With regards the BBC Asian Network poll you gave a link for, you have to understand that there are cultural differences between whites and ethnic minority asians when it comes to seeking partners & two of those differences are (rightly or wrongly) a long tradition of arranged marriages & very strong family values/bonds & involvement in marriage. Both of these factors will affect the mindset of young British asians. To simplistically label this as racism imo is unfair.
OK, so HomoSapien gives one example of how easy it is to "recognize" racism where there may be none. We (most of us, damaged by this ugly thing) immediately assume that announcement of "asians only" on a mate searching site is racist, while they may be about family values and culture 9 times out of 10.
I've heard the above before from Asian/muslim friends who were trying to justify that behaviour (sometimes their behaviour), I don't personally find it convincing. What family values are you guys referring to?
I remember one white muslim guy who was on the verge of tears telling myself and some muslim friends how he has been treated either because he's white, or because he's married to a black lady.
I've heard many stories of the ethnocentric/racist behaviour rife in the English muslim community - and personally witnessed too much - for me to believe the 'family values' justification/excuse is legit.
Actually it's pissing me off remembering my time in the community - every single revert (bar one who converted in scotland) I've spoken to about their experiences within the Ummah talk about how they've felt excluded due to the ethnocentric nature of the community, or they've experienced open racism.
Of course I've met some Asian muslims who didn't care what colour any muslim was and treated everyone the same, or married outside of their race.