Hi Lynna- You're lucky that you had a real choice. My mum just won't (can't?) accept that I don't believe and never will. She refuses to talk to me until I 'go back'- go back to her home, go back to islam, etc. Despite my telling her many times you can't just believe in something, you either do or don't! She just won't accept it and it sucks.
Serpent- I get you totally! You mean that the general term ex-muslim implies so much, bunching all of 'us' into the same category- there are many people on this site (and elsewhere I suppose) who were 'actual' muslims, praying, believing etc, then there are people like you and me who never believed, who tried to see some truth in it for the sake of making life easier, for the sake of other people (family) but in the end saw/admitted the battle (for Islam) was lost and it's all man made. Referring to us with the same title as those who really believed is misleading and you're right, perhaps a new title for people who were raised muslim but never believed WOULD highlight the abuse of forcing religion onto children- but what title? To just say nothing is misleading too as, despite the never believing, we (at least I) were so affected by Islam, have in fact escaped from it and that's taken a psychological toll- so what name?
How about 'the emancipated'? This term could be applied to any person who has escaped from religious/cult upbringing- so if someone asks what's your religion, you might say 'emancipated atheist', then they will perhaps ask from what religion you emancipated, and you can say islam. The term can be applied to those who never believed