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 Topic: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets

 (Read 53696 times)
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  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #300 - November 05, 2011, 12:33 PM

    I repeat:
    They don't try to change the value system because their god hates christians, jews, polytheist  or the kuffar in general. I have a problem with that religion called islam and with however thinks it has to delete our values system and implement the filthy sharia.

    Yes, you're against Anjem Choudhary. So is this Qur'anic animal.

    Anjem Choudary is a troll. You don't have to fear him or his kind, Muslims don't listen to him, that's why he needs to shout loud.

    From wiki:

    Choudary has been largely criticised by most UK newspapers, some of whom describe him as an extremist. In January 2010 Guardian contributor Mehdi Hasan wrote: "Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit attention or consideration? No. Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars? Nope. Does he have any Islamic qualifications or credentials? None whatsoever. So what gives him the right to pontificate on Islam, British Muslims or 'the hellfire'? Or proclaim himself a 'sharia judge'?", and claimed that Choudary was "as unrepresentative of British Muslim opinion, as he is of British anti-war opinion."[54] Conservative Party leader David Cameron said that Choudary "is one of those people who needs to be looked at seriously in terms of the legality of what he's saying because he strays, I think, extremely close to the line of encouraging hatred, extremism and violence."[55] Salma Yaqoob, the leader of Respect – The Unity Coalition, said of Choudary: "He is a bigot whose goal in life is to provoke division. He engages in these provocations because he is deeply hostile to any coming together of Muslims and non-Muslims. For him, the fact that a majority of the British people – Muslim and non-Muslim – oppose the war in Afghanistan is not something to be celebrated, but is something to be feared."[56] Rod Liddle, writing in The Spectator, said: "Anjem one of those thick-as-mince gobby little chancers who could only possibly come from Britain."[57] Conservatives in the United States have also been critical of Choudary. Fox News host Sean Hannity called him "one sick, miserable, evil S.O.B." during a segment on his show discussing the 2011 Egyptian protests.[58]

    Choudary has received little support from the mainstream Muslim community, although in January 2010 Telegraph writer Jamie Bartlett speculated that he might have "some" support among the minority of Muslims in the UK who could be considered to hold conservative views.[59]

    Tabloid criticism of Islam4UK and Choudary since news of the proposed march first became public has, generally, been vitriolic. The Sun printed an article on 6 January which claimed that Choudary was in receipt of state benefits, and said: "British-born father-of-four Choudary is notoriously vague about whether he works or has other money coming in." It continued, "He is understood to be employed by a Muslim organisation on a shoestring wage, which allows him to claim income support and free time to spread his hatred."[60] Choudary had first commented on the matter to the Evening Standard months earlier, stating "I don't think it's of any importance".[61] While generally, follow-up reporting of The Sun's article was restricted to other tabloid newspapers, on 12 January Choudary was asked to clarify the matter by ITN reporter Angus Walker. Choudary replied "The money belongs to Allah and if it is given, you can take it. You don't lie and you don't cheat – that is what the prophet said. I am not doing anything illegal."[62] Appearing on the BBC's The Daily Politics on 14 January, presenter Andrew Neil discussed with Choudary his opinions on the banning of Islam4UK, before asking him to comment on his financial status, claiming that it was "relevant to our viewers". Choudary told Neil that his finances were a personal matter, and that he was "doing something, and I don't want to discuss that with you. I'm not on Jobseeker's allowance, but at the same time I have family allowance, I have very firmly held views which I'm propagating at the same time." Responding to the media's criticism of him, Choudary said "I do believe that people have been whipped up into an anti-Islam anti-Muslim frenzy."[63]

    Islam4UK and its leader Anjem Choudary do not represent or speak for Islam or British Muslims but are a "platform" for the extremist movement al-Muhajiroun. There is no room for such kind of people or their organisations in our community or the peaceful religion of Islam.

