It's a very good wheelbarrow.
Anyway, just in case anyone gives a rat's, Australia used to be known as the land of parrots. There's a Chinese map from the 17th century that refers to it as such. Australis
Terra Australis is described phonetically as "Magellania" (Mowalanijia 墨瓦臘泥加), a name given to the continent at the time in honour of Magellan. The map mentions how little is known about this continent: "Few have reached these southern regions, [therefore] the things [related to them] are not explored yet" (ci nanfang di ren zhi zhe shao, wei shen qi wu 此南方地人至者少, 未審其物).
- Yingge di 鸚哥地 ? "Parrot Country" (Terra Psittacorum - Australia)
European maps of the period also had it mentioned (but with the wrong shape and location, of course). Note where it says "Psittacorum Regio", which is Latin for "Kingdom of the Parrots".
So, know you know where my obssession with parrots comes from. I'm surrounded by them and they are lotsa fun.
Devious, treacherous, murderous, neanderthal, sub-human of the West.