Heard about this on the TV news. They stated that the planet was in our galaxy but "not in our solar system" and I had an overwhelming urge to shoot the TV.
Yes. Sometimes it is frustrating to realize that facts as simply as, ''Our solar system only has one sun.'', need to be clarified. However, consider the situations of many people in the current social condition of the world. Child who are never allowed to play outside and are only exposed to the alien worlds of there video games. These child may never have lookd up into th sky of this world and contemplated the fact that it has only one sun. Many, many adults rise and begin their work day in a climate controlled environments long before the sun rises. They are consealed from the sun until well after it sets. During their busy day these people may not have stopped to consider if this world has a sun at all, let alone if it has one or two. Think of how many people you know who seek the night life and blink painfully at the light of day. Do you think they consern themself with the munber of suns iin the sky?
Look at the concern if there is water on that planet and if it can be transported here should the need occur. That is planet 200 light years away. Most people do not stop to think where sceince stops and sceince fiction starts.
Sometimes you have to laugh or else you'll cry