My old friend used to be a pretty liberal and moderate muslim, until a few months ago when he suddenly got super-taliban. Today he wrote this in his blog:
i wonder what are in the heads of those who disbelieved.
i mean, disbelief in Islam. disbelief in Allah. disbelief in the idea of God. and they remain full of answers that there is no answer at all. that there is no hereafter. there is no after life. there is no judgement. there was no beginning(unless their scientist actually found a particular date which all life begins, and which the laymen might not even understand in the first place), and there probably is no end.
that life happens only once. that after this, there is nothing else to look for. so might as well enjoy everything we can in this life. do anything you like. do anything you want. do what you want. without a care in the world. well, there might be a care in the world, but the result of that is only in this world, and no further than that.
the idea, that the people of religion, follow blindly to their text and books, that they claim that people with religion are dumbfounded, cant think for themselves, cant argue about their text, and are stuck in their pre-historic laws that they cannot advance in the way of life.
and they claim, that they know more about your religion than you. that they have done their study, and concluded that the idea of a God ruling over us, is ridiculous, without physical proofs, without any basis of logic and reason, and the idea of an afterlife are subject to assumption.
they trust what some, and ignore some other. and they judge others who do not follow their ideas and perspective. they claim we are stupid and weak for our need of a God, and they are more superior that they can actually think for themselves and dont need a God to govern them.
that Nature, works on its own. that the universe, moves on its own. that their own hearts, beats on its own. without anyone telling it to. without anyone controlling it. without anyone bringing it to life, and ending it. without anyone constructing it, designing it, or putting it in its place.
they run away from the questions of the unseen, and bombard you with the idea that, if you cant see it, then its not there.
they use that argument all the time. they argue that you cant see God, therefore there is no God. we argue that we cant see their brain, but they use science and say that someone has dissected a human’s head to see the brain, therefore, it exists. and nowadays we have x rays, so we can see the brain without dissecting someone.
my argument is as follows
take any unseen item, and to see it, you need to open the things that covers it. you need to dissect them. correct?
to see the brain, you need to dissect the head.
to see the heart, you need to dissect the body.
how about Allah? how do you see Allah?
do you need to dissect something in order to see Allah?
something must give way, in order for Allah to be seen. something must make way, for Allah, the Almighty, to appear in All His Glory
He already says, that He sits on His throne, above the seven heavens.
He already says, that when the world ends, and everything that was created perish, nothing will remain except His Face. and in some translation, His Essence.
He already says, that when everyone will be resurrected before Him to be judged of their actions in life, that they will indeed, see Him with their own eyes.
Allah will make our eyes, capable of sight towards His Glory.
so basically, you need to dissect, life. in order to see Him
there are multiple lectures out there, a lot of scholars out there, that can give a more clearer explainations to the existence of Allah. heck, even scientists have already found proof that this whole existence is a creation of an Almighty God. that science found the things that the Quran has already stated ages ago. that science has recently found the paterns and the design markings of an actual Creator.
the truth is, the answers are all around you.
for those who actually seek answers.
you can lie to yourself, telling yourself that you are honestly seeking guidance and answers. but you cant lie to your heart. and the heart is in the Hands of He who created it. only He knows what truly lies in your heart. your actions and words, speaks for itself and shows about your honesty and your heart. regardless of what you say.
so believe what you will. choose what you will.
for we will be judged by the choice that we make.
If only I lived close enough to him so I could beat some sense into the guy.