Okay, for the first time ever here are my objections to the KCA. It doesn't look like I am going to use them against Hamza, so I may as well post them
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.
4. There cannot be an infinite regression of natural causes to get here, so something must have decided to create the universe
5. Therefore the creator of the universe must be a conscious entity which is itself uncaused and exists in an eternal realm.
6. Occam's razor says there should only be one god, because you don't need two.
1/ Cannot be proven conclusively. Sure, it seems like the truth according to our every day notions of cause and effect, but I doubt it is possible to construct an ironclad logical proof of it. Without such a proof, the whole thing falls apart at the first stage.
2/ Unproven, at least at this stage.
3/ See 1.
4/ Unproven, and quite likely unprovable. The idea of infinite regression makes us uncomfortable, but anyone who is going to rely on infinite regression being impossible must first demonstrate that this actually is the case.
5/ Pulled straight out of someone's arse, with no substantiation.
6/ Occam's Razor merely says that entities should not be needlessly multiplied. In this case, we do not actually know how many would be needed.
Also, Occam's Razor is just a caution about making stuff up in the absence of evidence. It does not actually prohibit anything.