super fun, I bet you do too!

    My faves (they're long trilogy books but sooooooo awesome!!) are:

    Trudi Canavan: Black Magician trilogy (a book about a random nobody girl becoming awesome with magic etc!)
    Trudi Canavan: Age of Five trilogy (Great fiction again about a super cool woman but with god theme which is fascinating and fun to read esp. for a person who recognises the lol that there's a god(s)
    Karen Miller: Godspeaker (this trilogy set is particularly fun to read if you're in crazy world dominate power happy narcisstic meglomaniac mood)

    Hope you feel happy soon x

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #66 - August 25, 2011, 10:47 PM

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #67 - August 28, 2011, 07:32 PM

    Having one of them days where my family are feeling terribly guilty and emotional towards my past, and are making me tear up cause I don't like seeing them blame themselves for something that is undo-able. I mean yes my bullied childhood, my lonely teary eyed nights cannot be changed for the life of me, but I don't want them killing themselves over the fact that they weren't there for me, and ultimately blaming themselves for the way I am now, and for being such an emotional and phsyical wreck. Cry

    It isn't their fault. I chose to keep it quiet, I chose to keep my head down and get on with life without sorting out my internal issues, little did I know these issues would rise again and force me to face them head on, and now I am having to pay for my mistakes of allowing others to take advantage of me.

    I am so touched by my family's concern that I'm literally crying a fountain here. Cry Having bastard parents makes an apostate's life easy, and having such wonderful perfectly understanding and loving parents so much harder to accept that their entire happiness lies in one simple action from me; conversion. 

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #68 - August 28, 2011, 08:33 PM

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #69 - August 28, 2011, 08:48 PM

    I don't agree when you say it's your fault that you kept quiet. I relate with this since I did the same, but you can't hide things. You're no emmy actress and even if you are, you weren't when you were at the depth of your despair.

    YES our parent(s) are wonderful people but they're lost in the havoc and turmoil created by being muslim. They saw, you can't tell me they didn't. You can't tell me that a parent, who has known you from the day you were born, can't see when you're at rock bottom. Just cos you stay silent, you can't tell me they don't see how you're falling apart. This is impossible. Nobody, NOBODY is that good at hiding their pain.

    Unfortunately people have a tendency to ignore things, to not face them, to ostrich their way through life. They ignore things, hoping time will sort them. The little things, like knowing their kids are having relationships (finding your birth control!), knowing you drink (finding corks and bottles at your student halls), knowing that you're falling apart (withdrawn, moody, we're not close like we were, you've changed)- don't tell me they don't see it.

    I don't believe that! I was falling apart for years silently. Don't tell me nobody noticed! Unfortunately it was easier to ignore. NOW you want to talk? Now you want to help? When I've symbolically killed myself, when that person who was falling apart is dead and left me in her place, empty, cynical, hateful, messed up, detached, cold, insane. This is who I am now, there's no going back.

    Sorry Zaiba hun, that became about me and my crazies but this is how I feel. I wonder if you can relate? x.
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #70 - August 28, 2011, 09:39 PM

  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #71 - August 29, 2011, 03:43 AM

    Having bastard parents makes an apostate's life easy


    Lol but of course.  Feeling this lonely, isolated and abandoned my whole life makes everything I do as apostate so much easier.

    You do psychology right?  so you would have studied or explored somewhat the idea that abused people with bastard parents, or violent partners would feel guilt, unbearable guilt for standing up for themselves?  Don't make the mistake of thinking for one second that this is easier or better.

    I am my own family.  I have no parents, no family functions to attend, no people who do love me.

    Just strangers make up my friends, who make up my family, but family?

    fuck no.  No festivals, no homecoming, no smiling parents, no nothing.  Not for years and years and years and years.

    When I was in hospital, who came to see me?  who actually really gave 2 fucks aside from my kids, and 1 friend who knew?  No one, that is who.

    I am so lucky though right?  I can party, smoke, drink and feel lonely all in freedom.  Yay me.

    That is the price of freedom.  Its not better, it's just freedom.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #72 - August 29, 2011, 03:56 AM

    Just pretend you're happy which might confuse your id into believing you really are happy!

    Or do something that makes you happy. What makes you happy? I love to watch and read fantasy fiction and scifi- they always give me warm fuzzy happy joy feelings. I particularly love reading fantasy fiction where the protagonist is a super cool female, then I imagine I'm her and it's so fun! I have a vivid imagination so it really is super super fun, I bet you do too!

