OK, before you start to say that I am jealous of these celestial creatures, who doesn't have the brains to choose the right person for themselves (I mean who wants be such a devoted lover of all those idiotic suicide bombers and jihadists who rapes and kills innocent people?) and doesn't have any self-respect, stop. I am not jealous of them. I hope you all know that human women are superior to the houris in every way. But wherever I go, I see excesive support and praises of the houris, as if we human women are worthless. Yes, you got that right. I hate them. I am sure there are many out there who feels the same way. So if you are one of them, feel free to join the club. What do we do here? Rant about them of course. It's not exactly that we all can sign petitions and send them to God (as if the sexist God would listen). These heavenly women are enough to make me lose my faith in God, which for some weird reason I can't seem to lose. But I think I am on my way there, though. And houri lovers, if possible, avoid this thread.
No man here will able to resist them!
Your actions are futile