    Dr Waqar Azmi OBE of the British Muslim Forum

    Do what you're suppsoed to do, and laugh at him. I do, and so do most others. He's in newspapers for us to laugh at, like a 30 stone American, it's not to take seriously, it's just shock material.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #301 - November 05, 2011, 12:43 PM

    Is DH still on the old trope of trying to show that anyone that professes to be a Muslim is a 5th columnist who will sometime soon bring the Western world to it's knees? Color me bored but the same old tropes and accusations get bored after a while.  Hey guys all the Jews Muslims are here to turn your paradise into a hell hole.  Better use violence against them because Lord knows we don't want them to get violent.  Rinse and repeat.    

    Quote from: Mandragoras on November 04, 2011, 05:49 AM
    If anybody can clarify this please. Is a good muslim the one that carries out the laws given by Allah? Like the 100 lashes for sex outside marriage, or chop the hand of the thief, or crucify and chop limbs of who goes against Allah and his messenger?

    Could you clarify what is considered in islam, according to the quoran, a good muslim?
    What is considered a good human being is not what according to the quoran is  a good muslim.
    But.....a bad muslim because doesn't follow some of the core of islam.....could be considered a good human being. Like for example if that muslim doesn't want to leave his daughter half of the heritage that his sons in his will. That is against the law of Allah, so he is a bad muslim. A good human being though, because he considers his daughter equal to his sons and doesn't want to leave his daughter with less just because of her gender, he is not beign sexist. Sexist=bad thing for good human beings.
    Do you agree?
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #302 - November 05, 2011, 12:55 PM

    Could you clarify what is considered in islam, according to the quoran, a good muslim?
    What is considered a good human being is not what according to the quoran is  a good muslim.
    But.....a bad muslim because doesn't follow some of the core of islam.....could be considered a good human being. Like for example if that muslim doesn't want to leave his daughter half of the heritage that his sons in his will. That is against the law of Allah, so he is a bad muslim. A good human being though, because he considers his daughter equal to his sons and doesn't want to leave his daughter with less just because of her gender, he is not beign sexist. Sexist=bad thing for good human beings.
    Do you agree?
    Do you agree?

    You're missing the freaking point! It doesn't matter what it says, it matters on the person, they PICK the scholars that agree with THEM already! They pick interpretations that agree with them.

    The only consensus is belief in God, praying, fasting, charity and pilrimage to Mecca. Everything else is disputed. From 1% alcoholic beverages to the lottery (good causes etc.)

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #303 - November 05, 2011, 01:03 PM

    Cannabis is illegal here, by law, yet it's smoked all the time.

    People do what they want to do.  False hadith. If it just so happens, what is written agrees with them, they will claim they are doing it BECAUSE it's written.

    Number one gay sex scandals? People who are not supposed to do it. Priests, televangelists, it's not even news anymore, it's expected.

    Best excuse by a Christian dude who got caught, can't remember his name: "  040 I was doing it to show them why it's wrong."

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #304 - November 05, 2011, 01:04 PM

    Yes, you're against Anjem Choudhary. So is this Qur'anic animal.

    Anjem Choudary is a troll. You don't have to fear him or his kind, Muslims don't listen to him, that's why he needs to shout loud.

    From wiki:

    Choudary has been largely criticised by most UK newspapers, some of whom describe him as an extremist. In January 2010 Guardian contributor Mehdi Hasan wrote: "Is Choudary an Islamic scholar whose views merit attention or consideration? No. Has he studied under leading Islamic scholars? Nope. Does he have any Islamic qualifications or credentials? None whatsoever. So what gives him the right to pontificate on Islam, British Muslims or 'the hellfire'? Or proclaim himself a 'sharia judge'?", and claimed that Choudary was "as unrepresentative of British Muslim opinion, as he is of British anti-war opinion."[54] Conservative Party leader David Cameron said that Choudary "is one of those people who needs to be looked at seriously in terms of the legality of what he's saying because he strays, I think, extremely close to the line of encouraging hatred, extremism and violence."[55] Salma Yaqoob, the leader of Respect – The Unity Coalition, said of Choudary: "He is a bigot whose goal in life is to provoke division. He engages in these provocations because he is deeply hostile to any coming together of Muslims and non-Muslims. For him, the fact that a majority of the British people – Muslim and non-Muslim – oppose the war in Afghanistan is not something to be celebrated, but is something to be feared."[56] Rod Liddle, writing in The Spectator, said: "Anjem one of those thick-as-mince gobby little chancers who could only possibly come from Britain."[57] Conservatives in the United States have also been critical of Choudary. Fox News host Sean Hannity called him "one sick, miserable, evil S.O.B." during a segment on his show discussing the 2011 Egyptian protests.[58]

