dearest fly,
you said:
Your god does not like me - but why should you debunker?
Whoever God hates/loves is irrelevant.... so long as you're not persecuting Muslims for their religion, I can like you and befriend you too... God even says so in His book.
Are you more compassionate than than your god?
A god you say you love and yet he is indifferent to the suffering he inflicts on the people of hell. A place he created for this purpose.
problem is we humans have great regard for each other, but to God we are less than specks of dust. It is puzzling that He cares for some of us... probably that's what is meant by His mercy? He's merciful enough to save some infinitely insignificant creation of His?
I too was begining to like your arguments until you started talking about gods indifference - his torturing is good, his lies are good, his hatred is good.
oh come on... I never said anything about lies or hatred (i don't belive God *literally* hates anyone.... we're way beneath His hatred).
As to torturing me being a good act of God, I already explained to harakat that I meant morality does not apply to God.
If he commands you to rape, murder steal etc that will be good because he as you say is beyond good and evil. Such a talk makes god a monster. A divine despot who terrorizes his subject. He is no different from earthly tyrants. And sooner these tyrants - divine or otherwise are dethroned the better for us all.
If He orders me to do these things then He is no God.... such words would be the words of self-deifying monsters.
Why do you feel that you are mocked. You speak so eloquently about this god - his needs and indifference you know it so well -it sounded it was god himself was talking. Who would know his torturing will be seen as good except the divine tyrant himself?
So dont take this as mocking but a way of engaging with the things you are saying about god.
i'll pass.
And your understanding says god is divine despot who is above any concept of morality?
Then you make your god a monster.
when you think of God as if He's a human, or a powerful being, but still limited, then your verdict would be fair.
Others understanding make this god, a god of love and compassion.
So it looks like we make god in our own image
But anyway would love to continue on one to one --- this thread has too much distraction.
fact is, I'm retired from debating religion..... I don't know how I was dragged into discussing it again, and I'm trying to end it as soon as possible.
And yes i am a happy fly
and i love that