@ Neale:I haven't watched the one with Sam Harris, I will make sure I watch it.
I don't know the debate with Hitchens was long and needed a lot of concentration, I can't remember all the points WLC made but he surely made good ones and Hitchens seemed to be all over the place.
Shelly Kagan owned him, imo.
Assuming that him whining and crying foul like a pussy-whipped bitch afterwards is an indicator of being 'owned'.
I think it is safe to assume that.
Anyways I opened this thread cuz many times I would run onto Religious people saying that the guy who atheists swear by got owned terribly, I thought they were full of shit until I watched the debate and saw how reallt Hitchens didn't do well, I am not saying he sucked 100%, he brought up also some good points but definitely in the end WLC got him.
@ serpentofedenyeah but don't u think he has a point in there.
Most of the facts point u to the God's existence, I watched some of his Arguments, the Cosmological Argument, Teleological Argument and some other stuff which I think are very well elaborated by WLC.
Since I am relatively new to all this debates for and against the Existance of god and so on and on I can't quite be that good at detecting when someone makes a logical fallacy or so on and on.
In the Other hand doesn't The Big Bang theory some kind of Assumption that Matter and Energy existed before the current state of the universe differently or the universe Existed but it was not as it is now.
I am downloading the Sam Harris Debate now