Radon I think you misunderstood- bitchy in this post I think is referring to talking about others behind their back, hating on others, criticising, etc not the other kind of bitching (moaning at you)
I think women get accused of being bitchy too much- guy's 'bitch' too. When a woman talks about another person she's bitching, but when a guy does it he's discussing? Sharing? Whatever.
I don't know if asian women bitch more than any other woman or man but I think they do- I lived in a very asian town and the women always looked you up and down, judged, criticised. I always smile when someone looks at me (unless my mind's with the fairies) but most times asian girls NEVER smile back and glare like you're their enemy. I think these women are just miserable/insecure cos of all the pressure- they always feel the need to 'win', to be better. They hate knowing that there are other women out there who are attractive/intelligent/etc. I was always different to the girls in my town and never gelled with many for this reason- when I met a good looking girl I didn't hate her automatically- in fact I love having hot mates
Also, I've have often seen that with asian women they are either walked all over by their man or they walk all over him- why do you think that is? They rarely just get along peacefully without a power struggle/dominance
She does all that too but to a lesser extent. Yea my mom gets really jealous and always wants to be on top of her friends. It's like she and her friends all brag about/compare their kids and their accomplishments (I force her not to brag about me because its not her friends right to know what I got in my science final etc). They're always like "my son did this" and "but my daughter got that". They can't ever be happy for you, they always want you to fail and be better than you. My mom sometimes talks about her boss and co-workers behind their back. They also criticize a lot, "she's ugly", "she's too fat" or "she can't cook".
Yea the whole dominance thing is scary (my dad has little to no power in anything), I've never seen a peaceful Desi family (well one actually and that was because they were apparently a love marriage). Maybe because most of them don't truly love each other (my mom always says they are but for my entire live I've seen my parents hug once, my mom can look at my dad with love in her eyes but I've never seen my dad look at her the same way) , they're are always arranged so they haven't really built that much of a mutual respect for each other, I think. People who get into love marriages seem much more peaceful. Or maybe they are just always like that, no apparent reason.