This. And all good things in life won't be harmful, illegal or fattening!
I wish there was a heaven and that when you die everything is perfect beyond everything that you could ever imagine.
But there isn't. religion I guess.
I dont actually....conflict is the 'spice of life' so to speak.
A universe where everything was perfect would be misery.
There is a Twilight Zone episode called 'A Nice Place to Visit' that addresses this.
A poor hustler dies and he goes to this place where everything is perfect. Everytime he hits the cue ball on the pool table they all go in, every hand he's dealt at the poker table is a royal flush, every woman loves him, he has a luxurious apartment for free, the cops cant chase him, every thing he does is instant win......It turns out to be hell is part of the reason I like polytheism more than monotheism, btw. If I'm going to have a fantasy afterlife, I want it with the possibility of action and adventure.