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 Topic: Pat Condell is right?

 (Read 1890 times)
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  • Pat Condell is right?
     OP - December 24, 2011, 04:13 PM

    So I was gaming and met a guy. I revealed I was an ex-muslim and I asked him what religion was he from. He replied "If I were to told you, will you be a racist?". And I was like.... I guess Pat Condell is right about the paranoia and accusations of racism when Islam by itself is not a race. Anyone has similar encounters?

    "Children of Abel, Children of Cain
     Can live in harmony, without shame
     The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
     Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
     Without the water, the wisdom of past
     Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast"
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #1 - December 24, 2011, 04:16 PM

    Dude I Was Just asking Because there's some Recent "Unpleasent" event occur when I tell about my religion So Sorry If I Hurt ya feeling  yes
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #2 - December 24, 2011, 04:32 PM

    Yeah you showed up.  Not that it hurts. Just doing some referencing =)

    "Children of Abel, Children of Cain
     Can live in harmony, without shame
     The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
     Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
     Without the water, the wisdom of past
     Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast"
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #3 - December 24, 2011, 04:34 PM

    Interesting thread here. Didn't know Malaysia have these incidents !;topicseen

    "Children of Abel, Children of Cain
     Can live in harmony, without shame
     The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
     Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
     Without the water, the wisdom of past
     Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast"
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #4 - December 24, 2011, 05:54 PM

    Although I'm Malaysian I Say That This Incident does occur but the citizens doesn't know I'm not joking No news about this came out of the news
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #5 - December 24, 2011, 05:56 PM

    To BE honest I don't know what is happening to Malaysia now Huh? I just hope this stuff will not continue  Afro
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #6 - December 24, 2011, 06:51 PM

    islam is not a race, but muslims are racialized. what's ironic is that pat condell is one of those who racializes muslims.
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #7 - December 24, 2011, 09:01 PM

    ^ and how does he do that?
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #8 - December 24, 2011, 09:04 PM
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #9 - December 24, 2011, 11:35 PM

     Afro Thanks Abood

    for giving substance to something I wrote earlier on the 'It's not Islam' thread.

    >>>>But the fact that the vast majority of muslims are brown does imo play a part in their demonisation<<<<

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #10 - December 24, 2011, 11:43 PM

    what's "brown"? that itself is a huge generalization. are only people of the indian sub-continent brown? are indonesians brown? are persians brown? are north africans brown? are levantians brown? are people of the arabian peninsula brown? do all those people share the same culture?
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #11 - December 25, 2011, 12:14 AM

    Well they are all at least off-white and not black. Like I said vast majority. One day the whole world will be brown.

    I am my own worst enemy and best friend, itsa bit of a squeeze in a three-quarter bed, tho. Unhinged!? If I was a dog I would be having kittens, that is unhinged. Footloose n fancy free, forced to fit, fated to fly. One or 2 words, 3 and 3/thirds, looking comely but lonely, till I made them homely.D
  • Re: Pat Condell is right?
     Reply #12 - December 25, 2011, 02:16 AM

    Thanks for the article Abood ^^

    "Children of Abel, Children of Cain
     Can live in harmony, without shame
     The keys that I grant thee, The Sacred Land
     Are dry desert sand on the palm of your hand
     Without the water, the wisdom of past
     Will run through your fingers, forgotten so fast"
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