    Choudary has received little support from the mainstream Muslim community, although in January 2010 Telegraph writer Jamie Bartlett speculated that he might have "some" support among the minority of Muslims in the UK who could be considered to hold conservative views.[59]

    Tabloid criticism of Islam4UK and Choudary since news of the proposed march first became public has, generally, been vitriolic. The Sun printed an article on 6 January which claimed that Choudary was in receipt of state benefits, and said: "British-born father-of-four Choudary is notoriously vague about whether he works or has other money coming in." It continued, "He is understood to be employed by a Muslim organisation on a shoestring wage, which allows him to claim income support and free time to spread his hatred."[60] Choudary had first commented on the matter to the Evening Standard months earlier, stating "I don't think it's of any importance".[61] While generally, follow-up reporting of The Sun's article was restricted to other tabloid newspapers, on 12 January Choudary was asked to clarify the matter by ITN reporter Angus Walker. Choudary replied "The money belongs to Allah and if it is given, you can take it. You don't lie and you don't cheat – that is what the prophet said. I am not doing anything illegal."[62] Appearing on the BBC's The Daily Politics on 14 January, presenter Andrew Neil discussed with Choudary his opinions on the banning of Islam4UK, before asking him to comment on his financial status, claiming that it was "relevant to our viewers". Choudary told Neil that his finances were a personal matter, and that he was "doing something, and I don't want to discuss that with you. I'm not on Jobseeker's allowance, but at the same time I have family allowance, I have very firmly held views which I'm propagating at the same time." Responding to the media's criticism of him, Choudary said "I do believe that people have been whipped up into an anti-Islam anti-Muslim frenzy."[63]

    Islam4UK and its leader Anjem Choudary do not represent or speak for Islam or British Muslims but are a "platform" for the extremist movement al-Muhajiroun. There is no room for such kind of people or their organisations in our community or the peaceful religion of Islam.

    Dr Waqar Azmi OBE of the British Muslim Forum

    Do what you're suppsoed to do, and laugh at him. I do, and so do most others. He's in newspapers for us to laugh at, like a 30 stone American, it's not to take seriously, it's just shock material.

    "There is no room for such kind of people or their organisations in our community or the peaceful religion of Islam"

    Sorry Islam is not peaceful. Is a supremacist ideology full of intolerance and violence and  comaradery for muslims.

    He represents the real islam, unfortunately. He understands it very well, in my opinion.

    Hey he was called a political animal in the interview, why not the other term  whistling2?

    Mohamed would be proud of him, that is for sure.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #305 - November 05, 2011, 01:09 PM

    You're missing the freaking point! It doesn't matter what it says, it matters on the person, they PICK the scholars that agree with THEM already! They pick interpretations that agree with them.

    The only consensus is belief in God, praying, fasting, charity and pilrimage to Mecca. Everything else is disputed. From 1% alcoholic beverages to the lottery (good causes etc.)

    So they pick interpretations....not what really says in the quoran, because the quoran is flipping clear about this! Whatever number of sons and daughters, if there are sons and daughters, the daughters gets half!. The rest are interpretations as you said. Allah doesn't like women to have equality and freedom because they depend on men. Simples.
    They pick interpretations that agree with their morals being far better than islam. So they are bad muslims in fact and good human beings  Smiley
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #306 - November 05, 2011, 01:11 PM

    Before there were Christians or Muslims in the Middle East, there was wine.

