Had a crazy dream last night.
I was driving in some tiny car the size of a small table, it was an old bush basher, but looked like a car from the early 1900s but much much smaller and very old and wasn't in good working condition. I was driving to Ayres rock with the kids, except that I also had another kid, a little 7/8 month old baby on my lap as we were driving. We were driving through many country towns and eventually we ran out of gas.
So we hopped out and walked into this service station. I had the baby in my arm, and the kids walking behind me. I think to myself,
what the fuck am I going to do for money, we have to get some money so that I can buy some more petrol... So I walk up to some guy, handsome fellah, and grab him by his shirt and say, "You! You're coming with me!" and he seems to know exactly what I'm talking about, I'm going to blow him in exchange for money. Like he knows what I mean but I hadn't told him that's what I was going to do.
So me and the bloke walk to the back of the service station, with the kids walking behind me and I'm carrying the baby in my arms. I'm going to blow this dude with the baby in my arm.
We walk into the toilets, but every stall is full of people fucking... I'm like, WTF this is so fucked up, and I say to the guy, "Sorry mate, but it looks like I'm not going to be able to blow you, I really needed the money too." I'm so frustrated in my dream 'cause I really needed the money so that we could get to Ayers rock. But the guy is a really nice bloke, and he says to me, "Hey, don't worry about it, here have this money and get the kid's something to eat," so he hands me a wad of notes.
The kids and I jump back in the little bush basher after filling it up with petrol and we take off... as I drive off I'm thinking to myself, "WTF was I thinking going to blow a guy with my baby in my arms? What kind of mother am I anyway?"
Woke up and thought, WTF?! WTF does that dream mean? That was crazy and weird... who has dreams like that?! I'd really love to know what the fuck does that dream mean... Can imagine Freud would have a field day with that if he was still alive. Dunno, is one of my more messed up sexual dreams, very messed up.
How many times do I have to dream about traveling to Ayers rock anyway? And what's the deal with the prostitution part of it, not to mention going to do it with a baby in my arm? Like what the fuck is going on in my head?
Least the guy was pretty hot, he was in his 40s but he was really hot, like really hot and not the sleazy sort, more like some dude with class, nice shirt that wasn't done up properly so that you could see his chest, sleeves rolled up, nice pants (kind of like pants from a suit). Hair gelled and he had a smooth chin, but really masculine jawline.