    My faves (they're long trilogy books but sooooooo awesome!!) are:

    Trudi Canavan: Black Magician trilogy (a book about a random nobody girl becoming awesome with magic etc!)
    Trudi Canavan: Age of Five trilogy (Great fiction again about a super cool woman but with god theme which is fascinating and fun to read esp. for a person who recognises the lol that there's a god(s)
    Karen Miller: Godspeaker (this trilogy set is particularly fun to read if you're in crazy world dominate power happy narcisstic meglomaniac mood)

    Hope you feel happy soon x

     Afro  I have read those.  Preferred the Godspeaker books over the Trudi ones.  I always find those a bit too short and not very involved for me, but they are a fun read anyway.

    But yes, +1.  I am a fantasy fiction nutter, it is pretty much all I read and all I want to write.

    I used to be able to lift a dark mood by reading, but I guess I'm not as idealistic as I once was.  Although I still enjoy them immensely they don't lift me from the mood, they only help distract me, and only then if I can really focus.

    Sometimes writing helps, but not always.  Its hard to use the creative process to create something that speaks, when you are battling low self esteem and the writing merely adds to the things you can hate about yourself.

    Inhale the good shit, exhale the bullshit.
  • Re: Vivre une vie perdue : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #73 - September 21, 2011, 10:47 AM

  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #74 - September 21, 2011, 11:34 AM

    Tell us about your journey oh wise sensei!!! Old geezer

    It's good to see that your back Zaiba, i missed you this whole time as i'm sure did many other CEMB members  hugs. So have you settled into your new place yet? and where is my happy birthday missy, humm? It's ok no one really remembered at home until i reminded them hehe.

    Anyway i'm sure this is the start of better times and seeing you post again will bring back the forum into equilibrium, welcome back darlin'  Kiss
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #75 - September 21, 2011, 11:44 AM

  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #76 - September 21, 2011, 12:00 PM

    Zaiba holding back on juicy gossip? IMPOSTER! Shocked

    I'm really glad that you took the steps needed in order to bring back some normality into your life, knowing your situation one can could understand the various hurdles that you had to overcome, good on ya girl! By the way, are you still on the lemon diet?

    Darlin', where would we be without our Zaiba? (tbh i think most of us would be down the pub), woman, i told you that my birthday was gonna be two days after you would move in, and on the same day your cousin was gonna have his bday!!! Na i didn't do much, haven't celebrated my birthday for like 7 years, so why break that habit lol?

    By the way has anybody told you the big news?
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #77 - September 21, 2011, 12:35 PM

    Oh! hi!!! signwelcome Greetings Ozonedance banana dance

    The World is my country, all mankind are my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
                                   Thomas Paine

    Facts do not cease to exist because they are ignored !- Aldous Huxley
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #78 - September 21, 2011, 01:33 PM

    I'll read this entire blog once I'm free today Smiley

    I'm open for debate (of why we should re-/embrace Islam), but I will no longer participate in this forum. Message me if you need anything. Good luck and may you all find your way... again...
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #79 - September 21, 2011, 09:57 PM

    Hey hun, glad to see you back. Hope this good feeling lasts! How's uni life?? x.
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #80 - September 22, 2011, 02:19 PM

  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #81 - September 22, 2011, 02:34 PM


    So landaner.


    07:54 <harakaat>: you must be jema
    07:54 <harakaat>: considering how annoying you are
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #82 - September 22, 2011, 02:44 PM

  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #83 - September 22, 2011, 04:26 PM

    Hey Zabe,

    Glad to see you back. Smiley
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #84 - September 22, 2011, 06:30 PM

    Cheesy Cheesy Cheesy

    Shurup Fombler! LMA0, that's not "sooo landaner" Tongue


    07:54 <harakaat>: you must be jema
    07:54 <harakaat>: considering how annoying you are
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #85 - September 22, 2011, 07:38 PM

    Cheesy ..There seriously is no gossip LOL Tongue

    Ummmm, not buying it, spill woman 040

    Omdaaiz that lemon diet was for 10 days only and it's been a bit too long since that so no I'm not on the stupid lemon diet anymore. Tongue

    Lol i take it that you're not going to go back to this diet? I'm surprised that you stood by it for 10 days!

      Oh shit I do remember now, omg I am so sorry babe! sad .. it's impressive that you still remember the whole convo of when you told me. Tongue

    It's because i care darlin'... it's because i care, but on a related note, would such a quality (i.e. being a good and attentive listener), win me more brownie points?  Wink

      Shocked What big news?! Don't you be getting my hopes up high for nothing mister. Tongue


  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #86 - September 29, 2011, 10:02 PM

  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #87 - September 29, 2011, 10:05 PM

    Blog entré

    There's so much going on inside my head, and I feel as if I'm doing all I can to address these issues, but sooner or later these issues will rise and I won't be able to hide em anymore, so I guess it's best for me to face them head on now .. rather than be knocked over by them later on.

