errrrrrrrr............................. the tune is catchy
What I'd love to do is have a big parade going through a heavily Muslim neighbourhood with scantly clad females, booming music; BBQ's being rolled down the road cooking pork - allowing the aroma to waft through the area. A litter of dogs following the parade through whilst on a massive float there is a giant orgy occurring - with all manner of debauchery
oops and I forgot the mention - the finest wine will be on offer. oh, and there will be people marching wearing silk and gold
The Muslims have their 'call to prayer' - we can have our sacred and reverent parade of debauchery every friday which just so happens to occur after Friday prayers
They have their right to scream over a loud speaker and file off to do their prayers, we have the right to celebrate buggery, muslim, wine, silk, gold and pork.
OK, someone needs a chill pill. Id hate to be in your dreams mate.
I don't hate people, I just like to irritate them
Btw, would you like to join the debauchery parade?
Hell no. I hate everything to do with the parade apart from the silk. I dont mind silk.
Im a vege, I dont like the whole women idea but I dont mind dogs. I dont drink alcohol either so tis lost on me.
We'll get you to hold some tomatos and your partner to hold some cucumbers; apparently according to an Islamic edict - females aren't allow to handle phallic shaped vegetables, and I assume men aren't allowed to hold tomatos since they're considered 'female'