I didn't write you were a Quranist.
Whoman (like yourself) argues that his understanding of the Quran isn't arbitrary, he claims it's based on reason - just like yourself. That really was my point, he claims to be doing exactly what your doing - using reason and research to understand the Quran.
No offence but it personally reminded me of the inter-sect accusations I used to come across when I was a muslim - each sect accusing and ridiculing the others of twisting Islam to fit their whims, and only their way is based on classical teachings and rationality.
It still irritates me, I suppose it's a hang up from my muslim days.
Here's the defence you made for hell that shocked me (took me a while to find)...
Injustice? No, I think even if God burned me, all of humanity (along with the prophets) and all the angels in heaven for all eternity in the deepest pit in Hell, WHILE giving Satan and the rest of demons eternal bliss, then that's still just, simply because God owes His creation ABSOLUTELY nothing. He only owes it to Himself (and no one else) to be *merciful*.
Like I wrote, it's only the second time in my life I've ever heard/read that defence of hell.
I meant what I wrote, you seem like nice guy and I wasn't looking to drag you into a drawn out debate.