    I broke up with him so that I could live my life again, I thought I was freeing myself from him, but all I was doing was avoiding the reality, that I loved him and there was no turning back. I've left him nonetheless and the emptiness of his absence that is left is painful, but I can't let these feelings get the better of me, I just can't let them win. But I still love him. Why do I still love him? When he has not bothered to see if I'm even alive? Why do I still yearn for his calls and texts when he's happily living his life in peace without me? I never knew I was this easy to forget, and that just hurts so much, words can't even describe my pain.

    But I've decided to change myself, and turn my life around, I decided that I am in charge, not my unstable mind. I can't trust my mind to do anything anymore, I can't let my mind wander freely and think so openly anymore, I just can't do that, cause if I do then I'm allowing these feelings to influence me and affect me in my daily life. I don't want to do that anymore, and I'm doing all I can to avoid it from happening, but it's like walkiing on a tightrope, it's like sinking in quicksand, I feel I'm going to lose my grip any second and my world will come crashing down around me in a matter of seconds. I'm so scared. So very scared of that happening, I don't want to fall in that dark abysmal place again. It's so dark and lonely there, I feel as I'm dead and no one can hear my screams, I feel so silenced in that place, like I can't speak up as I try effortlessly.

    I feel I'm getting no where with this, I'm writing and writing away but I feel as if I'm not achieving anything, no sense of satisfaction, no relief, nothing. I'm still feeling so restless, and I still feel like there's so much more that needs to be released inside me. I don't even know what to do anymore, but I don't want to pretend I'm happy when I'm not, and nor do I want to be in a place where happiness is an alien subject, I deserve all the happy moments I'm getting, and I'm not going to allow some distinctive memories ruin my chance for a better future.

    All through summer I locked myself up in my bare walled bedroom and shut myself out from the world and human contact, a month later, I'm at University halls, sharing a flat with 4 lovely strangers who I've never met, and surprisingly feel comfortable around. How could i not feel so out of place going from one extreme of loneliness to another where I'm never alone? I find that even in crowds I feel alone, and that still stings cause my inner self is restless.

    At times I find that I am so unlike myself, I got to stop and think twice, is this really me? Is this cheerful giggly girl me? Is she truly happy inside or she faking it? Who is she and what has she been through? I don't want to deceive people, I don't want people to think I am someone that I'm not, cause I know how it feels to be someone on the outside and be a complete different person inside, I've been there, and I've endured those painful lonely months of being out of place, out of mind. It's not even about what people would think of me, it's about what I think of myself, it just seems so trivial to fret over what so and so thinks and says about me, I have had and still have so many conflicitng issues within myself, I do not have the time to worry about who likes me and who doesn't, although it would help raise my self esteem and maybe make me realise it's about time I give myself some self respect, but I just don't know how to forget my inner issues and live in the real world, I don't know how to live in the moment.

    This blog/note/diary entry has no form, no structure, and it bugs the life out of me cause it in fact reflects my life, which also seems to have no structure or form, all it has is plenty of mixed and assorted content that needs sifting through. So if reading this confuses you, just know that you've seen what my the insides of my mind look like.
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #88 - September 29, 2011, 10:57 PM

    this is the start of a new journey for you and along with the unfamiliarity will come the uncertainty, i'm in a similar sort of faze, i'm trying to reinvent myself as if it were, i'm constantly being haunted by my past, thinking where i've come from and where i desperately want to be, you will second guess youself, doubt your endeavours, constantly think about what others are thinking about you, and it can be soo easy to fall back to the familiarity of the past, but you just got to say fuck it! It's my life and i can't keep on hiding from the world.

    Unfortunately we as a species are fucked up and we can only do what we can to correct for that, don't give up now, tackling your fears head on (wow 2 double entendres!), since that's the only way you will get past them, ducking and diving will only delay the inevitable showdown. Again i'm not good at this sort of stuff, my mind is always jumbled with with various inane thoughts and i'm contatly in doubt about what i should do, but i guess one thing i'm trying to say is that you've got the ball rolling don't let anything stop it!  
  • Re: sex, booze, boys and life : Zaiba's blog
     Reply #89 - September 29, 2011, 11:12 PM

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