The best shows I have watched:
BSG - most amazing remake in the history of forever, sadly ruined by a god awful ending. But I can forgive it since the show made up for it.
Lost - great show, terrible last season, I just can't forgive it.
Sarah connor chronicles - started off pretty rubbish, low budget. I became hooked and almost cried when it got cancelled lol.
Camelot - I liked it, but then I like everything fantasy. Gutted it got cancelled.
Spartacus - Umm yeah, a show with men dressed in little leather pants and looking gloriously buff, and women using gladiators as sex toys. How the fuck could I not like this show? I loved it from the first eipsode when everyone else was saying it was kinda lame, my loins was saying "you fools".

Caprica - Loved it, not as good as BSG but it'll do in a pinch. Not too bad ending either.
Stargates - SG1 = legendary, the rest were fucking terrible.
Game of thrones - season 2 can't come soon enough for me.
Smallville - was a loyal fan right up until the end.
Supernatural - can't wait for the next season, there has to be one.
True Blood - been with it from the start, love it.
Farscape - belongs in the collection of epic.
Vampire Diaries - I love this teenage joke, its just so awesome.
The Walking dead - Enjoyed the first season, hope there are more.
Merlin - I love this show. It's just so british family entertainment.
My secret shameful loves:
Legend of the seeker - LOL it got cancelled, I was gutted.
Blade - same as above

I'm sure there are more. I tend to search for anything sci fi or fantasy related and watch it religiously.