    I do wish religion would stay out of the kitchen, the bedroom and the wardrobe, and confine its attentions to stuff that doesn't matter like the soul.

    The miracle of Jesus was turning water into wine, the miracle of Muhammad  evil was turning it back into water.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #307 - November 05, 2011, 01:13 PM

    So they pick interpretations....not what really says in the quoran, because the quoran is flipping clear about this! Whatever number of sons and daughters, if there are sons and daughters, the daughters gets half!. The rest are interpretations as you said. Allah doesn't like women to have equality and freedom because they depend on men. Simples.
    They pick interpretations that agree with their morals being far better than islam. So they are bad muslims in fact and good human beings  Smiley

     Jail time

    Giving Up.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #308 - November 05, 2011, 01:18 PM

    "There is no room for such kind of people or their organisations in our community or the peaceful religion of Islam"

    Sorry Islam is not peaceful. Is a supremacist ideology full of intolerance and violence and  comaradery for muslims.

    He represents the real islam, unfortunately. He understands it very well, in my opinion.

    Hey he was called a political animal in the interview, why not the other term  whistling2?

    Mohamed would be proud of him, that is for sure. disagree with most Muslims on their views on Islam?

    For someone who hates Anjem Choudhary, you sure have a lot in common with him.  cheers

    1 - You both know what Islam is, no one can disagree with you.

    2 - You both have zero qualifications in Islamic studies, law, Arabic.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #309 - November 05, 2011, 01:23 PM

    The interesting point of that video is that Majid Nawaz (Muslim) was nodding in agreement with Maryam Namazie (ex-Muslim) not with Choudhary.

    So yeah.


    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #310 - November 05, 2011, 01:24 PM

    Completely off-topic, but why did you choose mandrake as your user name and avatar, Mandragora?

    (Clicky for piccy!)

    It's a beautiful root plant isn't it? Cool humanish shape, in medieval times "had" miraculous properties, I love the name (it reminds me of some kind of wizard) and in the film Pan's laberinth (I'm spanish) it was a special help. And because I feel conected with nature, I thougth that maybe I was a mandrake in my previous life  Wink
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #311 - November 05, 2011, 01:26 PM

    Jail time

    Giving Up.

    Different opinions, that's all  Wink
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #312 - November 05, 2011, 01:28 PM

    It's a beautiful root plant isn't it? Cool humanish shape, in medieval times "had" miraculous properties, I love the name (it reminds me of some kind of wizard) and in the film Pan's laberinth (I'm spanish) it was a special help. And because I feel conected with nature, I thougth that maybe I was a mandrake in my previous life  Wink

    So...were your ancestors in the Spanish Inquisition?

    Why bother now? It's over.  beatdeadhorse

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #313 - November 05, 2011, 01:40 PM

    Quote from: Mandragoras on Today at 08:24 AM
    It's a beautiful root plant isn't it? Cool humanish shape, in medieval times "had" miraculous properties, I love the name (it reminds me of some kind of wizard) and in the film Pan's laberinth (I'm spanish) it was a special help. And because I feel conected with nature, I thougth that maybe I was a mandrake in my previous life  Wink

    So...were your ancestors in the Spanish Inquisition?

    Why bother now? It's over.  beatdeadhorse

    The spanish inquisition or their victims, there is a possibility of course!
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #314 - November 05, 2011, 01:44 PM disagree with most Muslims on their views on Islam?

    For someone who hates Anjem Choudhary, you sure have a lot in common with him.  cheers

    1 - You both know what Islam is, no one can disagree with you.

    2 - You both have zero qualifications in Islamic studies, law, Arabic.

    Yep, as Hassan said before, people have incredible ways of avoiding the nasty stuff and focusing in the more pleasant parts of the quoran. They are far better than the religion itself!

