Okay, for the first time ever here are my objections to the KCA. It doesn't look like I am going to use them against Hamza, so I may as well post them
1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
2. The universe began to exist.
3. Therefore, the universe has a cause.
4. There cannot be an infinite regression of natural causes to get here, so something must have decided to create the universe
5. Therefore the creator of the universe must be a conscious entity which is itself uncaused and exists in an eternal realm.
6. Occam's razor says there should only be one god, because you don't need two.
>1. Whatever begins to exist has a cause.
We have never observed anything "begin to exist." We have only ever seen things made out of other material that already exists. A wooden table is made out of a tree. To compare the act of transforming matter into new configurations with something which is claimed to have spontaneously existed out of nothing is a fallacy....unless the claim is that god only "reconfigured" the matter/energy of the universe and that this matter/energy always existed. In which case, it would be more likely that the intelligent "reconfigurer" of the universe was created out of the matter/energy to start with.
>2. The universe began to exist.
This is an unproven assertion. The universe was once very small and existed in a different configuration. Our current understanding of physics does not explain what happens to massive objects when they get smaller than a specific size, so the origin of the energy which created the universe is unknown; yet there are numerous uncorroborated scientific theories we are pursuing.
>3. Therefore the universe has a cause
Incorrect based on 1+2. The universe's configuration changed, that I agree probably had a cause but not necessarily the universe itself.
>4. There cannot be an infinite regression of natural causes to get here, so something must have decided to create the universe
An infinite number of events can have passed if we have an infinite amount of time before now. However this just changes the argument from an infinite number of events to an infinite amount of time so answers nothing.
In fact theists deliberately say "infinite number of past events" to disguise that the real problem is an infinite amount of time. They do this simply because an uncreated entity must have existed for an infinite amount of time before creating the universe. So they change "infinite time" to "infinite number of events" and then change god to an "eternal" entity rather than one that has "existed forever."
>5. Therefore the creator of the universe must be a conscious entity which is itself uncaused and exists in an eternal realm.
If you reword their claim with compatible words you get the following
"The universe could not have been created by an infinite series of natural events because infinite time cannot have passed for us to reach 'now', so I propose that a god that has existed for an infinite amount of time before 'now' waited an infinite amount of time and then created the universe."
The usual counter argument is that god lives in a "timeless" realm. If this is the case then there is no change. If there is change then there is a rate of change and thus a measurement of time. Without change God cannot create. More importantly there is no cause followed by effect, and thus god cannot decide to create the universe and THEN create it, so god either had no choice, or played no part.
And if a "timeless realm" exists, then how do we know a natural phenomenon does not exist within this "timeless realm" creating new bubbles with universes within them each within their own "timeful realm"?
>6. Occam's razor says there should only be one god, because you don't need two.
Occam's razor says not to add complexities to an answer which are superfluous. The problem is that the Abrahmic god goes against Occam's razor.
A) God is all-powerful
Occam's razor requires the cause of the universe only need be powerful enough to cause the universe.
B) God is all-knowing
Occam's razor only requires god to know how to make a universe - or to know nothing at all but merely act in a way which created the universe.
C) God is omnipresent
Occam's razor only requires god to be present at the relevant place/time to create the universe, not everywhere + everytime all at the same time.
D) God is eternal
Occam's razor only requires god to exist for long enough to create the universe, it does not necessitate that god did not die in the process.
E) There only needs to be one god
You only need one god if god is all-powerful, but omnipotence is not necessary, and can already be argued to be superfluous. There is nothing in Occam's razor which states that two entities only half-powerful enough to create a universe could not have combined efforts. Or 100 entities with 100th of the power.
In fact using Occam's razor means all we need is a non-intelligent cause which reacted naturally in a way which would create a universe, and that this cause could be an unimaginably massive amount of tiny natural limited-power phenomenon which continuously bubbles around doing its stuff and that this occasionally combines in such a way which results in a high energy patch which then forms a bubble with a universe within it (like heated water which bubbles due to pockets of expanded water.)
The end.