[Yellow Sky]In Buddhism, it is better to masturbate than be adulterous or rape.
We do not even need gods to tell us this.
Please don't take this as in any way a personal insult, Yellow Sky, but as an ex-Buddhist, I feel the need to add my own experiences to this.
Yes, in Buddhism it is better to masturbate than be adulterous or rape, but it is also considered even better to refrain from sexual activity period.
The Buddha advocated celibacy, which is why all monks and nuns are celibate. He also expressed concern that by letting women into his religion, the sexual tensions would destroy Buddhism.
Do you believe that celibacy is special?
I am against ALL organized religions, and think they are unnecessary. I think human beings can be moral and find meaning in their lives without organized religions.
Please don't take this post the wrong way.