    Let's face it, Mohamed had a massive ego and a little bit of humanity for certain things. But a fucking massive ego. The more powerful he became, the more tyrant and more "us against them" he got . It's like that the progression of the quoran. The earlier revelation chapters, more let's make it together or you go to hell, the later, let's make it together and obey me, or your head will roll or live in humiliation under my foot.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #315 - November 05, 2011, 02:01 PM

    The birth of all nations has it's problems. I mean, even in 1945, we won WW2, by commiting what we would call war crimes today.

    We can agree that Churchill was a good dude overall. But not perfect, that's where religion is a problem, when imperfect men are not viewed as such.

    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #316 - November 05, 2011, 03:12 PM

    We are being colonised by the Islamists, you only have to look at places like Tower Hamlets to see how this is being done.
    Threats of violence and intimidation, actual violence, 15 gay pubs, now only one, most Jewish people have left due to attacks on them, synagog now almost empty, the banning of lap dancing clubs is the latest bit from Major Rahman.
    Local Christian church attacked, vicar assaulted and it has become an Islamic power base with a one billion budget.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #317 - November 05, 2011, 04:24 PM


    Before Jesus was, I AM.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #318 - November 05, 2011, 06:52 PM

    We are being colonised by the Islamists, you only have to look at places like Tower Hamlets to see how this is being done.
    Threats of violence and intimidation, actual violence, 15 gay pubs, now only one, most Jewish people have left due to attacks on them, synagog now almost empty, the banning of lap dancing clubs is the latest bit from Major Rahman.
    Local Christian church attacked, vicar assaulted and it has become an Islamic power base with a one billion budget.


    I fear that this will be the case in more and more cities all over Europe. Main problem is that the "moderate" Muslims will always stand behind the Islamists. Parts of Dutch cities have been taken over the same way. But the local politicians don't live there. They will only act when their neigbourhoods will be taken over. Naive leftists....

    Religion is organized superstition
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #319 - November 05, 2011, 08:39 PM

    A lot of muslims and Islamic organisations have condemned the likes of Anjem Choudary.

    I think a lot of those "moderates" sympathise with some Islamists because of their rhetoric regarding Palestine, Iraq etc. I don't think anyone can blame them for that.
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #320 - November 06, 2011, 06:41 PM

    Yes, you can blame them for that, is it the fault of us ordinary folk for the problems in Palestine or any where in the world, can they not appreciate the host country giving them refuge, allowing access to our schools, health service, housing etc, giving them a far better life than they could ever expect in the country of origin.
    They should be thanking us not blowing us up on airlines, buses and tubes. Not trying to take over our cities and trying to enforce the very conditions that their parents and grandparents escaped from, to me it is a form of madness. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #321 - November 06, 2011, 07:16 PM

    Yes, you can blame them for that, is it the fault of us ordinary folk for the problems in Palestine or any where in the world, can they not appreciate the host country giving them refuge, allowing access to our schools, health service, housing etc, giving them a far better life than they could ever expect in the country of origin.
    They should be thanking us not blowing us up on airlines, buses and tubes.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #322 - November 06, 2011, 10:32 PM

    Our only hope.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #323 - November 06, 2011, 10:39 PM

    fucking hell, if thats our only hope, then all hope is abandoned  wacko

    The EDL are a facebook page with a militant wing of a few hundred looking for a ruck, as someone wrote recently.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #324 - November 06, 2011, 11:34 PM

    You are so wrong Billy, we can put thousands on the street, imagine if we could get a thousand Muslims, a thousand black people a thousand LGBT, there would be no stopping us.

    EDL have had protests of about one a week for two and a half years now, so we are tired mate, worn out and the cost to each of us is high in terms of money and even family life. If nothing else you should admire the dedication of many of these young men and women.

    This Idea that we are looking for a "ruck" is wrong, we defend ourselves, mainly from those idiots in the UAF and the muslim youth that they encourage to come out to have a go. UAF go around each town we protest in and tell these youth, EDL are coming to rape your women and attack your mosques and we have done no such thing.
    It's complete bull and you have to start seeing beyond this. You have to see beyond the anti EDL hype.

    Mariam and one law for all has made a huge mistake in not joining with us, she could have have had huge influence, she was admired for her stance against the Islamists but no she made a decision that we are right wing, in fact far right wing, when this is blatantly not true.
    We are not any wing, we are just no longer silent.

    We've killed no one, can you say the same for the Islamists.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #325 - November 07, 2011, 12:28 AM

    arthur, we've been having this conversation since you arrived here. Having it again seems pointless, because you are delusional about the malignancy and misguidedness of the reality of the EDL.

    As to saying that Maryam Namazie was wrong not to ally with you, on the contrary. Her revulsion towards your footsoldiers mob aggregation proves her instincts are right.

    "we can smell traitors and country haters"

    God is Love.
    Love is Blind. Stevie Wonder is blind. Therefore, Stevie Wonder is God.

  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #326 - November 07, 2011, 05:50 AM

    I've read quite a lot about Sufism or "sugar coated Islam" as it's been called. Referring to the existence of Sufism does not in itself constitute an answer my question to AbuAli you quoted - no more than pointing to violence in the bible in itself answers questions regarding the perculiarly Muslim ongoing tendency to commit violence and human rights abuses in the name of their god.

    A strong and historically significant strain of Islamic belief is shown to be very capable of contradicting traditional mainstream Islamic interpretations of commandments, both in particular detail and in spirit. And this wouldn't answer the question of whether or not Muslims are capable of interpreting their religious texts in contradiction to scholarly consensus and in accord with personal conscience in spite of the logical inconsistencies inherent in the process?  Roll Eyes

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #327 - November 07, 2011, 05:59 AM

    Yes, you can blame them for that, is it the fault of us ordinary folk for the problems in Palestine or any where in the world, can they not appreciate the host country giving them refuge, allowing access to our schools, health service, housing etc, giving them a far better life than they could ever expect in the country of origin.
    They should be thanking us not blowing us up on airlines, buses and tubes. Not trying to take over our cities and trying to enforce the very conditions that their parents and grandparents escaped from, to me it is a form of madness. Cutting off your nose to spite your face.



    Did you even read Aphrodite's post? You know, the one right above this misdirected piece of drivel.

    how fuck works without shit??

    Let's Play Chess!

    harakaat, friend, RIP
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #328 - November 07, 2011, 07:12 AM

    Quote from: post human
    Native means displaced/replaced by force.

    So before European immigrants had built up sufficient numerical strength to displace the "Native Americans" by force the word "native" did not properly apply to the pre-columbian population of North America. Do I understand your reasoning correctly?

    Nobody talks about the natives of Europe,

    Many people do. The question is whether it is a valid designation.

    because most of the "natives" of Europe, are not in Europe, by the actions of people from Europe. This cannot be said of any other "native".

    Really? What about the Turks who overran Anatolia in centuries past? Or the Arabs of North Africa whose ancestors overran the region in several waves of conquest? How did the later European waves of conquest and colonisation differ from these?

    The human story is a story of migration.

    And conquest and displacement of one incumbent group by "immigrants", as the two examples I give above show.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
  • Re: The heart of the EDL army is online, not on the streets
     Reply #329 - November 07, 2011, 07:15 AM

    A strong and historically significant strain of Islamic belief is shown to be very capable of contradicting traditional mainstream Islamic interpretations of commandments, both in particular detail and in spirit. And this wouldn't answer the question of whether or not Muslims are capable of interpreting their religious texts in contradiction to scholarly consensus and in accord with personal conscience in spite of the logical inconsistencies inherent in the process?  Roll Eyes

    Re-read my question to Abuali, which again you have not addressed.

    The mosque: the most epic display of collective douchbaggery, arrogance and delusion
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